Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ Shine Temae.....Omae o Korosu.....Ninmu Kanryou! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I was watching the BET Awards! Stevie Wonder performed with John Legend and then it….oh *grin* anyways, I have it out of my system and am now ready to get back on this!
Bombayoni: Hello, my favorite insatiable kitte-cat reviewer! *glomp* Sorry for making you wait so long. I've had a first hand experience on how it feels not to have any yaoi to read. T_T. I even tried reading my own work. Thank you for reviewing as always. I luv ya much!
Lella: *tackles and glomps* Yay! A new reviewer! I'm happy you like the story. I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope to hear from you more and thanks again!
Chapter 8:
Small woodland creatures gathered around the small cabin of chibi-teens. Cute little rabbits hopped happily behind Bambi as they explored the strange smelling area. Birds chirped as they sunbathed and sung out to their mates.
The Disney-like scene was violently dispelled as crashed and curses came from within the household.
“"Urusai!" A gunshot rang.
“Shine Temae!!!" Metal tearing through the air.
“Omae o korosu!” The whole safe house shook viciously as a loud explosion sounded.
Inside, Duo lay sprawled on his back, his leg twitched every so often. Two spiral shaped lines took up his eye sockets. “Shin…e….T..emae….” He said dizzily.
Small pieces of pale blue metal gleamed around the grimy wooden floor.
Minutes later MC poked her head from behind one of the sofa. Then Chaos ventured out along with the other chibi-pilots and one mecha.
“I didn't know he could do that?”
“Well, this is Yuy; he had to find some way to be able to do it.” Wufei grumbled. He stabbed the cushion of the furniture to pull himself to sit on top of it. His hair was in total disarray along with the entire living room/dining room. A large charred circle stained the floor two feet away from the unconscious Deathscythe pilot.
“It must've been the guns.” Chaos said calmly. Seeing that the fight was over, he went back to taking his nap on the chibi infested coach.
“I told you to leave him alone, Duo.” Quatre said sympathetically. He was bent over Duo looking down into his soot covered face.
"Ninmu Kanryou.” The braided teen said weakly.
Just then, all the metal bits began to glow white and dance across the floor. In one blinding light the pieces began to swirl and come together. When the dazzling light show cleared, the stoic teen stood over them unscathed. He took one look at the Duo's defeated stayed and snorted before going to an isolated corner by himself.
“And now that that's over….HEEEEERRRROOOOOO!!” Nita-sama tried to make her voice as high and annoying as possible. She didn't come close to Relena but she still managed to cause the Japanese terrorist to cringe and cock his gun. “No more self destructing in the house.” She deadpanned.
“Ninmu Ryoukai.” He said dejectedly.
With this said, MC went back to tinkering with her broken gun. She only need to reattach the doo-hicky to the what-cha-ma-call-it and re-invert the whose-a-what's-it and it would be done. Sound simple enough, doesn't it?
The chibi-diablo cringed visibly at the young male voice coming from the other side of the door. Her screwdriver clanked loudly and hit the floor but not before hitting her foot. She scowled as she held her foot in one hand and her gun in the other while jumping.
“Run” She said calmly. The five boys looked at her and back at the door. None moved. Nita-sama shrugged. //Your funeral// She said mentally.
Just then the door was knocked down for a third time that day (someone, call social service for door abuse!) to reveal another youthful young man.
“You cut your hair.” Chaos had woken up again to regard the newcomer. Said newcomer only grinned and scanned the room.
MC slowly peeked from her hiding spot behind the curtain of Mike's hair. The boy was way younger than Chaos with a way smaller build that favored more of a supple look. His fire read hair was cut short just below the nape of his neck.
“Talim Isaaya Isogowa!” Nita-sama bellowed. The redhead cringed at the use of his entire name and stared down at the furious caramel skinned girl. “What did I tell you?!”
“Well, *mom*, you said that I was to stay at the house and eat my chocolate.”
“And why aren't you there?”
“Because all the chocolate's gone, Chaos left, and I was horny.”
If there was a cricket in the facility you could hear it chirping. Since there was none, there was only silence. The troublemaker and Talim settled for blinking at each other.
“You…were….” Talim nodded before she finished her sentence.
“You know how I get after having all that chocolate. And it was white chocolate at that!”
Said boy sighed and stood gracefully from his napping place. He sullenly approached the shorter teen. “You have three hours to vent all that excess `energy' off.”
Talim nodded and the two left to go into one of the rooms in the back.
“Well, I think everything just went into the R rating.” Trowa said quietly.
“Thank. You. Talim.” Nita-sama huffed and flopped back around her current project.
A/N: I don't know so don't ask. I just felt like it….for some….reason. Randomness *was* in the genre. Anyways, I'm going to start `developing' some 1x2-ness. And maybe some more guest appearances will come. *wink* *wink*