Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diana ❯ Diana ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Heero pulled the horse up and found thousands of Lyona-jin and Saiya-jin warroirs walking around a huge crater, seaching fro something. He dismounted and walked over to where Shae and Anna stood, Helen, Lupa, Vegeta, and Renkon sitting up and staring at the crater.
" What happened?" He asked quietly.
" She wasn't under his control from the start. She was waiting for something and when it came, she attacked Frieza and ... and ... destroyed him." Anna whispered.
" Where's Diana then?" Heero grabbed her shoulder. She shuddered and burst into tears. Heero shook his head in disbelief and ran towards where Starcrest stood still, head bent.

Starcrest looked up and turned as Heero came running up. He held up his hand when he opened his mouth. " She's gone. This was all they found of her." Starcrest held out her tiara and the small scrap of cloth from her outfit.
" Diana. It can't be." He took the tiara and looked at it. He stopped and saw small scratches on the inside of the golden object. " What's this?" He rubbed at it, cleaning away the dirt.
" Huh?" Starcrest walked over and looked at it. " It's a poem she wrote. For life and love I shall return/ In the days when the sun shall set on a velvet blue sky/ And the sun shall fall and the ground will burn/ Look to the skies and you will see me fly."
Both stood still after the words were long gone from hearing. Heero trembled and sat, holding the tiara close to his heart. " Why did she have to be a heroine? Why did she have to go and do that?"
" Because she knew that with her life, she would have saved many other lives in this universe. She wanted to protect them in the best way she could."
" By taking out herself with Freiza? That's stupid!" Heero threw the tiara a good distance. It feel to the ground with tiny tinks.
" But it was easy for her to get to him by making him believe that she was under his control. She knew he would have dropped his guard soon and that's when she would have her little window of action." Vegeta said calmly. " She's a real unique girl and I'm sorry that she had to leave us."
" That sounds like you miss me." Everyone jumped and looked around quickly for the familar voice.
" Diana? Diana, where are you?" Heero jumped to his feet and spun around looking for her.
" It was just the wind." Vegeta growled.
" Sire, we found this also." A soldier walked up with the crescent moon that sat on the knot of her front bow. Starcrest took it and looked at it for a moment. He closed his fingers around it and held it to his heart.
" May she rest in peace and find happiness where she is." He said quietly and ordered his soldiers to move out and head back home.

Heero sat in his new room. Diana's room had been closed off to everyone, even him. Starcrest didn't want anything in her room to be moved or cleaned. He wanted it to have her scent and her feel. He stood and looked out the window. A single tear slid down his cheek, he wiped it away and looked into the clouds. He tried to feel her, but he couldn't remember how she was. It was like someone was slowly erasing his memeory of her. He turned and walked out of his room and trotted down the hall. He stopped at Diana's room and quietly opened the door. Once he stepped in, he thought he saw he sitting on the window sill like she always did when the sun set.
" Oh, Diana." He walked quickly towards her. She turned and smiled at him, then vanished like a dream. He stopped and blinked. Heero stepped back and close the door. He looked at the bed and saw the last place where she had been sitting, the green velvet pillow he had given her next to the indention. Heero knelt at the place and took the pillow. He breathed in her scent and curled on the floor beside the bed.

Vegeta-sei was a lot quieter without the normal everyday shouting of Diana and Vegeta not going on. Vegeta sat on the throne, plucking at his cape and wondering when Diana would walk through the doors. He shook his head and forcfully reminded himself that Diana was dead and she would never be coming in to cause trouble. He had sent Sky and Cyprus to Lyona-sei to live, knowing that's what Diana would have wanted. He had tried getting some arguments out of helen, but that ended quickly with Renkon. He had also tried, and failed, with Anna and Shae. Nothing would ever replace the odd arguments that he had with Diana, his crazy, idiotic, hyper, funny, and lovable Diana.
Vegeta huffed and stood. He walked down the steps and stopped when he felt something rush by him. Blinking he felt for anythig unusual. Vegeta started when he saw, or thought he saw, Diana run across the rug. He knew it was only a memory when he saw himself chasing after her, screaming at the top of his lungs. Vegeta chuckled to himself when he remembered how they ended that chase. Diana fell flat on her face and that made him fall over laughing. Vegeta shook his head and walked out to go train.

Anna flicked at a wire. She was used to Diana peering over her shoulder, asking questions about things then asking to spar. She missed her and missed the times when she would get into trouble with Vegeta and come running to her for help. Diana was such a ham, but she was kindhearted and gentle. Anna remembered when Diana walked in and told her tearfully that a slave had died. Anna had comforted her and told her that the slave was old and probably was best for him to die.
Anna stretched and stared at the ceiling. She silently wondered how Helen and Shae were handling this.

Shae and Helen played chess, going slow and thinking.
" You know. By this time, Diana would be making the moves for us and soon she'd be playing herself." Shae saw as she moved a pawn.
" Yeah. She would crack me up when she would win against herself and cheer and boo at the same time." Helen smiled a little.
" She was crazy." Shae leaned back and waited for Helen to move.
" I miss her." Helen frowned. " We should have thought that she would have pulled something like this."
" But we don't know how her mind works. Once we think up something, she's off on a rabbit trail, thinking up something new and most likely dangerous-"
" Or getting on Vegeta's nerves." Helen added.
" Yeah, but she was always thinking. She would have come up with something and done it. And we would have known nothing about it."
" So you're saying that she was only fighting us to give herself time for something?" Helen stared at Shae.
" Yeah. You was awake when she attacked Freiza when the dragons attacked her, right?" Helen nodded. " Did you see her eyes? How they went from blank to totally focused. She knew what she was doing and she was doing it good too. She fooled all of us into believeing that she was under Freiza's control and nothing we could do would bring her back."
" How did you come to that conclusion?" Helen furrowed her brows and looked at Shae.
" Well, I wore my mini cam to get all the good pics. I viewed all the information on it. There was this one time when one of Vegeta's attacks went off course. I thought I had a vision problem because I thought I had seen Diana blurr in and deflect the blast then blurr out. When I went in and slowed everything down, you get a good look at her eyes. You know that when you looked into her eyes, you saw nothing, like she wasn't home, right?" Helen again nodded. "Well, I slowed the film down and zoomed in on her eyes. They were clear and full of life. I also zoomed in on the colar."
" And?" Helen leaned forward.
" There was a small gap between the connecting peices. And those connecting pieces were melted. Diana must have melted them when she put on the colar."
" What if Freiza put it on her?"
" Not possible." Shae shook her head. " Heero told me that when she found him, Freiza threatened to kill him if she didn't put on the colar. He watched her put it on. He said she screamed and squirmed as if it was taking over her entire being. The odd part, he said, was when he was thrown out the window and Diana caught him. He remembers her whispering something in his ear, but he can't remember."
" She is such a sneaky little dog!" Helen laughed.
" Yeah. She knew that Anna and I couldn't possibly beat her with out powers, she she dodged us. It's amazing how much control she has." Shae smiled.
" Yeah." Helen agreed.

Lupa flipped through pages of a book and tossed it carelessly aside. She shifted throughother books and frowned. Nothing had what she was looking for. She stopped and found a book with a messy form of Diana's handwriting. She picked it up and opened it.
' Hello! I am Diana! This is my bok. Mommy say it good for me to rite and keep a dairy. Well, this is me lif.'
' Wow, can you believe that I wrote that sloppy? Ha ha. Well, Mom and Dad have gone off to their honeymoon and ' Crest and I are planning a little outing of our own. We are going to Vegeta-sei and visit Helen and the others. Maybe we can spot a new star! They ddon't believe me when I tell them that one day we will add a new member to our group! I told them I had dreamed that a girl with a wolf like tail would come and stay with us, but they don't believe me. Oh, well.'
' Here I am again. I am nineteen and in love with the most finest guy on Lyona-sei. He's tall dark and handsome! His name's Julian and he's the cutest, funniest guy on the planet! Have to go!'
' Hey, it's me again. The docts told me that I had lost Matt to Gargatuan. Julian died also fighting him. They told me that I should be happy, I had reached gold Lyon. I could care less,my light has been taken from me.'
' Heero is the BEST OF THE BEST!!!!'
Lupa closed the diary and set it on her lap. Although she hadn't known Diana for a while, she felt something for her and sniffed. Diana fought her and whimpered her defeat and made her laugh with her silly antics. Lupa didn't think that Diana could have given up because she was the one to join their ' group'. She stood and turned to see Starcrest leaning on the door jamb.
" What?"
" Reading Diana's diary?" He asked.
" What's it to you?" Lupa sniffed.
" Nothing. Let me read it after you're done." He shook his head and walked away.
Lupa bowed her head. Lyona-sei was in a depression from loosing their princess. The planet lost its warm glow and took on a dulled look. She had asked Shae about it and she had told her that intheir family line, the females are the ones who have the power of the planet. Lupa understood that Diana was the planets life source and power. Now that she was gone, there was nothing but a rock with inhabitants.

On another planet, a large group blue skinned creatures crowded around a form that lay face first in the dirt.
" What is it?" One of them asked in a tiny whisper.
" Maybe it's one of those shifters from the mountains."
" No. Those never leave the mountains." The leader said. It was wearing a large head dress. " This one fell from the bright cut in the sky."
" It's waking up!" The creatures jumped back.
The form got onto its hands and knees. The red, white, and blue cloth covering its body was ripped and torn in many places. A white hand lifted and pulled a silver ring off its neck and threw it to the side. The creatures squeeled and ran for hiding places as they caught a glimps of the forms face. Soft, feminine, and smiling. It had soft rose colored lips and warm brown eyes. Dark brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail hung around the face. A long tan coloered lion tail swunng back and forth.
" I made it." It spoke and laughed, scaring the little blue creatures back into hiding.

Heero woke up, feeling something that was distant yet close. He rubbed his eyes and walked over to the window. Opening the decorated glass he looked out into the starlit sky. In his heart, he could feel her heart beating, strong and powerful. His eyes searched the sky and landed on a tiny blue sparkle. Something deep inside him told him that Diana would be returning soon. A small smile touched his lips at the thought and he reached out to the small blue sparkle.
" Come home qickly, Di. We all miss you, even Vegeta." Heero thought he heard her laughter in the wind. He smiled, playing with the thought that he could actually hear her from where ever she was.