Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo's Boredom and What Come Of It ❯ Duo's Boredom and What Come Of It ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Duo's Boredom & What Came Of It"

by Shella

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Summary: One-shot random-ness ahead. Summary? Look at the title. Should say enough. Maybe I should also state that it's shounen-ai, that might help.

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Romance / General

Warnings: Shounen-ai (boy + boy love)

A/N: For me, this is an exercise in characterisation. I'm trying to see if I can write certain pilots in character. Reviews on this subject appreciated.

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"Booooooooorrrrrrrrrrrred … bored, bored, bored, bored, boooooooored…"

Duo sighed & flopped down in front of the TV. Quatre had turned it off a moment ago as the only programs on at this time were aimed at two-year-olds and bored housewives with no lives of their own. Trowa, Heero and Wufei were out on a mission, something to do with disabling a recently-discovered OZ installation, which meant that he and Quatre were the only people in the house.

This would have been fine, except that there was nothing to do. Duo had been searching for something, anything, to relieve his utter boredom for the last two hours, forty-three minutes and roughly seven point oh eight seconds, but nothing doing. It was as he suspected - today was the most boring day of his life.

"Why don't you find something to do, then?"

The God of Death slowly turned his head. Quatre sat on the couch, legs folded under him, a completely innocent expression on that angelic face of his. Duo had the sudden urge to remove that look with a metal scouring brush.

"I think you're missing the basic point here, Q. Which is - there is nothing to do!"

A thoughtful look crossed the blonde's cherub countenance and he suggested, "Well what happened to that deck of cards you had earlier?"

"Boring," Duo replied flatly. "There isn't a single one or two-person card game I know that I haven't played more times than Wufei's starched his underpants." At the faintly green look on his friend's face, the braided pilot laughed. "Ah, Q-man, I don't know how you manage it."

"Manage what?" the other asked.

Duo smiled. "Such innocence," he replied. "You're like an angel or something - so pure and uncorrupted."

"So Heaven only knows how I get along with you," the blonde replied.

A dumbstruck look crossed his brunette counterpart's face and he raised himself slowly on his elbows. "I can't believe what I just heard," he whispered, awe and amazement making themselves evident in his voice. "Such a thing has surely never happened! This is an incredible, unforeseen event! Quatre Winner … teased me!" He threw himself onto his back again, draping one arm across his forehead and feigning utter shock. "I can't process this," he declared. "It's just not right!"

The smaller pilot gave the tiniest of pouts. "I'm not always, you know, nice and stuff," he muttered.

"Could have fooled me," Duo rejoined quickly. He snickered. "Thanks, Q, I needed that. I haven't heard anything that ridiculous in way too long." A yawn forced itself from his mouth to be muffled by a long-fingered hand. "Doesn't mean I'm not still bored though…"

Quatre rolled his eyes. "You're a fool, Duo."

"Yeah, I knew that already. Tell me something new, why don't you?"

But the room lapsed into silence again, a kind of dull, waiting silence like something needed to happen. The ticking of the clock on the mantelpiece seemed to slow, a minute passing between each second. Duo's hands were folded under his head and he looked up at the ceiling through the messy brown bangs that were free from his four-foot-long braid. His knees were bent, one leg crossed over the other and swinging idly as he contemplated the sheer scale of his boredom. Quatre sat on the couch as before, his head propped on one hand, the arm it belonged to resting on the back of the couch, and his wide cerulean eyes roamed around the room in search of something to relieve the lack of anything happening in the room.

"Hey Q-man…"


"You ever kissed a guy?"

The fourth pilot blinked. His friend hadn't moved, still staring at the ceiling, his voice betraying nothing more sinister than curiosity.

"Uh … why do you ask?"

"No reason. It's something to ask, that's all. So have you?"

"Um, yeah, a couple of times."

There was silence once again, but Quatre had the unnerving premonition that something was about to explode.

"You want to?"


"What, now?!"

"Yeah, why not? Nothing else to do."

Duo casually looked around and saw that the most innocent of the five pilots was blushing profusely, his hands twisting and clenching in his lap as he seemed to struggle to get words out. The braided American kept an indifferent gaze trained on Quatre as he waited for the other boy to answer.


He promptly unfolded his limbs and got to his feet, stalking over to the couch to sit next to his friend. The adorable blonde looked flustered, probably wondering what he'd gotten himself in for. He looked alarmed as Duo shuffled closer, so that they were almost touching, and looked squarely into his eyes. Unruffled violet met turbulent cerulean, calming, reassuring, and Duo leaned in.

When the other boy's mouth contacted with his, Quatre's eyes slid shut and the tension seemed to leave his body in a feeling of every muscle relaxing. Duo's lips were warm, soft, and gentle but sensual at the same time, like satin against his own, and he realised with a pleasant shock that he liked it. He pressed his mouth against the brunette's, wanting more of the delicious contact, curious to see what else would happen. But when a hand slid over his hip and a soft tongue glided over his closed lips a shiver ran through him and he didn't know whether it was caused by excitement or nerves. He felt so new to this, so naive, so inexperienced … and he felt certain that his partner was not.

Nevertheless, his mouth opened of its own accord to admit the caressing tongue that had asked for permission a heartbeat earlier. An unfamiliar but more than enjoyable warmth spread outward through his body from his stomach, a strange feeling that he latched onto instinctively, eager to explore it. As he responded to Duo's kiss in kind, he reached up one delicate hand to cup the other teenager's face, fingers running over soft skin, and the warmth spread. If Quatre was a cat, he would have purred.

Duo's fingers were now rubbing circles over the point of his hip, a delightful massage centred on an area that made Quatre's breath catch and his eyes squeeze tighter shut. He pressed his body against that of the braided pilot, his hand now on the back of his neck to pull him closer and deepen the kiss. The intensity of it made definite heat spiral through the smaller boy's slim form.


They broke the kiss in the same moment to turn to the source of the sound. Quatre's heart seemed to drop into his shoes as he saw three familiar people in the doorway, cobalt, emerald and ebony eyes fixed on their fellow pilots with varying degrees of amusement.

"Hey, Wuffles, you're back."

Only Duo.

"It seems like we weren't exactly being missed," the Chinese boy answered dryly. He, Trowa and Heero all looked a little beat up and dishevelled, but they didn't seem to be concerned by the state of their bodies and clothes at the moment. They appeared to be more interested in the little scene playing out on the couch before them. Quatre felt the heat rapidly leaving the rest of his body to centre and multiply in his face and knew he was turning bright red.

"So how'd the mission go?" asked the American brightly. "You look like you had fun." Casually he got up and crossed the room, brushing a speck of dust off Heero's shoulder with his index finger and rubbing the dirtied area against his thumb.

"It was a success," replied the pilot of Wing Zero in his usual monotone. He flicked a glance at Quatre then back to the braided baka in front of him. The smallest twitch of an eyebrow was the only betrayal of expression on his face before he turned and stalked out of the room. Quatre heard feet thudding on the stairs and knew that Heero was going to be on his laptop for quite some time.

Duo rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he spoke generally to everyone in the room. "There but for the grace of personality, go I."

"You would do well to take some tips from Heero," Wufei said, his voice bland but the challenge in his words obvious.

The violet-eyed American rose to the bait as always. "What's that supposed to mean?"


All three of them turned to blink at Trowa. He'd spoken more syllables in that one word than he normally did in an entire day. Duo was the first to find his voice.

"Oh, get over it. Just because I have a life."

And with that, he pounded up the stairs to his room.

* * *

Later that night, an angel approached a god's room and paused outside the solid, forbidding dark barrier. There was almost visible tension thrumming in the ethereal creature's body, nervousness that made tiny shivers run through his slight frame. One perfect lip was drawn by equally flawless teeth into a mouth that few had experienced the full beauty of and a slim, pale hand hovered hesitant over the gateway curve of the doorknob. The angel swallowed, a convulsive lump sliding down the smooth curve of his throat even as the softly clouded cerulean orbs hardened into a glimmer like sapphire and he turned the handle to enter the room beyond.

"Oi, Q, try knocking before you come in!"

Quatre gave a yelp and spun around to face the door he slammed instinctively behind him as Duo, flushing to the tips of his endless chocolate hair, wrapped the towel back around his waist. The diminutive Arabian's face burned so brightly he could have replaced Rudolf in Santa's sleigh at a moment's notice.

"I - I'm sorry, Duo, I just - I, uh, I didn't-"

"You didn't think, you didn't knock, you didn't wait - any of those what you meant to say?"

"I'm sorry! I didn't - didn't mean to, I swear … I didn't, you know, see anything…"

The braided American snorted as he quickly slid into his boxers, watching Quatre's back the entire time. "Liar," he accused.

"I said I was sorry!" blurted his now desperately uncomfortable friend.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Blowing his fringe out of his eyes with a sigh, Duo slipped on his shirt, swiftly doing up the line of buttons protecting him from the embarrassed eyes of his fellow pilot. "It's ok, Q, I'm not gonna kill you. Heero hasn't rubbed off on me that much yet."

As the blonde Arabian turned cautiously to face him, Duo smirked. "Yet, I said. That might change in the next ten seconds."

At the look of genuine alarm on Quatre's face, he couldn't resist a burst of laughter, flopping onto his back on the bed and letting mirth overwhelm his senses. The fourth pilot, instantly aware that he was being made fun of, pouted at the other boy until he realised his ploy wasn't working. Failing that, he seized a pillow and dealt a brutal blow to Duo's stomach.

"Oof! Ok, ok, I'll stop laughing at you…"

The braided American rolled over onto one elbow to smirk at a fiercely blushing Quatre. The petite blonde was standing before him, eyes on the pillow he gripped convulsively in his hands, and he looked like he was trying to speak but not quite getting the words out. Duo, showing sympathy unbefitting one who had been engaging in copious amounts of mirth at the Arabian's expense only a moment ago, sat up and gently prised the cushion from his friend's hands, patting the bed beside him.

"Sit, Q. Now tell me what you came in here to talk to me about."

Quatre obeyed him cautiously. He looked at his hands, joined in his lap, and bent every ounce of his will into making his mouth work. "Duo - I, uh … I sort of … lied to you before," he blurted in a rush. "But - but it's not anything really bad, I just … kind of … exaggerated something…"

Duo raised one eyebrow, curiosity thoroughly piqued. As Quatre swallowed, and chewed his lip, and looked around the room, and twisted his hands in his lap, and generally failed to elaborate, the brunette frowned slightly and prompted, "Well? What about? You gotta tell me these things, Q-man, I'm not a mind reader." The irony of the phrase made them both smile, Duo's lips curving into a broad grin while a nervous twitch barely graced Quatre's.

"Okay." The Arabian spoke the word in an abrupt exhalation that made the word sound slurred and indistinct, but Duo understood nonetheless.

"Good. Now talk."

Quatre turned to look at him, but faltered under the curious amethyst gaze. "Uh … well you see … it's like this…" Swiftly the nervous cerulean returned to the safer floor and he finished his confession in a mumble. "I lied to you when I said I'd kissed a guy before."

His braided counterpart blinked. "You … never kissed a guy before me."

The smallest pilot glanced sideways at him before reverting his apprehensive gaze to the space between his feet once more. "That's right. I lied about it."

"Phew! That's all? That's what you lied about? Geez, Q, I thought it was something horrible!" Quatre looked at his friend in surprise that he took it so lightly and Duo laughed, flopping onto his back on the bed again. "Don't get me worked up like that over something so little, Quatre. I thought you were going to say you hated me for it or something!"

"I'd never hate you!" blurted the blonde pilot. Blinking slightly in surprise at the vehemence of his own hasty words, he met Duo's gratified gaze and added hastily, "Well, of course not, you're my … my friend…"

If Quatre noticed the fractional flicker of darkness in the American's violet pools he didn't comment, as he was concentrating more on his own reactions and why the hell he'd suddenly lost control of them. He found himself staring at his closest friend like he'd been hypnotised, seemingly unable to look away from the admittedly gorgeous God of Death he'd shared so much with during the war. Once again words slipped out of his mouth without intervention by his brain.

"…You want to do it again?"

*Well that was unexpected* thought Duo mildly. He blinked silently at the petite blonde perched on the edge of his bed. An adorable flush had sprung to the other's cheeks, extending to colour his ears and heat his face so he looked down, away, avoiding Duo's eyes.

"I'm sorry … I shouldn't have asked … I should have known you wouldn't want to … it's just that … it's just that I really liked it…"

This was too good an opportunity to miss. Without hesitation Duo curled like a cat so he was kneeling beside his friend and cupped Quatre's face in his hands, turning the Arabian's face to his own. "Yes," he said simply, and captured the other boy's mouth once again. The kiss was stronger this time, less of an experiment and more of an exploration. Duo wanted to absorb the taste of the submissive mouth beneath him, in him, around him as well as he could, examining every inch of it and coaxing the talented tongue therein to join with his own. He wanted to engage Quatre's entire body in the experience, igniting the reactions in his partner that the other boy could so easily produce in him. He wanted to be close to Quatre, closer than allies, closer than friends, as close as they could be in every sense of the word.

So when the Arabian pilot shifted to hesitantly but determinedly push Duo onto his back and climb on top of him, the orphan from L2 felt like all his dreams had come true at once. The slight weight of the body lying tensely but comfortably on his own was a welcome change from the much heavier, more awkward forms Duo was used to lying under when he got bored and went to scout the nearby town. Quatre was more innocent, less knowledgeable, but infinitely more appealing than any of the nameless people the American had bedded in his considerably greater experience. He cared for Quatre, and that was the greatest difference.

"What are we doing?" murmured the sweet voice in his ear. Somewhere along the line their mouths had parted to allow them remove each other's shirts, and Duo found that he missed he contact already. He reinstated it promptly and ardently.

"Only what you want to do," the brunette replied reassuringly around a mouthful of Arabian, catching a glimpse of the seemingly ever-present nervousness in his counterpart's sapphire eyes.

The blonde wet his lips, apparently unaware of how much that simple action captivated the boy beneath him. "And … and you?" he asked hesitantly.

Duo smiled and planted a kiss on Quatre's mouth that conveyed his enjoyment, his sincerity, and the unmistakable quality of his personality that said, `I'll never back down.' He grinned at the slender Arabian above him. "Anything you want to do, I want to do with you," he promised, and drew Quatre into another spellbinding kiss.

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