Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Academy ❯ Gundam Academy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Anime Academy-Part One

Kaen: <Worried look> Anou, sumimasen mina-san!!!!! I've neglected my Anime academy and Anime reunion… Unfortunately, I've only been able to finish Anime Academy part one. <Sweatdrop> As of 12/20/00 I'm still literally banned from the Internet, so new fics will be arriving slowly. I'll try to get more in this Winter break but I intend to relax and enj…
Duo: <Jumping up and down> I get to be in TRIGONOMETRY!!!! <Points mockingly at an innocent passerby> ::Sing song voice:: I'm better than you!
Kaen: <Facefaults> …itai… <Gets herself up painfully> Note: I despise Yaoi so never will be and author of that genre (But I don't flame others because of it)… Gomen minna, but you won't be expecting anything of that sort from me… I'm a humor author, I'm not capable of anything else. <Contemplates the recent fact> Okay, scratch that, I'm capable of battles and death ^-^v. Anyway, all flames shall be ridiculed, laughed at, then burned slowly while being relished with cruel triumph… <silence> You can start reading now… <waits> Go on! Scatter!

Gundam Academy-Part One
By Kaen-chan ^-~V

Heero stormed to his first hour Trigonometry class. {Kora! (Hey!) He's the Perfect Soldier, so… He's supposed to be intelligent, skilled, has the ability of kicking Mariemeia in the derriere, and… I'll shut up now ^^;;}
"Curse that Dr. J," he swore under his breath. "I'm going to blow his head off with a silencer one day."
Wufei looked at him through sleep deprived eyes. "I'm going to deal justice to all of those old geezers when our employer is finally 'safe'."
Heero snorted. "She'll never be safe… I'm going to impale her with Wing Zero's beam saber…" He sighed. "If not, there's always the epée."
Wufei nodded. "If that doesn't work ::yawn:: you can always borrow my katana."
Trowa glanced at Heero, " … How do you know it's a she?"
Heero glared with a shrug. "From my intuition.. Besides, I hacked into the school's main computer. The new student is definitely female."
Duo smirked. "Oi, that's the most you've said all week!"
Heero sat stock still, but Quatre could see that his right hand was twitching towards his spandex shorts.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jarring every somnolent student, including Wufei, awake. "Injustice!" The Chinese pilot glared drowsily at the offending clock.
Their extremely perky teacher then decided to make her entrance, practically skipping in an act of abnormal and psychopathic joy.
"I have a new student! I have a new student!" she exclaimed joyously.
"Nobody cares Junetsu-sensei," Duo muttered, legs stretched in front of him while he played with his braid.
Quatre looked at him wonderingly. How did he ever get into the advanced math classes? One minute he was in Algebra 2 with him… Then they were both transferred into advanced Trig after receiving bewildered glances from Kasuki-san.
With a crow of triumph, Junetsu-sensei slammed her text books onto the desk and with visible effort, regained what was left of her dignity. She motioned towards the door and waited expectantly for the newcomer.
With deliberate slowness, the door swung open, revealing…
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Heero, Trowa, Duo, and Wufei both looked up in horror. Only Quatre remained in his seat, head buried in the protective folds of his arms.
Relena smiled with a sickening sweet grin on her face, the academy's uniform ruffling with a silent sigh around her calves. Immediately she plopped herself down into the one of the many empty seats around Heero. "Konnichiwa Heero-kun," she purred.
"…" he glared at her with venom.
Duo chuckled a bit, still slightly pale and ashen. "You shouldn't have exposed all your classmates to your glare, Heero… Now look at all the seats that ojou-san (miss.) can choose from."
Trowa looked on, amusement flickering briefly on his stoic face. "…"
Junetsu-sensei looked at the five pilots with curiosity. "You're all acquainted with Miss Peacecraft?"
Relena laughed disarmingly. "Kudasai (please) Junetsu-sensei, just call me Relena."
Junetsu-sensei laughed, stress slightly relaxed. "Yosh (good)." She turned to the chalkboard. "Alright, we also have two new students whom are recently transferred to this class from Algebra." She gestured to Duo and Quatre.
Quatre bowed politely. "Ore wa Quatre Raberba Winner. Please to meet you all."
Junetsu looked approvingly at the blond Arabian… As so did many of the girls.
Duo shot out from his seat with extreme energy. "Ore wa Shinigami no da!" he announced loudly.
Junetsu sweatdropped and rushed to her list of students. She had DUO MAXWELL in her class? "Good god," she said loudly. {Get it? Shinigami? God?… <Is greeted by silence> Fine, don't laugh at the already widely used puns I took the time to culture and painstakingly insert. <Sniffle> ><}
Duo looked at her as if she were a foreign being. "Yoroshii (right)…" He decided to leave the matter at that.
Relena stood up without being prompted. "Watashi wa… Watashi wa Relena Darlian… Iie, Peacecraft." She extended her hand once again to a completely oblivious Heero. "Anaka? {Anou… <sweatdrop> I'm not sure if that's how you say, And what's your name? ^^;;}
"You already know my name," Heero snapped at her without looking up, still avoiding her gaze.
Relena pouted and sat down again as the rest of the pilots snickered. The difference in the class's reaction to her appearance was quite different though. Even after the Wing Zero pilot's obvious rejection, Relena fluffed her hair demurely, basking in the awe the other students emanated for the former monarch. Satisfied with the way the day was already running, Junetsu-san exited the room for a 'quick' break, leaving
Wufei buried his head into his arms once again. "Onnas…" he moaned. "I'm surrounded by weakling onnas."
Quatre tried to comfort the miserable Chinese pilot, but to no avail. "I'd give you my camel plushy, but I need to save it in times of absolute need."
Wufei raised a grief stricken face. "PROTECTING THAT WEAKLING ONNA IS INJUSTICE!!! THIS IS A TIME OF ABSOLUTE NEED!!!" he screamed, pointing an accusing finger at the unconcerned girl.
Quatre cringed. "You have a point," he winced.
Duo snorted in disgust. "Ne Heero, why do we have to protect her?" he asked. "I'd rather be back at L2 with Hirde," he whined. "I miss her cooking."
For once in his life, Heero looked perfectly puzzled. "You know, I never really asked Doctor J…"
Trowa rolled his eyes exasperatedly while Duo and Wufei wailed in unison. Quatre looked at Heero in disgust {<Sobbing> Gomengomengomengomen!!! I didn't want to do this to Heero-kun!!! <more wailing>}
"I can't believe you'd sink so low," the blonde Arabian pilot said and took out his camel plushy, holding it close.
Heero stared at his desk in self disgust and slowly took out his gun. "Mission aborted," he said, raising it to his head.
Relena jumped out of her seat and stood there, striking a heroic pose. "Heero, dame! (Heero no!)" she called out dramatically.
The Japanese pilot glared at her irately as she herself smiled triumphantly. The rest of the spectators applauded the blonde girl's victory and success of stopping an act of suicide.
Heero suddenly perked up when the soft click of an automatic weapon sounded and in an instant he kicked Relena in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain while a bullet embedded itself in the wall behind her head. Relena gasped and while still clutching her stomach, leapt at Heero and glomped him. "Arigatou Heero-kun!" she exclaimed.
Trowa pulled out a throwing dagger and dug out the missile. Duo looked sourly at the suffering Perfect Soldier. "He deserves that torture," he muttered. "We were that close to getting rid of her!"
Heero gasped for breath. "Well at least now you have a substantial reason of why this mission has to be…" He grimaced and added to himself, "I should've just shot myself!"
Quatre walked up the tall brunette and peered at the bullet. "Oi, that type of ammo looks strangle familiar… I wonder if it's Oz again…."
Trowa shook his head. "Iie, masaka (not possible). We broke up the organization a few years ago remember?"
Quatre nodded doubtfully, "Hai."
Unbeknownst to the five brooding pilots, a figure with long bleached hair stood outside, cursing about his misfortune. "D*mn you Yuy! I'm really going to have a talk with Doctor J soon. Must I always fail?!?!?!" With that, the unknown stranger stalked off, Preventers uniform concealing his weapon from view…

To be continued…

Kaen: Gomen for it being so short minna! Writers block is not a place where you want to visit often! <Sheepish laugh> I've been neglecting all my series and one shots. So far I have 8 fanfics on hold and I'm also writing a story for a large project at school. The Guide to Life series is still being written, ideas are just coming a little slower than usual, that's all ^^;;…
Wufei: That's no excuse onnako! You are just to weak to handle fanfiction, admit it!
Kaen: <Glare> Kora! I haven't bashed you yet! If you value your health, URUSAI!!!
Wufei: <Glowers and stomps off>
Kaen: <Sigh> I'm restraining all my pilot bashing instincts and am honing in on Relena instead… Beware of the next few chapters! ^-^v