Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fateful Tale ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
There was once a girl named Relena... and this girl was a fake. Arrogant, selfish, deceiving, pompous, shallow, all of these words and more could be used to accurately describe her. Yet her true self was concealed, hidden away behind a cloud of false sweetness. People thought she was perfect, from her school clique of fawning followers, to her parents who gave her everything, and loved their perfect little 'princess' who was their only child.

She always had her way, getting whatever it was she desired, by any means possible, yet never lifting so much as a finger in the process. What she wanted, she got, no matter if it was a new pair of shoes, attending the latest clubs, or the affections of the boy down the street.

However, she did not have the ENTIRE town under her thumb. A group of teenage boy's, belonging to the same school and being in the same grade as the girl saw past her sugar sweet charade. They were not fooled for a minute, a voiced active distaste for the girls antics.

These boys were called 'scary' or 'weird' and, to put it mildly, were to be avoided, at any cost, by everybody. They were a team, fighters to the core, more of a family that most people with blood relations. They worked as a unit, dangerous and deadly when opposed, and undefeated. Living in town meant you were safe, by the law and by these boys. Dealing with anything that came up, in their own way. The people at the emergency room earned their paychecks.

The four boys were so radically different, and uniquely themselves that it was a wonder that they were so close. Their leader, Heero Yuy, who, with his piercing blue eyes, and expressionless face, caught anyone who didn't get out of his way fast enough. With a masculine grace few possessed, he would stalk the halls with the others following, almost as if he were leading his pack on the hunt.

Then there was Quatre Winner, the rich kid gone 'bad'. This blonde who was never seen without his bandanna or leather jacket, could just as easily snap you in two as he manipulated the strings of his violin, but usually declined from getting into anything, having a distaste for stupid people who were 'cruising for a bruising.' Next was Trowa Barton, Winner's silent companion, his partner, in more ways than one. This tall and graceful boy, of whom you could only see one half his face, the rest being continually covered by his unique roan hued bangs, was very protective and deadly. Anyone who messed with them, Winner in particular, got a lesson in manners, usually in the form of having it beaten into them.

Finally there was Chang Wufei, the Chinese dragon. This proud boy, with obsidian hair and eyes, had a fierce sense of justice and honor. Anything that caused injustice or dishonor was quickly and efficiently dealt with.

There was only one person who didn't have enough smarts to stay away from them. Relena. The girl had an infatuation with Heero, her proverbial 'boy down the street', and had somehow gotten the idea that they were soul mates stuck in her head. No matter how many hints were dropped, or rather, thrown at her, nor how much Heero ignored her, it just didn't penetrate her pink and fuzzy clouded mind that he was *not* into her. In fact, as with Trowa and Quatre, Heero preferred boys to girls anyway.

When Relena was on one of her visitations, namely, when she has ferreted Heero out, and the others by extension, her followers had dredged up enough brain-power and free will to realize that staying as far away as possible was their best course of action. Even though they loved and adored her, she was on her own. This was going to be one of *those* days.

Being all on her lonesome, Relena was a trifle bit nervous, having never gone to visit Heero while all of the other boys were with him. Usually it was when Heero and that chinese boy.. Wufei, were alone that she visited. The petit Arab who was so well bred, and the silent Latino always put her on edge, though Wufei was not that much better, with the contemptuous sneer he always wore when she was around.

Walking across the deserted lot on the outskirts of town, where the group usually met, she called out, sounding much like a banshee who'd overtaxed her throat, "Oh Heeeeeeroooooo!"

Without turning to face her, Heero replied curtly with a mental sigh, "Go away Relena"

As always, this did not deter her, she crossed the final few feet between them, and latched onto Heero's arm, "Oh Heero! It took me forever to find you, why weren't you in town? And of all the places you *could* be, why on *earth* did you choose this dirty place? Do you know that I ruined my shoes walking across that mud? And my car will have to be washed now-"

"Excuse me Miss. Relena, but did you realize that you are invading Heero's personal space? That is very rude, and unlady-like, you know," Quatre interrupted her ramblings with a superior look, "And I thought you were a well bred lady, my mistake."

Unlatching herself from Heero's arm, Relena was struck speechless at this attack from Quatre, "I ...well, I ...what do you know?" she sputtered finally.

"Unlike you, I *remember* my etiquette classes," he replied huffily, waving his hand in a curt gesture, then turning it to examine his nails.

Turning to get some support from Heero, all she found was an equally superior smirk, "But ...but, you're my boyfriend! You love me! We're destined to be together!"

"No I'm not, no I don't, and no we aren't Relena, now leave" was the cold reply

"Onna! Even you should know that was a dismissal," looking at her pointedly, Wufei continued, "You should not stay where you're obviously not welcome."

Turning a full 360 degrees looking for some support, and finding nothing but contempt filled smirks, Relena burst into tears and took off across the rough terrain, the cruel chuckles of the boy's echoing in her mind. //NO! He *will* have me... and if he wont this is the last time he slights me, I will extract my vengeance!//