Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Vegeta waited on the dais for Diana, Starcrest and Lupa to come. Helen, Renkon, Anna, and Shae were already waiting in the throne room and were looking at Vegeta curiously.
" What did she say exactly, Vegeta." Helen asked.
" All she said was to gather you guys and meet up in this throne room. Other than that, she gave no specifics, I have told you that already." Vegeta growled.
" Ok, peoples! Let's get to work!" Diana burst into the room, startling the others. Lupa and Starcrest behind her.
" What's going on here, woman." Vegeta stood and growled at her.
" We are going to save Heero and them without giving over Sky and Cyprus." She smirked.
" And how will you perform that trick?" Anna asked.
" Simple." She turned and nodded towards the doors. Sky and Cyprus walked in. " Our dear friend Shae will create an exact duplicate of them."
" What?!" Shae yelped.
" Are you incapable of completeing that task?" Diana looked at her.
" Oh, no. She's talking big words now. She's in her battle mode." Helen moaned.
" She's going to complete two exact replicas of Sky and Cyprus in one month? Diana, have you lost your mind?" Renkon snapped at her.
" Maybe, maybe not." She smiled, sending chills down everyone's back, except Lupa's. " So let's get going people! Time's a wasting!"
" And what will you all be doing while I'm working." Shae asked.
" We all will be training. Anna will be helping you with whatever you need." Diana said calmly. " We will beat Freiza and we will not have to sacrafice a single life."
" The clones are lives too." Sky spoke up.
" They are only replicas of you two. They hold no personal meaning to any of this." Starcrest said.
" Let's train then." Vegeta stood and smirked.
Shae and Anna left the room with Sky and Cyprus. Vegeta dn the others left to the gravity room to train.

" One question, Diana." Renkon said.
" Shoot." She looked at him and waited for Vegeta to open the doors.
" Why do you need to train?" He folded his arms and looked at her pointedly.
" Yeah, if you're so strong, why should you train?" Vegeta mimicked his brother.
" Well ... I need to brush up on a few basics, and besides, training never hurt anyone." Diana said.
" It hurts us when you train with us." Helen said firmly.
" Ok. Then I'll train with Lupa and my brother." Diana pouted and fisted her hands at her hips. " Geez, thinking that Saiya-jins could take a little beating." She sighed and shrugged.
" What was that?" Vegeta immediately bristled.
" I'm just saying that if you don't want to get a few scratches on your baby soft body, then that's not my problem." Diana shook her head.
* What are you doing?!* Starcrest barked in her mind.
* I'm getting them worked up so that my reputation won't hurt them, just my fists.* She replied calmly.
* Are you purposely calling them weaklings to get a good sparring session with them?* She giggled at his small yelp.
* Bingo.* Diana inwardly smiled.
" Are you calling my race WEAK?" Vegeta growled and glared at her.
" If I am, what are you going to do about it? Wimp slap me?" She smirked at him, getting a deep throaty growl out of him.
" We are going to pound you into the ground, Di." Helen stepped up and smirked.
" Oooo. I'm so scared." She mocked shivered, sending Vegeta into a near hissy fit. " Are we going to train or talk Freiza to death?"
" Let's train!" Vegeta grabbed Diana and litterally threw her into the gravity room. She yelped and smashed into the wall and quickly dodged a well placed punch.
The gravity room door shut and the training began. They went on for three days straight, then they got to business on planning an assault of Freiza's ship that would be landing in two weeks and a few days.
Diana busied herself with sneaking around the small air ducts and tiny passages that riddled the Saiya-jin palace. She stopped when she heard Vegeta and her brother talking. She scooted closer to the air vent and listened.
" You've talked with Freiza? What's wrong with you Vegeta?" Starcrest snapped.
" I made a bargain. We hand over the brat and they free your precious
Chikyuu-jins. Simple as that." Vegeta sniffed.
" That so called brat is my sister! Why would you go and do that without asking first?" Her brother was nearing a rage.
" She's a menace to society. All she does is go out and battle and never takes on a single royal duty! She doesn't act like a princess, so she's worth nothing!"
" To you perhaps, but to me she means the universe! She's my only family! How can you be so heartless?" Starcrest strode up to him and glared down at the man.
" Because, unlike you, I am not soft and I will do anything to keep my people safe." Vegeta said in a low voice.
" Anything to save your own hide." Diana hissed. She slapped a hand over her mouth and scuttled backwards, further away from the vent. Diana kept moving backwards and turned a corner. She prayed that Vegeta didn't hear that.
Diana dropped out of the air duct that she had been exploring and dusted herself off.
" Enjoy eavesdropping?" Vegeta's voice caused her to nearly jump out of her skin. " What are you doing in those air ducts? Spying on people? Digging into business that isn't yours?"
" I would think that being traded would be some of my business. Wouldn't you think so?" She smiled not so nicely at him. " Excuse me, I'm going to take a bath." She pushed past him and walked away.
Vegeta watched her walk away and frowned. " Why am I doing this for them? Why am I even volunteering to help them?" He asked himself and stormed off.

Diana sat in the gigantic pool and gazed at the reddish colored water. She sighed and slipped lower into the water. She blew small bubbles in the water and closed her eyes. She needed to concentrate, to think on how to manuver through the air ducts in the space ship and how to remain silent without showing her evergy level. Diana dunked her head under the water and stayed there for sometime, thinking.
She surfaced and found Shae standing at the other side of the pool.
" What?" She asked.
" We need more time with the cloning process. Can you bargain more time?" Shae asked.
" Nope. Vegeta already bargained me for the boys." She said and turned to get her towel.
" What?" Shae walked over to her side of the pool and knelt. " Why would he do that?"
" Think. Vegeta and I are at each others throats any time we are even remotely in ear shot. He would do anything to get rid of me, so this would be the best opportunity." Diana stood and wrapped the towel around her. " Maybe that's the best thing to do ... " She trailled off.
" What? Explain yourself, Diana!" Shae trotted after her.
" If I get sent to Freiza, then the boys go free and there is a possible chance that I will be able to escape him." She turned and smiled. " Maybe I should have thanked him instead of snapped at him."
" Are you insane?! Diana, you know that Freiza will put that ring around your neck and you'd be under his complete control!"
" That's a downfall." She frowned and sat on the huge bed. " I have to think this through. Take a break and get some rest, Shae. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at her.
Shae opened her mouth, then shut it. She knew better than to argue with Diana and get her into a bad mood. She turned and left without a word. When she shut the door, she whispered silently that Diana knew what she was doing and not going into this thing blindly.

The next day, Diana watched as her brother and Vegeta screamed at each other from across a large table. She yawned and leaned against the wall and started to check out her nails and trim them. She looked up when all the shouting and screaming quieted down. Both men were panting and rubbing their sore throats.
" Are you two done screaming at each other?" She asked.
" Yeah." Starcrest coughed.
" Good, now I will like to have my say in this and I do not want any interruptions." She pointedly looked at Vegeta.
" Go on." Vegeta whispered.
" Good. Now, I have been thinking that maybe me being traded for the boys is a great idea."
" WHAT?!" Starcrest yelped and winced at the effort.
" Listen. I have been training and we don't have much time. The idea of the cloning isn't going to work, I have been through it a dozen times. If he does put that ring around my neck, you all will not kill me. But listen to me, I know my way around places without even thinking of it. I will find a way out. If you will just trust me on this. I will come out on top in this." She said firmly.
" How can we trust you?" Vegeta asked since Starcrest couldn't speak.
" You'll just have to take my word for it." Diana looked at him. She jumped at a huge explosion. " What was that?"
The doors opened and Shae walked in with Anna, Sky and Cyprus behind her. They were covered in ash, from head to toe.
" What happened?" Diana gulped.
" Well, you know about the clones, right?" Shae smiled sheepishly.
" Yeah." Diana nodded slowly.
" They exploded." Anna finished.
" They ... what?" Her eyes widened.
" They ... exploded." They watched Diana's face contort. " We didn't know how long they would last and we didn't even get a chance to complete them. They blew up in our faces." Anna explained.
Diana's shoulders shuddered and she tossed her head backwards laughing. She tottered backwards and leaned against the table because she was laughing so hard.
" Diana? You ok?" Shae asked staring at her strangely.
" Yeah! It ... it's just ... that ... that's so FUNNY!" She collapsed with laughter.
" I have a feeling that Freiza will send her bck with pleasure." Sky whispered to Cyprus. He nodded.

It was three days before Freiza's ship was about to make a landing on Vegeta-sei. Diana was looking at the red colored sky and thinking of what she was going to do. She had spent a few days going through the ship that Sky and Cyprus had come down on, getting herself used to the evnvironment. She avoided her brother and all the others as much as possible, training herself alone in the gravity room when everyone else was gone. She walked back in and cranked up the gravity to as far as it would go and trained hard, that's when Vegeta opened the doors and the gravity immediately dropped back to normal.
She turned and looked at him, sweat causing her bangs to look like sharp little daggers and stiking to her forhead.
" What?" She asked.
" Why are you avoiding us?" He asked.
" Why should I explain to you?" Diana flicked away her bangs and glared at him.
" How far can you go?" He asked and closed the doors.
" Why do you want to know?" Diana snatched her towel off the ground and wiped her face. She drapped it around her neck and looked at him.
" Curious."
" I thought that was a cat trait."
" Dealing with energy levels, it also applies to Saiya-jins." Vegeta smirked.
" If I showed you my full power, you'd get disintegrated." She growled and walked towards the door.
" What if you can't get free, Diana? What will you do then?"
" I wouldn't be able to get myself free from the mind control ring, when that happens, you all will have to kill me." Diana stopped and looked at him seriously.
" Kill you?"
" Should be easy for you to do, since you hate me with all your black heart." She smiled at him and walked out.
Vegeta blinked and stood there for a moment. Did he really hate her all that much? Would he be willing to kill her? Would he be really willing to destroy her without a thought and enjoy it? Vegeta looked behind him and watched her walk away. He caught a faint scent of something sweet and frowned. He turned and walked into the hall.

Diana sighed and flopped onto the bed. She burried her face into the thick blankets and breathed in. She stopped and rolled over. Staring at the ceiling, she frowned and twitched her tail.
" Why do I have to be the one who has to deal with this? Why can't I be a normal girl in a normal world with a normal life?" She asked the empty room. " Why me?"
" Because you have worked yourself up to that point of almost ultimate power and you are the envy of every power hungry man in the universe." She sat up and stared at Vegeta.
" Where'd you come from?" Diana gasped.
" Through your door, of course." He shrugged.
" Leave me alone. I would rather be alone that with people I will have to leave soon." She rolled onto her side and glared at the wall.
" You can't make me." He sneered.
" Wanna BET?!" She snapped up and sent him flying with energy that burned the blankets and singed the air around her. " Why can't you accept the fact that you are finally giving me my worst fear and just leave ME ALONE!" She screamed and burning energy lashed all arounnd.
Vegeta stared at her with wide eyes and shrank against the wall. He powered up his energy to keep from being burned by her energy. He roared as he forced himself past his limit and still Diana was powering up and going beyond him. Vegeta passed out from the exertion and he slumped onto the floor.

Diana stopped and blinked, coming out of her rage. She looked at Vegeta and gasped.
" What have I done?" She floated back down to the ground and ran over the particles of her room and knelt beside Vegeta. She looked up just as Lupa and Anna burst into the room.
" Diana! What's ... Vegeta!?" Anna started and stared at his unconscious form.
" It was a mistake! I didn't mean to. He just wouldn't leave me alone!" Diana stood and backed away. Anna knelt beside him and checked his vital signs. Lupa walked over to Diana and held her still. She kept going on about how it was a mistake and she didn't mean to hurt him.
" What's going on in here?" Helen asked and walked into the room with Renkon, Shae and Starcrest behind her. They saw Vegeta and looked slowly at Diana, who was almost a puddle of blubbering jelly.
" What did you do Di?" Helen asked in a whisper.
" He wouldn't leve me alone! He never leave's me alone!" She shouted and vanished from the room to heavens knows where.
" Quick! Someone find her!" Shae ordered quickly and everyone except Renkon, Helen, and Anna left to find Diana.

Diana reappeared far from the castle. She looked behind her and saw the city almost on the horizon. She sniffed and leaped into the sky, shifting into her dragon form, she started to fly into the atmosphere. She stopped when she heard voices calling out her name. Turning her head, she could see Shae and Sky flying towards her. She ignored thier calls and proceeded to fly into the atmosphere.

" DIANA! WAIT!" Shae screamed out after the white dragon.
" Why won't she listen?" Sky asked.
" She's scared that the alliance we have will be broken and those who hate the Lyona-jins will think it's free game on thier planet. She's probably going back home to guard against any invasions." Shae said and stopped.
" Then we have to tell her that no one is going to start a war with her people." Sky looked at Shae.
" We can't reach her. If only Heero was here, he could have her in a purring mess in less than a second." Shae shook her head and turned to go back to the castle.
Sky glared at her back and watched her leave. He looked at the empty sky and frowned. Feeling that there was nothing he could do against a powerful person like Diana, he turned and followed Shae back to the castle.

Vegeta was placed in a re-gen tank for the healing he was going to have to go through. The doctors were impresed that Diana didn't out right kill him.
" I wonder what stopped her?" A doctor said curiously and walked away.
" I wonder too. Why didn't she just kill him right then and there?" Helen looked at Renkon.
" Even though they fight like nobody's business, they are still friends. That must have triggered her out of her rage and stopped her from destroying him." He said looking down at Helen. " If that stopped her from killing Vegeta, then there can be a way to stop her from destroying worlds under Freiza's control."
" She is a very friendly person, right Starcrest?" Anna turned to Diana's older brother.
" Yeah, she likes everyone for who they are." He nodded.
" Then maybe if she can't get out of the control, we could help her into remembering who her friends are and get her out of the crontrol." Renkon grinned.
" Where is she now?" Anna asked.
Starcrest closed his eyes and concentrated. He found her back on Lyona-sei, in her room hugging the pillow Heero had gotten her when she had broken her arm. " She's at home." He said opening his eyes.
" Then it's off to Lyona-sei." Helen said.
" But I can't fully control my dragon half like Diana can. I don't know what I'll do." Starcrest backed up.
" No worries. We'll use the old way."
" But what about Freiza's ship?" Renkon glared at his mate.
" Problem." She frowned.
" We are in a real pickle." Anna sighed and leaned against the glass. The others nodded in agreement.

Diana sniffed and wipped her tears away. " Get a grip on yourself, Di. You know Heero would be dogging you if he knew that you were crying because you hurt Vegeta." She growled to herself. " Be a big girl and straighten up. Go back to Vegeta-sei and don't give a care what they say. Get the boys and get out, that's all that matters." She hugged the pillow one last time before she set it down and jumped out the window. Immediately she turned into the dragon and flew into the atmosphere again. This time she took a quick look around and saw Freiza's ship in the far, far, far distance. Growling, she beat her massive wings and sped up her approach to Vegeta-sei.