Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Starcrest watched Diana pace the large red and gold rug in the center of the landing. He stood on the second level landing with T.J. dozing on his head. He sighed and waited for the right time to go down and see what was wrong. He had tried the family telepathy a few times and only got the image of a raging dragon as a reply, so he gave up on that. Starcrest watched as she turned to the door and stopped. She looked over her shoulder at him, a sad yet angered expression was on her face.
" Would you like to talk now or later?" He asked simply.
" Now." Diana whispered.
Starcrest floated over the railing and landed beside his younger sister. He draped a comforting arm over her shoulders and held her close. " What's bothering your normal aire of happiness?" He asked, bringing a small smile to her lips.
" I was painfully reminded of Alexander. I was waiting, trying to decide whether or not to go back to Vegeta-sei and bash in Vegeta's head or to stay here and let the message I had sent do that for me." She said, unusually quiet.
" Have you and Heero talked?" He asked guiding her to the kitchen. It was her favorite hiding spot when she was little.
" Yes. He doesn't mind that I had someone else before I met him. I was young and in love and he was a man of war." Diana shook her head. " It wasn't meant to be."
" Don't say that." Starcrest squeezed her gently. " There are many resons for you and Andrew. One, it helped make you stronger, two, you both had a lovely son-"
" Who was killed."
" And with their deaths, you have reached the ultimate level in Lyona-jin history." He turned and faced her. " No one knows your full potential, your true power level. You have become more than the Last Fighter for Freedom, Diana. You have mastered your dragon-half and have gained so much power that you even have Vegeta under your thumb."
" I wouldn't put it thay way." Diana chuckled.
" True." Starcrest luaghed with her. " But, just think. You have avenged their deaths and have moved on to a better life. You have lots of friends, Heero, and even this fur ball on my head." He pointed to T.J. who slept on without notice. " You have become your own star in this world and many people look up to you for protection. You have done so much without even noticing it."
" So that means I'm a heroine." Diana looked at her older brother.
" Yes."
" So, what do I do now? Make a speech to the public?" She asked.
" Nope, just be your happy, radiant self. That's who every body knows so well and loves." Starcrest hugged her tightly. " And who I cherish."
" Until you find yourself a girlfriend. Then you'll cherish her more than me." Diana laughed when his face turned red. " So, have you found the lucky girl yet?"
" Let's not discuss it, ok?" He laughed and backed away.
" Come on! We talked about my life, time for yours!" She said as he ran out of the area, Diana hot on his heels and T.J. still snoring on.

Vegeta looked up as a peice of paper was handed to him.
" This is from her highness, Princess Diana of Lyona-sei." The messenger said and bowed.
" What kind of crap is this?" He growled and opened the paper. He started to read it.
Helen and Renkon, who were sitting off to the side, watched him as his face paled and took on a look of shock, to one that was blood red and burning with rage. They jumped as he bolted to his feet and tried to destroy the parchment. It wouldn't be destroyed in anyway he could think of. He balled it up and threw it to the side and stormed out of the room.
Helen reached down and picked up the paper. She unraveled it and looked at it, then burst into laugher. Renkon, wanting to know what was so funny, snatched the paper from his mates hands and read. His jaw dropped and a twitch of a smile tweaked the corners his mouth.
" Diana got her revenge all right." Helen laughed.
" And Vegeta's none too happy about it either." Renkon chuckled.

In the vast emptiness of space, a space pod flew across the galaxy. No specific destination in the controls, only piloting a single, one shot course to any planet that is in the way. The pod blasted by a group of angelis, a kind of space angel, and sent them into a flurry to try and out race the small pod. They gave up and returened to their former area. The pod itself flew on. The controls blipped alive when it was approaching a planet. The neon lighting flashed and shadowed the soul passenger.
" Course is interjected by Vegeta-sei and its two moons. Landing gear enabled to make a landing on the smaller moon, Lyona-sei. Will initiate de-cryogenisis on ... landing gear inopperative, please continue opperation manually. Cryogenisis error. Error in systems, please reconfigure. Please reconfigure." The comuter systems said in its monotone voice. Unfortunately, the passenger was still in cryogen and was unable to wake up. The pod smashed into Lyona-sei's atmosphere in a blazing ball of fire.

It was two weeks since that mess about Sky's origins and Diana's final order of his and his companions permanent home. Diana and Starcrest were out in the empty fields, enjoying a long walk through the grass. Heero had left a few days ago on another mission, so Diana was alone again. She didn't mind at all, but she did miss him a lot. Brother and sister looked up as a ball of flames shot down towards them. They ducked into the long grass and watched with dinner plate eyes as the fire ball landed in a deafening boom. Its crash sent dirt and debris into the air and all over the two.
Diana shook her head and dusted herself off with her tail as she stood. " What was that?" She whispered and trotted over to the crash site.
" Diana! Wait!" Starcrest shouted after her as he slowly stood and dusted himself off.
Diana ignored her older brother, the curiosity of the pod overwhelming her. She slid down into the huge crater and circled the pod. She sniffed and kciked it, trying to get a response. She yelped and jumped back as the pod's door spewed white gas and opened slightly. She caught a scent and bristled. A figure stepped out and glared at the crouching princess with pale blue eyes. A flufy white wolf tail swayed behind the girl, her blond hair was held back with a head band and she was dressed in a royal blue shirt with matching pants and a pair of white, gold tipped boots.
Diana hissed and the wolf girl growled low. The girl lunged at Diana, and barely missed her fleeing tail. Diana turned on the girl and leaped at her, her fangs bared. The two tumbled back into the center of the crater, biting and scatching each other. Growls and hisses could be heard beyond the mouth of the crater.

Starcrest ran up and found Diana pinned under another girl with the wolf tail. Diana was curled in a small ball, pleaing for mercy. Obviously, the wolf girl had more brute strength than Diana could handle. He gasped when the girl pounced him and growled.
" Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" He said as he stared into her blue eyes.
" Hey, you're cute." She smiled and got off of him. " What's your name, sweet thing?"
" Hey! That's my brother you're talking to!" Diana roared as she climbed out of the crater. The wolf girl smiled and soved her back into the hole. Starcrest nearly burst out lauging at Diana's pitiful whimper of protest.
" My name's Lupa. Lupa Crescent. I'm from Dyona-sei." She said warmly.
" I'm Starcrest Daruis Moon, welcome to Lyona-sei."
" CREST! NOOOOO!" Diana whined from the pit of the crater. He and Lupa both shared a good laugh at her expense.
They had walked back to the castle, Diana growling and fussing the entire way. She immediately went to her room to bathe.
" So, will she lick herself clean or use a tub?" Lupa asked chuckling.
" She likes a big tub of warm water." Starcrest said and motioned for a butler to come by and bring some food. " So, why come here?"
" Well, my planet turned into a sun and I am the only survivor." Lupa said smiling at the heaps of food. " I've mainly traveled in cryo-sleep. This is the first planet that I have landed on in a long time."
" So, how old are you?"
" I have no idea."
" What?"
" I can't remember how old I was on my home world, but does that matter?" Lupa smiled cheerfully.
" I guess not." Starcrest smiled back.
" What's wrong with Diana? She nearly tore me in half walking down the hall." Sky said as he walked into the main room rubbing his bruised arm. He looked at Lupa and then Starcrest, then back to Lupa. " Hello, I'm Sky. Who are you?"
" Lupa." She smiled at him then turned to Starcrest. " Your planet has tons of cute guys!"
Both Starcrest and Sky blushed and chuckled.

Vegeta sat back and stared at the now blank screen. He had just gotten off vid-chat with Diana and she ordered him to a spar. He had tried to back down, but she said that if he didn't show up at three then she was going to hunt him down, old fashioned style. Meaning, she was going to shift into her lioness form and litterally hunt him down. Vegeta groaned and leaned back in his chair. Usually he would be delighted to fight her, but the way she looked didn't look like this was just a play fight.
" Something wrong?" Anna asked as she walked out of the bathing room.
" Nothing's wrong." vegeta spat.
" Diana wanting to spar?"
" Shut up."
" And she treatened to hunt you down litterally if you didn't show up at the appointed time."
" No one asked you to read my mind, Anna." Vegeta looked at her.
" Any last requests?" She smiled at him. He groaned and slapped a hand over his face.

T.J. was thrilled about Lupa. He loved her fluffy tail and her roughness in play. He found himself a new head to sleep on. T.J. had ran outside to find Diana and tell her of his new buddy, not knowing that she already had the pleasure of meeting her. He stopped when he saw her flying off in her dragon form.
" I wonder where she's going." He said to himself as he watched her disappear into the silver rimmed clouds.

Everyone leaped out of the way as Diana made herself know on Vegeta-sei. She roared and shifted back into her normal form. Her tail was lashing back and forth like a viper striking at everything. Slaves and warriors moved quickly out of her was she she walked with purpose down the halls towards the gravity room.
" VEGETA! YOU HAD BEST BE IN THERE!" She shouted, rattling the walls. She entered and Vegeta was no where in sight. She growled low and turned just in time to see him walking down the halls towards her in full armor. Anna was close behind him.
" Don't kill him or hurt him to the point where he can't function properly." She said to the Lyona-jin.
" I'll do my best to restrain myself." Diana said through gritted teeth. The doors shut and Vegeta was in the room alone with Diana.
They circled one another a while, getting a feel of how they moved. Then Vegeta attacked and landed on the floor. He leaped back to his feet ust in time to dodge a fiery fist that slammed into the ground. The two leaped into the air and threw kicks and punches at each other in a blinding furry. Diana landed a few punches and kicks on Vegeta and he did the same. This went on for a good three hours.
By the time the clock struck six, Vegeta was gasping for breath and Diana had finally broken a sweat.
" Tell me. Am I weak?" She asked him not even panting.
" You should know that yourself, Diana. Look at yourself. Fit and in perfect shape and health, you have apower level so large that no one knows the limit. Why the hell would you be thinking that you're weak?" He gasped out.
" I don't know." She folded her legs and hovered in the air, Piccolo sytle.
" Maybe because a Dyona-jin came to Lyona-sei a few hours ago and beat the stuffing out of me!" Diana roared at him, her eyes blazing.
" Why take your frustrations out on me?" Vegeta asked.
" Because your are such a pain in the butt that it feels good to beat you up." She shrugged.
" Oh, thanks. That makes me feel much better." He growled.
" Welp, I'm going home now." She strecthed and placed her feet on the floor.
" See you laters, Veggie head." Diana waved and skipped out of the gravity room.
Vegeta watched her leave, confused as always on a spur of the moment meeting with her. He sighed and collapsed on the floor, thanking any and all gods his battered mind could think of that she didn't want to keep sparing.

Diana landed back on her planet well past eight. She had taken her time flying through space and had thought about the Dyona-jin. She crept silently into her brothers room and poked his arm, waking him up.
" Huh? Wha ... oh, what do you want, Di?" He yawned.
" What did you two talk about?" She asked him quietly.
" Who?" He rubbed his eyes and lay back down. She poked him again, keeping him awake.
" You and Lupa." She said.
" She told us that her planet blew up into a sun and she's the only survivor." He started to roll onto his other side. Diana yanked him back to face her.
" She's the last of her kind?"
" Yeah, now leave me alone." He grumbled.
" Why didn't you tell me!"
" You was busy making Vegeta ready for his grave." He was getting irritated and Diana could tell.
" Ok. Good night, big brother." She kissed his cheek and crept silently back out. He mumbled a good night back and fell back asleep.
Diana walked into her room and found Lunan sleeping on her pillow. She walked over to him and picked him up. Setting him off to the side, she got ready for bed. Once she slipped into the soft covers and sheets, did she realize that she had to appologize to the new girl for her rude behavior.
" Tomorrow." She muttered and fell asleep. Lunan woke and walked over to her head. He settled himself around her head like a halo and slept on.

The next morning, Lupa was treated to a tour of Lyona-sei's main city. She was thrilled about how much stuff they had about wolves and the like. She was told that Lyona-jins take pride in any kind of animal, and she soon learned that the people could turn into any animal they wished with just a thought.
" This place is so amazing!" Lupa gazed in awe at the tall buildings and the air crafts used for transpotation.
" Was it like anything on your world?" Diana asked as she picked up two ice cream cones and paid for them. She handed one to Lupa.
" Funny thing is, is that I don't remember." She took the cone and licked it. The two walked down the road, looking into shops and stores and checking the prices on different things.
By the time they returned to the castle, they had armfulls of things they had bought and wer laughing away at everything they talked of. Starcrest looked at the pair and sighed.
" They became fast friends." T.J. said.
" Yeah, but the funny thing was that when they first met, they were ready to tear out one anothers throats." He smirked. " And now it seems like they have forgotten all about that."
" Maybe they wanted to forget because they found something better than fighting one another." Lunan said as he walked up to the prince. " The Dragon Rings are ready for transportation." He announced.
" Thanks, Old-" T.J.'s words were cut off when Lunan leaped onto him and held him firmly by mouth.
" I warned you, Teej." Lunan growled, his silver gray fur was bristeled and his tail waved angrilly.
" Ok, ok. Sorry." T.J. whimpered. Lunan let go and watched as he readjusted his lips. " Geez, it's only a joke."
" A joke to you, but not to me." Lunan growled.
" Ok, you two. Let's go test the thing." Starcrest said picking up the cats and walking off towards the science building.

Diana and Lupa watched as T.J. strapped the sensor becon around his waist. The lead scientist tapped furiously on the console , punching in coordinates for the gate's main functions. She started to pray that T.J. would make it through the hyper space in one piece. Everyone cheered as the Dragon Gate came on line. The center of it flashed silver and spread out like ripples in water. T.J. signaled to Starcrest and the others that he was ready to go. Starcrest gave him to go and they watched as he jumped into the liquid stuff. His jump caused waves to ripple and bounce back then it shattered.
" What happened!?" Diana jumped to her feet. Her brother grabbed her shoulder.
" Don't worry, that's supposed to happen." He said gently.
Diana looked at him then at the Dragon Gate. She looked out the window and saw that the other smaller gates were activated and a small golden comet was traveling through them. Her eyes zipped to the final Dragon Ring and she grabbed Lupa's hand. Diana teleported herself, Lupa, and Starcrest to the other Dragon Gate. She stepped forward and waited for T.J. to get there.
Like the first Dragon gate, it shimmered into a rippling silver pool. T.J. was thrown into the large room and he tumbled to a stop. Diana gasped and ran to get the cat. Lupa was right behind her.
" What a ride!" T.J. laughed. " I wanna do it again!" He leaped to his feet and started for the gate.
" Wait!" Diana snatched him up. She checked him over for any problems. All was good and she gave a thumbs up to her brother.
" So, what was it like?" Lupa asked.
" It was like traveling in a golden comet. It was COOL!" The cat smiled, his green eyes sparkling with excitment.
" Then have another ride." Diana turned and threw T.J. back into the Gate. They all laughed when T.J. yelp and vanished into the silver stuff.

Starcrest called Vegeta and told him that the Dragon Rings were in perfect working order.
" All we need now it to build more of them so there will be less time to travel from place to place." Starcrest said, proud of the breakthrough.
" Congratulations." Vegeta didn't even smile. " I have a message for you and your brat of a sister."
" A message? From whom?" Starcrest blinked and frowned.
" It's from Freiza. I think you should read it first."
" I'm surprised that you didn't read it Vegeta." Starcrest chuckled nervously.
" I did, and what it has to say is not good at all." Vegeta said frowning. The screen went blank and a small letter icon blinked inthe center of the screen. Starcrest took a deep breath and touched the icon. It unfolded and Freiza's face appeared.
" Hello, I'm sure you're wondering why I am contacting you. Well, you have something of mine that I want back and I have something of yours." Freiza moved out of the was and showed Heero and his companions tied and gaged. " I will not kill them now, but if I do not get my possesions back in one month, then I will kill one each month till they are returned to me." The message blanked out, ending the transmission.
Starcrest leaned back in his chair and sucked in a slow deep breath.
" So, he want's Sky and Cyprus, huh?" He jumped at the sound of his sisters voice.
" My guess is that." He turned and looked at her. The sunset splashing over her hard features like orange blood. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth set in a firm thin line. " If we want Heero, Duo and the others back, then we have no choice."
" Come now. In all your years of knowing me, do you think I would accept such a choice? I think not. I have a better idea." Diana smiled. Starcrest looked at her, wondering what her mind was thinking and what risk would be taken to complete what she had in mind.