Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Lupa watched Anna pace back and forth. She sighed and leaned back against the chair. " What if we can't provoke that ' friendlyness' trait in Diana when she's under that Freiza's control? What will we do then?"
" Then? I guess we'll have to kill her. If she's allowed to reach her full power, she could possibly destroy worlds when she's on another planet." Anna looked at the wolf girl.
" But no one knows her full power, right?"
" Yeah."
" Then there could be a possibility that she will not have that kind of power. She could be bluffing it all." Lupa smiled. Anna blinked and stared at her.
" What are you saying?"
" What I'm saying is that Diana could be puting up a front to get Freiza to think that she's all powerful and then he get's fooled because she's weak as a new born kitten." Lupa said.
" What if this kitten wasn't weak at all?" Diana walked in. " Then you'd have some pretty big problems on your hands."
" Diana!" Lupa and Anna yelped at the same time.
" Yes, yes. She's back. What happened? Why did you leave? Why did you come back? Blah-blah-blah." Diana waved her hands around in circles, emphasizing that she had already went through all of that mess. " I got scared, I went hom efor comfort, I came back to beat some serious gay lizard butt." She smiled evilly. " And I will win!"
" Again the confidence. Take a break, will ya?" Anna laughed.
" Well, it's a lot better than thinking about the bad things." Diana laughed also.
" Well, we can all enjoy some action, cause Freiza's ship is landing now." Lupa said.
" What?" Diana barked and ran to the window. " Now possible! I saw his ship in the distance in my way here and it was a good day or two travel!"
" Then he must have put on the thrusters." Lupa looked at her.
Diana growled and ran outside. She stopped and glared at the huge ship. Frowning, she saw small little dots flying out of the top of the ship. Her frown turned into a look of horror. She turned and shouted at the top of her lungs.

Saiya-jins from all over were flying up to meet Freiza's men. Diana and the others flew directly towards the ship, intending to get the boys out without any problems. Diana and Lupa dove right into the ship and flew through the halls, killing any one that stood in their way, innocent or not. Lupa blew out a door and the two girls walked in. Diana gasped when she found them chained to a wall and had numerous contusions all over their bodies and bruises covering what skin was left.
" That bastard!" She hissed and they got to work on releasing them.
" Miss Diana, you came for us." Quatre smiled weakly.
" Yeah, I didn't want to leave you with that monstosity. Let's get you out of here and back to someplace nicer." She said gently and laid him and Trowa over her shoulders. " Ready?"
" As ready as I'll ever be." Lupa said with Dup and Wufei in tow.
" Wait. Heero's not here!" Diana stopped.
" I'll take those two, go find him." Helen said as she flew in. Diana handed her the two boys and bolted down the halls, stretching out her feelers for his life signs. She screeched to a halt at the door to Freiza's main room. Taking a deep breath, she opened the doors to find Heero slumped at the feet of the one she hated the most.
" Hello my dear." Freiza said not looking at her. " Someone here misses you a great deal."

Helen and Lupa flew back to the castle. Helen stopped when she heard Renkon shout for her. She turned and saw him flying towards her.
" What?" She asked when he arrived.
" Something terrible has happened." He gasped out.
" What? What's happened?" Lupa flew up to them, worry on her face.
" Diana's been captured." He shook his head and looked at the girls. They only started at him in disbelief. " Don't believe me? Look." He pointed to the fight behind them. A huge ball of Freiza's men and Saiya-jins were clustered around one form who broke free in a blinding light. The form was Diana and her eyes were unfocused and angry.
" Oh, no." Helen whispered.
" The fight for our lives has begun." Renkon muttered and turned to look at the mind controlled Lyona-jin.

Freiza laughed as he watched Diana fly at her friends and attack. Heero forced himself to look up and watch. He coughed and sucked in a breath. Forcing himself to his feet he gazed at her fighting form. Heero remember all the times he and Diana had shared together. Her first roller coaster ride, her birthday, their first trip to Angel-sei, home of the angels. He breathed deeply and shouted her name at the top of his voice.
She turned and looked at the hole she had made in the ships hull when she had blasted free. She saw a weakened form trembling behind a larger, stronger form. The strength caught her attention. She blasted down towards the ship and slammed full force into Freiza's back. They went tumbling into the hallway and slammed through a few walls. She stood and faced Freiza with a look of death.
Freiza glared at her and gorlwed.
" You are to kill the Saiya-jins and those who try to stop you from being the strongest in the universe! Go and kill them!" He ordered.
Diana winced and struggled against the force and the order. She roared and turned, bolting through the holes they made and leaped out into the sky. She immediately powered up into her silver Lyon stage and attacked Renkon head on. Freiza walked back into him room and looked down at Heero.
" Did you acctually think that she was going to turn on me and kill me by the sound of your voice?" He chuckled and lifted him up with his tail. " Poor Chikyuu-jin." He laughed and threw Heero out the window.

" Heero! NO!" Everyone stopped at the sound of Diana's shout.
Renkon blinked and stared at the empty space before him. He looked down and saw a silver streak heading for the form falling towards the ground. " She remembers." He murmured.
Diana caught Heero in her arms and held him close. Her soft brown eyes teared at the feel of yhis body against her. She kissed his face gently and hugged him tightly.
" I'll make everything right, but first I have to make Freiza believe I'm under control. Please forgive me, Heero." She whispered into his ear and set him gently on the ground before she blasted off to resume her fight with Renkon.
He dodged her flaming fist and leaped out of the way of her kicks. He growled and started to fight back with all he had. Helen and the others watched Renkon and Diana battle. Helen fearing that she was going to kill him.
" Diana! Please! Stop!" She shouted and tried to fly towards them. Anna and Lupa stopped her.
" There's Heero down there!" Shae pointed to his still form near one of Freiza's ship legs.
" I'll get him." Cyprus said and vanished in a puff of smoke. He reappeared next to Heero and lifted him gently. He winced at the battered sight and teleported again to where the others stood. " He's hurt but alive." He told them and vanished again to the medical rooms.
Helen grit her teeth and watched helplessly as Diana beat into Renkon mercilessly. She kicked him to the ground and back up, like she was playing hackey sack with his body. Finally, she kicked him over to where they stood. He slid and stopped at Helen's feet. Helen looked up at Diana with a bloodthirst look.
Diana lifted her chin and issued the challenge. She fuzzed out of the way as Helen charged her and tried to punch her.
" Shall I make this easy for you?" She asked, smiling coldly.
" Bitch!" Helen spat and kicked at her. Diana easilly blocked it.
" Is that all you got?" Diana smirked, sending Helen's temper through the roof. She back of as Helen charged into her SSJ 3. " Much better." Diana grinned and charged her.

Freiza laughed with joy as he watched Heen and Diana go at it. He knew that with Diana under his control, he could really rule the universe. He watched the punches Diana landed fiercely and the kicks that came on relentlessly.
" Kill her! Kill her!" He cheered on. He was having so much fun that he didn't see the small spark that flung off on the colar around Diana's throat. A small sign that the colar was broken.

Diana viciously kicked Helen in the face and sent her spiraling to the ground. Before she hit the ground, Diana zipped down below her and kicked her in the side, sending her towards the others. She watched as Lupa caught her and set her down, then lunge at her. Diana forced her eyes to look unfoused, and moved out of the way as Lupa smashed the ground. She grit her teeth, knowing that this was going to be a hard battle to win. She kept dodging Lupa's attacks and gasped as Lupa faked a move and slammed her fist into her stomache. Diana doubled over and coughed blood. She grunted as a foot came to her face and sent her flying backwards. She slid across the ground fifty five yards and came to a stop.
" Alright, it's my turn!" Lupa said and launched her attack at Diana who was slowly recovering from the devastating blows.
Diana looked up and gasped as a huge energy blast hurdled her way. She had mere seconds before she had to move out of the way. She blinked as it shifted positions and followed her. She screamed as the blast hit her full in the back. Diana tumbled onto the ground and lay there a moment, getting ehr second wind back. She looked up just as Lupa appeared and flung her fist down into the ground where her head once was.
" Dragon Rage!" Diana screamed and millions of energy balls flwe down at Lupa. Diana had to stop playing when she was fighting Lupa. She had a gut feeling that if she toyed with Lupa that she would eventually loose her life. She growled when she saw Lupa dodging every blast she sent her. She cursed and flew at Lupa and slammed into her. The close quaters battle began and no one was able to follow the fighting because it was going to fast.
Diana broke away and landed. She was breathing heavilly and her left shoulder ached with a deep wound. Blood oozed down her limp arm and dripped off her fingers. She staggered and shook her head to focus again. She leaped out of the way as Lupa charged her. She landed a distance away and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a small object and lifted it into the air. " Crsytal Moon Power!" She shouted out the incantation and started the transformation into Sailor Moon.
Her outfit was a white body suit with a blue skirt and sailor flap with one white line going around the edge. White sleeves covered her shoulders and white gloves ran up her lower arms and stopped at red puffs around her elbows. She wore long red boots that stopped at points below her knees that were tipped white with a golden crescent moon at the point. She had a large red bow on the back of her skirt and the front of her outfit. On the front bow a golden crescent moon sat on the knot. Small crescent moon earrings appeared in her ears and dangled to her jaw. A golden tiara in a V shape appeared on her forhead with a deep red ruby at its cennter. She opened her eyes and glared at Lupa, her transformation was complete.

" Oh, she comes with accessories!" Freiza laughed and pointed happily to Diana. He staopped when he saw a huge energy ball fly towards her. " Move!" He ordered. She did so like a machine.
The blast blew up a lot of ground and the dust took a while to settle to see who threw the ball.
Freiza growled and jumped out of the window to land on the ground and get a better view. He started when he saw Diana facing off both Lupa and Vegeta, fresh out of the re-gen tank and at full power.
" I see you have Diana under your control." Vegeta said. " Impressive."
" Kill them Diana!" Freiza ordered.
Diana faultered and glared at Vegeta. * It was an accident.* She whispered in her mind as she launched herself at vegeta and Lupa. The Moon Sword appeared in her hand and the two had to jump out of the way as she swung out in an arch.
" Come on!" Vegeta snarled and attacked her. She sidestepepd him and leaped at an unsuspecting Lupa. Her fist connected with her face and sent her sprwaling to the ground, unconscious.
Diana turned slowly to Vegeta and threw the sword aside. " Here's your chance to kill me Vegeta." She whispered.
Vegeta started and stared at her. He didn't believe that she was asking him to kill her. " Diana ... " He gasped.
" Too late." She frowned and attacked him.

Starcrest was in the medical center, helping the doctors with everything. He turned and saw T.J. adding stuff to the tanks.
" What are you doing?" He walked over and yanked T.J. off. He looked into the tank and saw Heero floating in the pale green liquid.
" I'm helping." The cat wiggled free of his grasp and vanished in the fury of feet.
" I hope they're ok out there." He murmured and looked out the window. " Come on people! We need to hurry and get as many people out there to help fight!" Starcrest said. " Has the message gone to Lyona-sei yet?" He stopped a soldier.
" It has gone, sir."
" Good." He sighed. " Maybe we can help with this problem.

Vegeta skidded to a stop and locked fists with Diana. Their energy electrified the air around them. The two glared into each others eyes. Vegeta pushed and Diana pushed harder. He growled and powered up, throwing Diana back a bit. He caught her off guard as she shielded herself. His fist drove into her stomache and his knee into her face. He watched as she stumbled back, he took the liberty of pounding her into the ground.

Anna and Shae dragged Helen and Lupa's bodies to a safer place.
" We can't fight her. We don't exactly have the power needed to fight." Anna said and laid Helen across Renkon's chest.
" I know. We just have to hope that Vegeta can wear her down a bit, then we can fight her our way." Shae said and sighed. " I just hope she doesn't kill him."
" Me too." Anna nodded.
The gasped and threw up a shield as a stray enrgy blast flew their way. Shae blinked when she saw Diana's form fuzz in and deflect the blast then fuzz outlike she was never there. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes, not sure it her eyes were working properly.

Diana staggered and fell to one knee. Her uniform was tore up and she was getting really tired. She breathed deeply and forced herself up. She didn't know how long this little charade she was doing was going to work, but she had to get it to the point where Freiza's defenses were all down, then she would make her move. But she had to wait and fight on until that time. Diana worried that maybe she should have left Lupa in the fight still instead of taking her out so soon. Vegeta was getting to be a problem and he was starting to tire out also. She needed someone fresh and new to fight and keep them occupied while she waited for Freiza. She leaped out of the way of Vegeta's attack and tripped on a stone, spraining her ankle.
Vegeta laughed tiredly and walked over to her. " Finally out of fuel?" He chuckled.
" Not yet." She growled and attacked him, favoring her right ankle. She screamed when he grabbed it and swung her away from him. She rolled to a stop and slowly got up to her hands and knees. Diana gasped as Vegeta kicked her in her ribs and slammed her back into the ground with his fists.
" He's going to ruin my plan!" She hissed to herself and forced herself to knock Vegeta unconscious with her wounded ankle. She cried out and hobbled away from his body and fell, holding her ankle close to her body.
Her head snapped up as Shae and Anna flew at her. " No." She gasped and barely blocked a huge blast of fire. She scrambled to her feet and flew into the air, the two girls after her. She spun in the air and aimed a blast at them. She screamed as a massive force slammed into her and crushed her onto the ground.

Shae and Anna stopped when Starcrest, in his dragon form, plowed into Diana and smashed her into the ground. He leaped back as she shifted into her dragon form and the fight began. They flew back to the ground and started to drag Vegeta away. They turned as Starcrest locked his massive jaws on her throat, ruby red blood slipped down the pale white feathers, staining them red.
Anna felt her heart clench. She knew Lyona-jin law and knew that pitting dragon against dragon was forbidden. She turned away her face and forced herself to keep walking. Anna prayed that Diana would get out of this alive.

Diana slapped away her brother with her talons, slashing through his feathers and cutting open a large wound on his left shoulder. Though dragon feathers are a thousand time harder than diamonds, the only thing to make a wound on the dragon was a dragon talon or teeth. Starcrest roared and spewed molten silver at her. She leaped into the sky and spewed fire at him. He dodged and charged her, tackling her to the ground.
Diana coughed as his weight pinned her to the ground. She roared and clawed at the ground to get him off of her. Wiggling around, she freed her tail which lashed about, creating fine lines across Starcrest's hide that beaded with blood.
The two dragons fought viciously, although one was trying its hardest to keep from killing the other and keep from being killed. Diana leaped back and got caught with a blast of white hot flames. She screeched and broke his right forleg with a quick swipe of her wing. He fell to his side and struggled to stand. Diana leaped on him and bit down hard on the base of his wings, keeping him from flight. Starcrest curved his head around and clamped down on her wounded ankle and Diana screamed with pain as he easilly snapped the bone. She fell back and crawled away, growling and forcing herself to fly.

Freiza watched with facination as the two dragons battled. He was enjoying himself with the bloodflow and the cried the dragons shouted when they were wounded badly. He laughed and cheered for Diana as she snapped as the other dragon. He watched with glee as she slapped its face with her tail and it coiled away, roaring.

T.J. opened the tank that held Heero. He watched as he slowly woke up and looked around.
" Where am I?" He asked.
" On the Saiya-jin planet. Diana, Helen and the others saved us." Duo said handing him a blanket. " You were the longest one to stay in the tank."
" Thanks." Heero growled.
" Duo! Come quick! Diana and Starcrest are fighting and they don't look so good!" Quatre shouted towards them.
Heero and Duo ran to the nearest window and looked out. In the distance they coud see two white forms fighting, the bodies spotted with red patches. Heero identified the patches as blood.
" They're going to kill each other!" Heero gasped and ran out of the medical lab. He raced down the halls and out of the castle grounds. Heero found a tethered horse and climbed on. He kicked the horse into a gallop. He didn't know how he was going to stop the two, but he knew he had to do it now or never see them again.

" ANNA!" Shae screamed and pointed upwards. They saw huge numbers of dragons breaking through the clouds and heading for the battling dragons. " They're going to team up with Starcrest!" She yelped.
" NO!" Anna stood and waved at the dragons, trying to get the to stop.

Diana gasped as dragons from her planet came in hoards. She quickly shifted into her human form and launched herself away. Her senses pricked, that was what she was waiting for! Freiza's guard was down and it was time to strike. She changed her course and flew staright at him. The look of pure shock on his face brought a smile to her face as she latched onto him and self destructed.
The dragons roared and stayed back as half the ship blew up and a large white dome expanded then contracted into a tiny ball and blew up.
The dragons shifted back into their normal form and stared in horror as the dust settled and a small scrap from Diana's uniform floated over and landed in Starcrest's hand. He gripped the rag and closed his eyes.