Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Halfbreed ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title : Halfbreed
Genre: Fantasy, romance, violence, were-animals, angst, maybe some bastardization, bashing, language, slavery, gore, (this is my first time doing this one!) mpreg, death (none of the pilots but still sad)
Summary: In a small kingdom of weres, lower class creatures are sold and traded for other's pleasure. When young Prince Heero of the wolf clan meets a mixed were-cub, both find each other running for their lives in unknown lands across the seas.
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 13x5x6, UxOdin, mentioned UxJ (eeyuck!), S x Solo.

Chapter 9

Duo slunk silently through the corridors of the estate clinging to the darkness though there were no visible threats. Everything seemed so familiar as he turned aimlessly around yet another corner. The feeling of knowing and not knowing where he was going at the same time was somewhat disorientating. Another corner came up and he paused.

"Mama, why don't we go to the market to buy something for Heero. That would make him happy." A young girl's voice echoed. Duo tensed looking frantically from left to right. His eyes locked on a door. Without thinking, he reached for it and slunk into the room just as a woman and child walked pass. He didn't bother to look at them as he turned coming face to face with the very bane of his existance. He jumped back unconsciously pressing to the very door he had came in from.

"H-Heero." The braided were stammered.

"Duo...." Heero said softly voice raspy from sleep and crying. He moved forward slowly overlooking the way other youth tensed. He pressed against the other were letting his head rest in the crook of his neck. "Why are you here?" He asked. All the while, his hands came up to wrap around the slighter were's waist. "Why did you come back?”

Duo sighed unconsciously. He never felt so safe and….. He blinked quickly and pushed away from the blue eyed were. His claws unsheathed and he readied them in front of himself absently.

“You’re here to kill me?” Heero asked meekly offering a sad smile. “What did he tell you that erased all the fun we had together? We were best friends, damn it!!” He bristled at the thought of J weaving false memories to replace their own.

Duo dropped his hands helplessly. “I’m not here to kill you.” He said in frustration. “Normally I wouldn’t pay any attention to what you said or anyone said before I kill them but…..” He frowned. “What you’re saying sounds so……true, so right that I can’t leave and/or kill you without knowing if it’s a lie or not. And believe me, if it’s a lie, I’ll make you suffer.”

“So, you’re giving me a chance?” Heero’s ears perked. His tail unconsciously wagged left to right.

“I guess so.” Duo said turning his head thoughtfully. “So I’m gonna hide in your room until I know the truth.”

“Nonsense.” Heero proclaimed poking out his chest and pressing his fist to it unconsciously. Duo laughed joyously making the darker haired were blush. “I haven’t done that in a while.”

“Its cute.” Duo said then blushed realizing what he said. “You’re way too easy to get along with.” He glowered looking to Heero accusingly.

“I’m glad you feel like that. Come one, Une and Relena will love to see you again.” Heero reached for the door to open it only to have the braided were press it close abruptly.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“They remember you, Duo. They won’t have a problem with you staying.” Heero insisted. “Only Odin knows about the waterhole incident and he’s not going to hold against you.”

“You better be telling the truth because trusting you is becoming a habit fast.”

“Again, I’m glad to hear it.”


A/N: Heh, Merry Christmas!! An update for all!!