Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
Bombayoni: *runs away* I'll never tell. Mwhahhahahahaaaaa!!!! I'm glad that your questions were answered.
Rose Fury: What are you confuzzled about? Let me know and I'll fix it. I'm glad the reply made you happy! Oh, for I can put you in Heero the Matchmaker, I'll need you to email me a little description of yourself. And if you have any ideas *nods*. Doesn't matter when or what series you get your pairing from. If I haven't seen it I'll ask you about the characters being paired.
A/N: I'm bored, can't use the net yet (hey I rhymed!), and I'm on a sugar high. You do the math.
Chapter 10:
The new chibi was well dressed despite his size. He wore a small Oz uniform blazer and a pair of stark white pants and black dress shoes. His big blue eyes sparkled as he looked around the room. A single rose was clutched in his chubby hand.
(A/N: If you don't know who it is, I'm not talking to you anymore. *huff*)
He sat comfortably on the spot he deemed the cleanest.
“The game is Truth or Dare. If you don't do the dare or tell the truth, and I can tell, you'll have to kiss whoever I tell you to. And I have friends that will be influencing what I do.” The troublemaker waved a small compact phone around. “I'm sure they would have field day with this.”
The five pilots grudgingly agreed to the game.

”Can I play too?” Talim said with a cute pout. MC thought about it and looked over to Mike. He didn't look like he wanted to play so she snapped her fingers. Two more people appeared.
“You can play with Robin and Raven.” She said.
“Why am I here? You already tortured me!” The cinnamon blonde boy protested. His neon blue eyes sparked dangerously at the girl.
“Yeah, and me.” The silver haired boy joined in. “Why don't you ever make a girl OC?”
“I did, Naima, remember?”
“I don't see her in any of your fics.”
“Remi, Julie.”
“Julie's dead and Remi is technically not even a part of the fic!”
“Hold on!” Quatre shouted. Everyone fell into a surprised induced silence at the blonde's outburst. “What fics?”
“Well, I write stories mainly about you guys.”
“Well, you're all nymphs in my favorite one.”
“Which one?” Duo seemed interested now.
“Not telling until you play the damn game!” The green eyed troublemaker said with a grin. Duo's face fell. “Now, we'll start with….Heero. Ask Duo something.”
“Truth or Dare?” Heero asked.
“Or.” Duo said quickly. The Japanese teen looked quickly to MC then back the braided American. “Alright, truth!”
“Nope.” Nita-sama said firmly. “You don't lie so that doesn't sit well with me.”
“Fine, dare.”
“I…dare you…to…paint scythe pink.” Heero said with a smug look. Duo gawked at him then at the ringleader of all of this.
MC slowly nodded her consent.
“No, I will not paint `Scythe!” The chibi Shinigami said as he crossed his fingers.
“Then you have to kiss Heero.” Nita-sama said quickly. Just then `Scythe came in through the broken door followed by four other mechas.
“'Scythe, how did you get…” Scythe held up the black and grey gun that had turned the rest of them into their current form.
“Ooo, is this the safe house. Sugoi, look, there's the couch and the TV. I don't think it has cable.” A white, blue and red blur flew through the room.
“Wing!” `Scythe called after the bundle of energy. Said Gundam stopped in mid step and obediently stood beside the black and white counterpart.

”Sorry, `Scythe. Hey, let's get married!”
`Scythe rolled his eyes as he hovered over to Nita-sama. The hazel eyed girl took her gun and grinned at the new chibis.
“Why not?”
“Because then Duo and Heero would have to get married.”
“Yay! Heero get married.” Wing floated over to his pilot and began to pull at his cheeks. “Come on, get married”
“Omae o korosu!” Heero shouted after the facial torture.
“Geez, after self detonating me so many times you'd think you could do this one thing for me. It's not like you don't like Duo or anything.”
“Anyways! Back to the dare.” Nita-sama said impatiently. “Are you going to paint `Scythe pink or what?”
“He can try but he won't get far.” The mecha in question said with a dangerous edge.

”Then he has to kiss Heero.”
“Where's the paint.” Duo said quickly.
“Just kiss the damn boy already!” Another voice sounded. Sandrock stalked in and picked the mini-Shinigami up by the back of his collar. “Do it or I'll blow your ass up!”
Duo sweat dropped. Wasn't Quatre's Gundam supposed to be a pacifist like him?
“Hey, anyone up for tennis?” Heavyarms skipped in on the scene as well. “How about baking cookies?”
“Shut up you pansy!” Sandrock barked. Heavyarms pouted and crossed his arms over his metallic chest.
“Well if that's how you're going to be….I hate you!” The small mecha turned and flopped to the ground Indian style. Sandrock looked around in stubborn attempt to show that he didn't care.
“Alright! I'm sorry.” He said softly. He took the sulking mecha in his arms and rocked him comfortingly.
All the while, Quatre and Trowa looked like they were about to have a conniption.
“So what about that kiss, Duo?”
A/N: Am I forcing Duo too hard? I don't know why I had `Scythe chibify the other mechas. It was fun though. Whoops, one is missing isn't it? *grin* Review!!