Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Holding My Last Breath ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Holding My Last Breath
Genre: Sap, little sad, happy ending., 3+4 shenai
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing or Evanescence's 'Holding My Last Breath' track.
Summary: After attempting to save the love of his life, Trowa is left without any memories of who he was and who is haunting his dreams at night.

A/N: This is another songfic and obviously this is from the Fallen album of Evanescence. I love their music and they'll probably be more songfics on the way from me.

hold on to me love
you know i can't stay long
all i wanted to say was i love you
and i'm not afraid
can you hear me?
can you feel me in your arms?

I wake overed in my own sweat. My futon is soaked almost all the way through and I'm shaking violently. How long have I been like this? Every night was the same dream and the same feeling of familiar hands ghosting over my body. And that.....person.

Aquamarine eyes, a halo of blonde hair and the sunniest smile I've ever seen. I can't remember his name. Not that that bother's me. I couldn't remember my own name for a majority of my stay with Catherine.
She found me wondering on the streets and took me in. She told me that she was my sister and that my name was Trowa. Not like I could prove her wrong. I've stayed with her ever since.

holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

i'll miss the winter
a world of fragile things
look for me in the white forest
hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
i know you hear me
i can taste it in your tears

Snow flurries fell past the window. This time my mind took me to a cabin in the middle of no where. The trees were white from the snow on their branches to the frozen bark. For the first time, I felt at peice. I watched each snowflake fall until I heard someone call out my name.


I turned, and there he was, in a sky blue knitted sweater and dark denims. He looked heavenly. My body moved on its own accord and before I knew it, I was standing before him cuffing his warm cheek in my hand.

He leaned into the touch and I smiled. Not the reserved smile, but genuine, true. Then a single tear left his eyes and the world chattered.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." He repeated. I wanted to yell. To tell him it was okay. To ask what he was sorry for but he disappeared. I was alone.

holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

I floating. Everything was dark and I was alone. A constant beeping in my ear was the only thing there to offer me confort. I opened my eyes and stared at the small specks of lights in the distance. Stars?

My lungs felt like they were on fire, but I could recall why. Tears, my tears, float before my face. My golden little his name still slipped out of my reach.

closing your eyes to disappear
you pray your dreams will leave you here
but still you wake and know the truth
no one's there

I couldn't preform that day. Each memory trampled my mind one after the other. I had been a gundam pilot. He had been in danger and I tried to help him. Dread settled into my stomach. Had I been successful? Was he okay?

say goodnight
don't be afraid
calling me calling me as you fade to black


I almost groaned in fustration. Was I dreaming again? Why couldn't I be awake, just once. I turned to the source of the haunting voice and stared him in the face. He was in shock but beaming at me with unshed tears.

I take a deep breath and exhale with his name on my breath.



A/N: Hey! God I am so happy that this turned out the way it did. I was so tired of writing death songfic with the angsty shit. I feel better. I think.....there is one more songfic I'll work on and then I'm finished for a while. Feedback, please!!!!! I can't write without learning that I am doing well or waisting my time.
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