Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Night Star ❯ Past Unveiled ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4

Ranshi walked down the hallway towards her room. She paused to open the door and Wufei's words echoed in her mind.

'Women do belong on the battlefield. But only as a soldier, so they can defend themselves.' she thought.

She sat down on the bed, mindless of the fact she was soaking wet. She gently picked up a silver heart-shaped locket from the bedside table and opened it. Inside were pictures of a brown haired British woman and a black haired Japanese man. She brushed her long black hair behind her ears and a single tear slid from her midnight blue eyes as memories of the last day she saw them filled her mind.

AC 189- Earth

9-year-old Ranshi stood in an Alliance field hospital at the feet of a tall British woman with blue eyes and light brown hair pulled back into a casual bun. She was wearing a nurse's uniform with a ID badge reading 'Alexia Taikogawa'. She spoke with a gentle british accent, which made her sound far more mature than her casual nature would have you believe.

Another nurse, this one chinese, with a badge reading 'Chou Yu Len', walked over to Alexia.

"This is your daughter isn't it? What's her name?" Yu Len asked.

"Akiko, my pride and joy."

"Are you sure it's safe to have her in here though?"

"I don't really have a choice. My husband is out there and our only family is on L2 colony."

"Your husband's a soldier?"

Alexia nodded.

Just then three soldiers entered carting an unconcious man in rebel fatigues. The soldiers laid the rebel on a gurney and left to return to their duties. A Japanese man with cheerful brown eyes and short black hair entered as they left. He was wearing an Alliance uniform and the name tag read 'Taikogawa'. He looked at Alexia and Akiko (Ranshi) and smiled slightly.

"Kachi, why are you bringing a rebel in here?" Alexia asked, glancing between her husband and the rebel soldier.

"We could use the information he might provide."

"At least tie him down."

"Of course."

Alexia and Kachi began strapping down the man's legs. He stirred and his eyes shot open. Faster than they could see he reached over and grabbed Kachi's gun, aimed and shot him through the chest. Kachi collapsed, dead.

Chaos ensued. The rebel quickly unfastened the leg straps and jumped off the gurney. His eyes focused on Alexia, he grabbed her and held her husband's gun to the side of her head. She stood deathly still, eyes glancing at her daughter, who stood beside the body of her father, tears streaming down her face.

"Akiko, baby, it'll be alright." She whispered.

The man jerked Alexia and tightened his grip. He cocked the gun and applied slight pressure to the trigger.

"Shut up! Nobody move or the broad gets it!" the man shouted. "Put your weapons on the ground! Now!"

The few soldiers in the room layed their guns on the floor, glancing at Kachi and Alexia. No one payed any mind to the little Akiko as she moved to the side.

The man began backing out the room slowly. The personnel in the room watched, helpless. He walked outside and past soldiers. He was nearly outside the encampment when the major in charge stepped in front of the rebel, gun aimed and ready to fire.

"Put the gun down or the woman gets it!" the man yelled.

The Major only applied more pressure to the trigger.

The man began to panic.

"I'm serious!"

The Major locked eyes.

"Some sacrifices are necessary." He replied, coldly.

Alexia's eyes widened then closed tightly as she whispered her husband's name, followed by her daughter's and one last word, 'sorry', before the end came. The man pulled the trigger and Alexia collapsed to the ground, half of her head gone, blood and grey matter spraying several yards.

A shrill scream sounded, then a gunshot, followed by the man collapsing, surviving only long enough to look over at his killer before oblivion claimed him.

Akiko stood to the side, arms outstreched, holding a smoking gun. She trembled and tears streamed down her face, which was covered in the blood of her mother. Her grip loosened and the gun clattered to the ground. She fell to her knees, sobbing.

Yu Len ran to her and held her tight, crying herself.

"The poor girl." A nearby soldier said.

"Now she's an orphan." another said.

Yu Len wiped Akiko's face and looked into the girl's blue eyes.

Akiko's eyes froze over. She had only one thought in her mind, 'It'll never be me. I'll learn to defend myself.'

Yu Len looked over at the communications officer.

"A-Alexia said she had family on L2. Try to find them."

The officer nodded and headed toward to comm. tent.

Yu Len picked Akiko up and carried her away from the gruesome scene to get cleaned up.

'It'll never be be. I'll never be weak. I'll defend myself. It'll never be me. Never be me. Never.'

Ranshi wiped the tears from her eyes and changed into her sleeping attire before climbing into bed. Sleep came slowly and was plagued by nightmares.