Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
A/N: Hello from this AWOL fanfic writer for you. Sorry I made you wait so long. I had to read the last chap in Equinity by GW_Shenlong. I freakin' love her work! Good authors keep me entertained so I don't have to strangle the rugrats that infest my house now.
PATTY 40: *glomp* Hello!!!! Such a short and simple review. Glad you like and thanks for the 10-10 rating. It makes me all warm inside.
Rose Fury: You can't die!! Then who will be my partner in crime in Heero the Matchmaker? *wink*wink*
DK_Joy: The bazooka was a result of me watching one too many cartoons in my seventeen years of age. You're never too old for a little bit of Looney Tunes! Thank you for reviewing and take your time. I know you're out there. I know work can be a bitch.
Lella: Yes the awards were great. My favorite ones were Destiny Child's and Omarian's performance. I'm not a big fan of either but they did a great job. Will and Jada were great too and really funny. *waves to Will Smith* I want a lap dance too baby!! Oh, thank you for reviewing too! INSANITY IS MY SPECIALTY. IT'S SUCH A WONDERFUL THING. *spins around squealing `Weeeee'*
Bombayoni: Gotcha! *gives poky* Thank you for reviewing on this and other fics! I'm looking forward to more Team Hostile.
Luckk: I know. I know. I realized that after rereading the chap where I screwed up. It'll be fixed when I get a chance. Thank you for the reviewing and letting me know about the mistake.
Dark_Lite: Glad to hear it. *bows* I am very humbled by the compliment. *bawls like a baby* You like me. You really like me!
Chapter 9:
A comfortable silence reigned over the small safe house. Only the sounds of the chibified troublemaker were heard. The room that Talim and Mike had disappeared into was silent as well save for the occasional curse and quick apology.
Wufei sat on his perch on the back of the ragged sofa slowly doing an imitation of a tomato in the face. Duo floated idly overhead while flicking his prized hair across his bottom lip. Every now and then his eyes would focus on Heero who was trying to get a feel for his new wings. Quatre poked at the chibi-camel carefully to see if it was real and Trowa flipped and cart wheeled around the room having had a sudden urge to do his circus routine.
Finally, half an hour later, Nita-sama held up the now fixed gun. She grinned and waved it around in the air. Just then the door to the room swung open with a loud `BANG' causing the hazel eyed girl to jump and drop the gun to the unforgiving floor.
Said gun clattered noisily before breaking in three different spots. The five Gundam pilots lounging in the room opted to hide behind various furniture they deemed chibi-ray durable.
This sent the caramel skinned girl into a fit of unladylike curses and gestures. Mike and Talim only looked at her indifferently.
That's when the redhead teen sat beside the fuming chibi and began to whisper something in her ear. Nita-sama slowly began to uncoil and a grin slowly formed on her face. She looked over to where two pilots, one with a braid and one with a bazooka, were hiding.
“Nimnu henko ryoukai!” The teen crowed and began to roll up sleeves that she didn't have.
Mike only looked from his place where he was currently glowering. No one had noticed what was done to him….yet. His hair was done up in pigtails, ponytails, and bows (both pink and purple) thanks to the hyperactive redhead.
The blue eyed teen leaned back against the wall and began to salvage what hair he could that wasn't tangled.
Meanwhile, Talim had Heero and Duo in each hand by the back of their collars. The threat of Nita-sama not finishing the guns if her OC was harmed in anyway kept the two from retaliating.
“Now, we're going to play a game.” MC announced. Her forked tail flicked anxiously behind her. “You two are going to play truth or dare. Oh, the others can play as well.”
A firm glare bought the remaining three pilots over. Before long, they were in a complete circle.
“Oh, we have an odd man out.” Talim said innocently. He cocked his head and tapped a finger to his chin thoughtfully.
Nita-sama nodded in agreement. With a snap of her fingers, she was regular size. She still bore the devil horns and wing and tail and her discarded pitch fork had grown as well. The boys at her feet gawked at her. She sweat dropped and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “No I can't do that with you. I'm special-“
“ed.” Mike added silently but not silent enough. MC turned to glare at him but burst into gut clutching laughter. The teen only glared at her.
“I think Tal's getting better.” Nita-sama said between gasps.
“Shenita Nicole Johnson!”
Nita-sama cringed visibly and looked around nervously. Realization finally dawned on her and she slipped a hand into her back pocket. She fished around for a good five minutes before retrieving a disgruntle looking chibi.
“Oops, how long were you in there?”
“Long enough, Miss Johnson.”
“Oh, don't ever call me by my whole government.” MC said sweetly. The sudden edge in her eyes said differently. The chibi nodded. “Now, we're going to play a game. You can be paired with Wu-bear.”
“Wufei!!” Said chibi corrected sharply.
“I don't mind playing with the dragon.” The new chibi said with a leer. All Gundam pilots sweat dropped.
A/N: Who is the new mystery chibi? No Talim and Mike didn't do the….thing. Talim only played in his hair…..a lot. The gun is broken again and where the hell did `Scythe go? Who knows…….Review!!!