Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A small pod slammed into the giant cusions in the space center. I was well into the evening as many spectators had already gone off to bed. Starcrest, Diana, and Luana walked up to open the small craft and wake the sleeping passenger. Diana yelped and jumped back as the door opened and white gas streamed out. Starcrest and Lunan watched as a dark brown paw stepped onto the cusion. Another pair of dark brown paws emerged and gripped the sided of the opening. A white head with dark brown ears, top lips and bridge on the nose came out and examined the place with emerald green eyes. A white body followed the head and a long dark brown tail followed with the final paw, also dark brown. The cat straightened and stood on it's hind legs.
" I'M HERE!" He shouted and leaped around.
" T.J.!" Diana cheered and scooped the cat into her arms. She hugged him and gave him little kissed.
" Well, hello your highness." T.J. blushed. " And a fond hello to you prince." T.J. waved to Starcrest. " Ah! Old Man!" T.J. yipped and leaped onto the ground. He ran up to Lunan and gave him a big hug.
" Call me ' Old Man' again and I shall skin you." Lunan warned.
" Sure." The odd cat grinned. " So, what's to eat around here?"

Everyone watched as T.J. scarfed down plate after plate of food. Diana blinked in wonder and Starcrest gulped in disgust.
" So, you know why you are here?" He asked.
" Yep. Is the proto-type ready for testing?" T.J. asked slurping down a long string of spaggehtti.
" Yes." Starcrest said turning a bit green.
" When did you last eat?" Diana asked.
" When I was on Kunou-sei. Those peoples had some really bad tasting food. Nothing like the delectable food of Lyona-sei! The best food around!" He cheered and slid a whole pie in his mouth. Starcrest groaned. Diana gaped. She slid a whole platter of meatloaf down his throat, causing Starcrest to leave the room and Diana to actually turn a shade of green.

When T.J. had finished his feast, he curled up on the rug next to the main fire place and had fallen asleep. Starcrest had retired to his room a long time ago as did Heero. Diana was the only one up at the midnight hours. She was creeping along the castle's darkened halls, poking her head into different doors and openings. Her feet made absolutely no noise as she whisked down the halls. She slowed to a stop at the Library and peeked in. Seeing no one around, she slipped into the large room and walked carefuly towards the window. Very few people actually knew of her occasional outings, so she knew she was safe, but Diana knew better and still crept around quietly.
She came to one of the large stained glass windows and gently opened them. Stepping onto the sil she looked into the double moon sky and breathed in deeply. Diana leaped out into the night sky and flew off to the remote place she alone knew about and kept secret.
" Nothing can keep a secret better than the moon and stars." She whispered as she flew off to the island.

With out her knowledge, a few guards who had been spying on her, curious about where she kept going, watched her leave and followed a good distance away. The trio watched as she landed on an island and vanish into the trees. They landed soon after and were immediately caught by their cunning princess.
" What are you doing?" She asked as she emerged from the shadows.
" W-we were curious why you left sometimes. W-we were fearful of your safety." One stammered.
" Really." Diana smiled. " Well, that's sweet and all, but I really don't need a group of guards. I'm fine alone." She said as she released them. " Go back home and keep a very good eye one my brother and Heero."
" What about Mr. T.J.?" The female guard asked.
" Him? Oh, he'll be fine without any trouble. I doubt anyone would like to kidnap an annoying, molecularly unstable, mentally unstable cat." Diana laughed as did the other guards. " Now, get on home and you'll see me tomorrow morning." She said.
They nodded and bowed respectfully. As they flew off, Diana shifted into her red level and used her magic to erase their memories. She used a permanent speakinging spell, otherwise, when she shifted back into her normal form, the spell would wear off. She turned and walked into the silent forest.

Heero woke early that morning and found Diana sleeping still beside him. He smiled and stroked her hair. She mumbled and snuggled closer. Heero started to get out of the bed, but Diana growled and latched a hand and tail on his foot and wrist.
" Can't I get up yet?" He asked her, not thinking that she would be awake.
" No." She growled and yanked him back into the bed. " You have no idead how cold the bed gets when you leave." She wrapped her arms around him and her tail snaked around his thigh.
" Really." He said and relaxed again.
" Diana! Heero! We have a problem!" Lunan burst into their room and jumped onto the bed. Scaring both occupants.
" What? What is it?" Diana asked.
" It's Freiza. He's landing on Vegeta-sei. I have a very bad feeling with that." Lunan's whiskers shivered, a very bad sign.
" I'm on it." Diana said and got out of bed. She dashed into the closet and threw off her night clothes and slipped on a green shirt and black pants. She put on socks and shoes and tied back her hair in her custom ponytail. Diana ran back into the room and stopped when she saw Heero's face. " What's wrong?"
" Why do you have to go? Why can't someone else?" He asked and stood.
" Because I'm the only one who can defeat Freiza when he's at his fullest."
" So? Gather a whole group of Lyona-jins and Saiya-jins and attck him at once! I can't stand that you are the one with so much power that you could destroy an entire galaxy without a single thought." He turned away from her, angry and fearful of her safety.
" Well, how about that I promise to come back in one piece." Diana said kindly and walked up behind him. She hugged him. " I promise that I will come back home, annd you can take that to the bank." She rubbed her cheek against his back.
" You had better." He said in a low voice. Diana kissed his back and left the room in a hurry.
She ran down the hall and spotted T.J. She ran fasted and snatched him up as she passed him. Setting him on her shoulder, she leaped through an open window and flew into the sky. She shifted into her dragon form and flew into the atmosphere.

On Vegeta-sei, Freiza's ship had started landing. Helen, Vegeta, Shae, Anna, and Renkon ( Vegeta's older brother) all watched the space ship lowering on their grounds. Helen had been the one to contact Lyona-sei, against Vegeta's wishes. She knew that they were not able to defeat him alone, but with the help of Diana they might stand a chance.
" Why did you have to call that woman?" Vegeta growled.
" Because if we all combine our powers, we will be able to defeat him." Anna said.
" I wasn't asking you!" He snapped.
" Shut up Vegeta and be thankful that Diana is coming. If she wouldn't come, then Freiza will destroy our world and hers with it." Renkon said firmly, silenncing Vegeta.
" Look! There she is!" Helen pointed towards a white dot coming in at supre sonic speed. It passed over the ship and a small fire ball slammed into the window, beaking it and blowing up whatever else was inside. The dragon flew over the palace and a smaller object leaped off and fell towards them.
" What is that?" Shae asked.
" Oh, no! It's T.J.!" Renkon shouted. Both he and Vegeta ran for a hiding spot.
The cat landed and smiled broadly at the remaining girls. " Hello, peoples!"
" Diana! Why did you bring him?" Helen shouted as Diana, in her normal form, jumped down from the roof.
" Because, he will be very useful to us." She said and picked up T.J. " Now, shall we get this party started or what?" She grinned at them.
" Let's do it!" Shae shouted.
The girls flew off with Vegeta and Renkon following a distance behind. They positioned themselves around the ship and prepared to fire at anything that came out. Diana aimed a large ki ball at the top hatch and waited. Her nerves jumped as the hatch opened and a two forms came out coughing and choking.
" Wait!" Diana shouted and flew down towards them, her ki ball still ready to hit something. " Who are you? Where's Freiza and its gay friends?" She asked leveling the ball at their heads.
" My name's Sky and this is Cyprus. We are travelers, don't kill us." The one with cerulean hair and gold eyes coughed. He was dressed in Saiya-jin armor without shoulder guards over a cream green-blue body suit. He had white gloves and boots.
Cyprus had black hair and eyes. He wore a plain dark blue body suit and white gloves and boots, no armor. The most strangest thing was that his ears were slightly pointed and he had a long brown tail.
Diana's eyes shifted slowly towards another tail waving around in the air. She gasped and stumbled back when she saw the dark colored Lyona-jin tail. " Y-you're a L-Lyona-jin!" She gasped and stared wide eyed at Sky.

Vegeta and Renkon were busy glaring at Sky and Cyprus to ask them any questions, so the girls took the job of interrogating them.
" What are you doing in a ship like Freiza's?" Helen asked.
" That's a past I really don't want to talk about." Sky growled low.
" Sound's like a Saiya-jin." Diana whispered to Anna, who kicked her in the leg.
" Why are you travelers? Don't you have a home?" Diana asked.
Sky looked at her with a VERY hard glare. Cyprus just looked away.
" What? It's an innocent question." She said defensively.
" I have been banished from this planet for a long time. The reasons, I will not say. But all I know is that you must be the most stupidest person to as me if I have a home!" Sky said as he stood, pointing a finger angrilly at Diana, who shrank back and stared at him wide eyed.
" Sit down and behave!" Shae snapped. " She didn't know, she has been off planet a lot and hasn't had time to go into studies and history."
" You could have told her. After all, you did create me." Sky growled and walked out. Cyprus watched him leave and frowned. The others stared at Shae with dinner plate eyes and floor touching jaws.
" Shae, I think it would be wise of you to explain that." Helen said slowly.

Sky walked out into the court yard and sat on a bench. He was extremely upset that his own creator didn't even recognize him. Well, why should she? Vegeta banished him from the planet before he was five. And Shae had tons of things to do, so she never had time to tend to him. All he was to her was just another completed project. Sky sighed and rested his head in his gloved hands.
" You ok?" A voice asked. Sky lifted his head a bit and looked at a siamese cat sitting in front of him.
" A cat talking. Now I've heard everything. I must be going mad or something." He muttered.
" I am not any ordianry cat." T.J. grinned. " I am a Dragon-jin. A rare breed of cat and the only one whose molecules are unstable." He demonstrated by popping off his head and rolling it around in his paws. Interestingly he was still alive and no blood poured out. The place where T.J. had yanked off his head was sealed off with a coat of white fur.
" What a strange cat you are." Sky said and grabbed T.J.'s head. He pushed it back on it's designated spot until a small click was heard. Sky picked up the cat and placed him in his lap. He then began to stroke the soft fur. T.J. relaxed totally and purred. " But obviously you are a cat that does enjoy a petting when the opportunity opens."
" True, true." T.J. purred happily.

Diana stared at Shae as she explained that she wanted to create a being with Saiya-jin and Lyona-jin DNA. She had used Diana's and Vegeta's DNA to create him. She explained in scientific and magic mumbo jumbo, that Diana rarely understood fully. She got to the part when Vegeta found out what she had done and how she had done it. He exiled the child from any planets near Vegeta-sei or Lyona-sei.
He gulped when Diana's head turned slowly towards him, her eyes slitted and burning. Shae continued with her story, but Diana wasn't listening. Her focus was on Vegeta.
" You little PRICK!" She snapped. All the lights in the room burst. The only thing that was lighting the room was the light from the outside and Diana's energy flaming around her. " You banished him because he's from your blood?"
" It is a freak of nature! Who has ever heard of a Lyona-jin and Saiya-jin halfbreed?" He asked.
" IT?!" Her energy flared, licking at the walls and ceiling, buring its mark into the stone. " How dare you call him an IT! He is a living and breathing being brought into this world by our DNA and given life by Shae and you dare call him and IT?!" Diana started to walk towards Vegeta, her intentions bent on throttling the insensitive prince.
" Diana! Calm down! Please!" Renkon jumped in front of her. " Diana, please!"
" Move." Her voice was low and threatening. Renkon gulped and held his ground. " If you wish to die with your brother, then that's your choice." She growled.
" Diana-" Renkon started when she was slammed into the wall. He blinked when he saw Sky holding her down. She was thrashing about and he was holding her in place.
" Apologize, Vegeta!" Sky commanded.
" No!" Vegeta barked. Diana roared and her hair flashed gold.
Every one in the room gasped and turned to Vegeta. " Aplogize now or she goes gold!" Helen snapped.
Only once before had Diana gone gold. She was fighting a being from another planet whose main mission was to destroy everything living. Helen and the others had watched as Diana witnessed the being purposely kill a child she had bore herself. She went into a berserkers rage and had reached her gold level, ultimately impossible for any Lyona-jin. She had killed the being in less than a second, then collapsed herself from the excessive use of energy that she didn't have.
" Remeber when she lost her child to that monster?" Anna snapped. Vegeta blinked at her and stared. " She's considering this one as hers too, and you know very well what had happened."
The room went silent except for Diana roars and Sky's grunts of straining to keep her under control. Vegeta looked at her and walked over to the raging girl.
" I'm sorry, Diana." He said quietly. Immediately, Diana calmed and Sky let go of her. She stood and looked at him. " I had forgotten about what had happened a long time ago."
" Whatever." She hissed and vanished. The room was deafingly quiet.
" What happened ' a long time ago'?" Sky asked him.

Diana reappeared back on Lyona-sei. She floated to her room's window and stepped in. She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in the pillow, trying to drown out all the horrible memories of that day when she lost her tresure. She started to convuse with sobs, muted by the pillow. She curled into a ball, sobbing out all her sorrows for her child.

Sky swallowed hard at what he had just heard. Cyprus sniffed at the sad tale and wiped his eyes.
" Was the child a boy?" He asked.
" Yeah. And Lyona-jins take a great amount of pride in their children." Anna said quietly.
" I feel so bad for her." Cyprus said.
" Don't. She lives on with her life. Although, the memories come back and she does cry about it. But she still strives for all she believes in." Helen said. She walked over to Renkon and leaned against him. He wrapped an arm around her. " She and Heero are happy together and they aren't letting that one death destroy what they have."
" Someone should check on her." Shae said.
" We'll go." Sky said. T.J., who had his perch on Sky's head, nodded in agreement.

Heero walked into the room and kciked off his shoes. He was looking forward to a long warm bath to unwind all the stress of helping position the Dragon Rings. He stopped when he saw Diana on the bed, her face buried in her pillow. He frowned and walked over to her. Touching her shoulder lightly, he woke her up.
" You ok, Di?" He asked quietly as he sat next to her.
" No." She sniffed and latched herself to him and the cries started over again. " I wish Alex was still with us." She cried and held onto Heero tighter. He didn't know what to say, so he held her and comforted her.

People watched as the small ship landed and the door opened. They gasped as the dark tailed Lyona-jin person and the Sayia-jin tailed person walked swiftly out of the ship. T.J. tailed them as they walked quickly into the castle.
" Where is Diana's room?" Sky asked a servant girl.
" Upstairs with the cat face on the door." She said weakly.
" Thanks." He said and launched himself upwards. Cyprus followed, with T.J. hanging onto his tail.
They reached the room and heard soft sobs. They heard another voice in the room besides Diana's and thought that someone was hurting her. They burst into the room and almost got shot.
" Who the hell are you?" Heero growled, his sight set on Cyprus' head. Diana was sitting in his lap, her head on his shoulder.
" I'm Sky. A genetically created being from Diana's DNA." Sky said standing slowly.
" It's ok, Heero." Diana sniffed and lowered his arm. " What do you two want?"
" We were going to see if you were ok. We didn't know that he would be here." Sky said.
" We could leave if you want us to." Cyprus said.
" Nope, we stay and you tell us where you have been." T.J. said as he strode into the room.
" What?" Cyprus looked down at the cat and stared.
" You two will sit and tell us where you have been all this time." T.J. said and jumped onto the bed. He settled himself beside Diana and patted her leg.
Sky and Cyprus looked at each other and sighed.
" After I had been banished, I stole a small space pod and blasted off into space, not knowing where I was going or how long I would acctually survive. I fell into hypersleep and next thing I knew, I woke up to find a powder blue face with green hair and amber eyes staring at me. They took me out of the pod and raised me as a servant to Freiza. It wasn't nice at all." Sky said shaking his head. " I met Cyprus when I was ten and we became fast friends. I made plans to escape and he said he will come with me. I stole a ship and redid the internal systems and we have been traveling to other worlds to refuel and restock on food."
" All true." Cyprus said.
" Wow." T.J. said wide eyed. " That's impressive."
" I don't care what that rotten little flame headded monstrosity says. You can stay here on Lyona-sei as long as you like. That is the royal order of the Princess." Diana said firmly. " I want that in black and white and sent to that snot nosed brat immediately."
" By all that name calling, you're referring to Vegeta, right?" T.J. asked.
" Yes." Diana growled. She stood and walked out of the room. Heero, and the other men, and cat, in the room stared after her and blinked.
" What's her power level?" Cyprus asked.
" No one knows." Heero said.