Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Academy ❯ Gundam Academy ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note: This is NOT a yaoi fic

Note: This isn't a yaoi fic. Sorry people, but as much as I find 1+2 nice, I don't write it or draw it. All flames shall be duly ignored and burned!

The Anime Academy-Prologue
By Kaen-chan

BRINGGG!!! The jarring sound of an alarm clock vibrated continuously as the digital numbers struck 6:00 AM.
Duo Maxwell grumbled irritably in his sleep as the machine rudely interrupted his slumber. He blinked groggily as an alarm clock was activated as well from Heero's room.
BANG!!! The constant chiming was silenced suddenly and was followed by a fairly large crash. "Shimmatta," Heero's monotone voice emanated through the thin concrete, "I hate it when I do that."
Duo raced from his bed to Heero's dorm room, braid in total disarray. "What happened?!" Duo exclaimed when a small pile of debris greeted him.
Heero held up his gun impassively and shrugged. "I shot my alarm clock again."
Duo sweatdropped and looked at the smoking gun. "That is the seventh alarm clock you've gone through ever since the beginning of the school year," he muttered.
Trowa's tousled hair (or rather bangs) appeared from the doorway. "Monday," he said, face expressionless.
"Hn," Heero nodded replacing his gun on his desk.
Duo shook his head, "You have to stop sleeping with that gun in your fist each night."
Heero went to his closet, "I was dreaming that the alarm clock was Relena. It sounded like her as well."
Duo arched an eyebrow as Quatre ambled in, teddy bear tucked under one arm. "Ohayo minna-san," he yawned. {Smiles slightly Do you know how cute that would be? Kawaii!}
Quatre ran a hand through his hair. "What happened? I heard a bang and then a large crash."
Duo narrowed his eyes. "Yeah," he murmured as he gazed at the distance between the table and the pile of the broken clock. "How did the wretched thing end up all the way over there?" Duo pointed an accusing finger at the pile.
Heero shrugged as he put on his green tank top. "I don't know," he muttered as he started to brush his teeth.
{Alright mina-san, I know that this is an academy, but who would make the Perfect soldier wear a uniform after he threatens them with a gun? Let's just say the dressing code is a tad bit relaxed… Enough so that the pilots could wear their usual clothing ^-^v}
The rest of the boys departed to get ready and Heero smirked. "Of course, I was half asleep and dreaming when I mistook the alarm clock for Relena," he murmured as he went to his laptop.

Duo removed his ear and a glass from the wall. "That's always his explanation," he snorted softly. With a very audible yawn, he struggled into his priests' outfit.
Quatre peered in. "Duo-kun?" He asked politely, trying to comb down his blonde hair.
"Nani?" Duo undid his braid and swiftly redid it.
Quatre held up a stack of papers. "Homework?"
Duo yelled a muffled curse and jumped to his book bag. "Where is it?!" He muttered frantically.
Quatre sighed and flipped through his paper. "Here, perhaps?" He snatched his hand away as Duo leapt forward with a strangled cry of relief.
"Domo arigato!!!" Duo called to Quatre who was edging out the door.
"Eh… You're welcome," Quatre eyed Duo nervously and raced away from the hyperactive boy.
Duo grinned to himself as he raced down the stairs to the cafeteria. "Algebra... Kasuki-sensei would've killed me," he chuckled.
The other four pilots were already eating their breakfasts when he arrived.
Wufei looked up at him moodily when he set down his tray.
"Ohayo gozaimasu mina-san!" he called out cheerily.
"Shut up Maxwell!" Wufei muttered as he buried his head into his arms.
Quatre looked pityingly at the Altron pilot. "He didn't sleep well last night," the gentle pilot of Sandrock Custom explained.
Duo looked pityingly at the miserable Chinese pilot. "Gomen for the bad night Wu-kun, demo… Can I have the rest of your breakfast?"
Heero frowned. "This is absolutely ridiculous!"
Duo looked up from his food rampage quizzically. "You mean my eating habits?"
"Iie, this mission. Who are we having to protect and what are we striving for?" Heero shook his head irritably, "I'm going to kill Hiratu-sensei soon."
"I take it that you are not enjoying cooking class?" Trowa murmured.
Heero glared. "It was Dr. J who signed me up for that ridiculous class."
Wufei lifted his head from his crossed arms. "I'm failing that class! That weakling woman is giving me a B!!!"
Duo struggled with his mirth. "Um Wufei?" he sniggered.
"What?" Wufei glowered at him.
Duo chortled. "If you're failing, then the grade that you are suppose to receive is a F. Bs are considered above average."
Wufei looked a little upset. "I already told her of the injustice last weak!" he screamed.
Quatre chuckled, "Only you would jump to conclusions that fast Wufei… Luckily, Hiratu-sensei is very understanding."
Duo shrugged. "Who cares? As long as we get to eat in that class, I'm happy."
Heero snorted. "You stomach's always your first priority, isn't it?"
Duo grinned, "But of course."
Heero raised an eyebrow. "We're to meet the person we're to protect today."
"Really?" Trowa finished the rest of his tea.
Heero nodded. "I received another email from the insane scientists again."
"So we'll be meeting her during the first class?" Duo asked curiously.

To be continued…

Ka-chan: Three guesses to who your new 'classmate' is!
Heero: Irritated look Relena.
Ka-chan: Sweatdrops Nani? How did you know?
Heero: I hacked into your computer and found your fanfic drafts.
Ka-chan: You weren't supposed to do that. Pouts
Heero: Smirks You actually think that you'd write a fanfic without me getting bored and curious?
Duo: So why Relena?
Ka-chan: You told everybody?!!!!
Heero: Shrugs Yes
Ka-chan: Starts sulking Fine, then if you're all really that curious… I've put you all into the same classes…
Wufei: Shudder
Ka-chan: Is smiling innocently What? Don't you like each other?
Wufei: I'm getting the impression that you intend on making my life as miserable as possible.
Ka-chan: Sarcastically You've noticed.
Ka-chan: URUSAI!!! Whips out glaive but is restrained by Duo
Duo: Heero, help me stop her!
Heero: Ignores him and continues hacking on his laptop
Wufei: Weakling onnako!
Ka-chan: Turns SD Watashi Konran no Tenshi!
Duo: Let's go of the chibi Hmm. Angel of Chaos? Seems appropriate…
Quatre: Sighs as Ka-chan dukes it out with Wufei She never signs off… Smiles innocently Ja ne mina-san!