Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ For One Moment in Time ❯ Chapter 1

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For One Moment in Time

By Angel Love

Rating: G

Author's notes: This is just a small little one-shot fic based after Endless Waltz.

Standard disclaimers apply. I don't own Gundam Wing, if I did none of you all would have dibs on checking out Heero's butt first.

Relena took a deep breath and walked to the front of her psychology class. She set her notes down on the desk next to her; she didn't need them, she knew her report by heart. She spoke much better when it came straight from the heart, anyways. She perched herself on the stool, crossed her legs and then surveyed the class for a moment before she began.

"When we each had been given the class assignment of `Do Something You've Been Afraid to Do but Always Wanted', I thought long and hard. I've done a lot of things that I have been afraid to do and a lot of things that I have wanted. I was Queen of the World; I have faced down countless people, but still there is one thing that always made me quake with fear at the mere thought. I wanted to kiss my best friend."

"I know what you're thinking, `kissing her best friend scares Relena Darlian? Is she crazy?' Actually that is debatable," she said with a smile, "and I am sure that you will agree with me. You see, my best friend has this incredible strength when it comes to fighting but completely lacks the self confidence when it comes to dealing with his own or other people's emotions."

"It took several years to develop the relationship that we have, and I decided to risk it all by kissing him. It wasn't just for this assignment because I could have easily picked something else. I wanted to do this because I think of him much more than just my best friend. I have been in love with him since the moment I laid eyes on him."

"He looked so helpless lying on that beach with the waves coming up all around him. I wasn't even sure that he was still alive when I pulled off his helmet. I soon learned though that he was very much alive and anything but helpless. He was the strongest person I had ever seen, and he had a mission to do, and I had just gotten in his way. I cannot count the number of times that I was on the wrong end of his gun or received a threat from him because he promised that he would kill me. In the end though, he protected me more than he tried to kill me. So I guess you could say that our relationship has always been rather," she grinned to herself more than the people watching her, "unique."

"He has always seemed so strong, able to do just about anything, and he gave me the strength to begin the rebirth of the Sanc Kingdom and my path to lead people into total pacifism. It was for him and his friends that I became Vice Foreign Minister. They deserved the peace that has been granted to us. It was him again that made me understand that we had to fight for our peace."

"In the years that have followed, things began to change between us. He didn't have to be my protector all the time and he was able to start opening up to me, showing me that caring side that I had seen so long before behind that mask of his. He was able to be free, to finally move on from just being the soldier that he had been trained to be. Through it all, I grew to love him more and more. I never told him though. I was always afraid that it would cause him to pull away."

"Now I am sure that you all want to hear about the actual kiss instead of just my reasoning for it." Relena smiled when she saw a few people nod and she was quite sure she heard a certain braided man mumble something about it being about time. "I decided that I would try to make it happen in as natural setting as possible. I went to his apartment just like I had already been planning to; he was going to help me figure out a new computer program that I had just bought."

"When I knocked on his door I decided that I would just kiss him and get it over with. If I sat there with him, trying to wait for that right moment, or even planned it out, I was sure everything would go all wrong and I would never manage to get through it." She scrunched up her nose, making a few people chuckle softly. "So when he opened the door I stood there staring at him, trying to get up the nerve to do it. I probably looked like an idiot, because I remember the way his eyebrows had gone up when I had not come inside when he motioned for me. I chickened out and turned quickly to walk away, not wanting to look like an even bigger idiot. That's when I heard him call my name, and for some reason that had been all that I needed. I turned right back around, threw my arms around him and kissed him."

She broke for a breath, feeling her hot cheeks when a soft voice spoke up and she looked up. "So how does he feel about you kissing him?"

Relena shrugged her shoulders. "To be honest, I don't know. When it was over, another of our friends, Duo, showed up and I slipped away. I may have lost my best friend. I may have ruined everything that I had worked for with him, but to me it was all worth it."

A new voice, one from the very back of the class spoke up this time. "Why? Why would one kiss be worth it?"

"Because for one moment in time," she answered softly, looking directly into the prussian eyes of the speaker, "Heero Yuy kissed me back."

There was silence through the room, and then very slowly, Heero's lips curved into a smile.