Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Homeless ❯ Flashback, past and present ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Please review! Please? <Chibaeyes> PLEASE?!!! Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own gundam wing, or any gundam characters, I've just….borrowed some of the characters…Mwahahahahahahahaha

Pairings: 1+2+5


Mention of 13+6

() = Author babble

// = Character thoughts

__* *__ = Flashback/ memory

Chapter one: Past



"Get up you good for nothing worthless brat! I said get up!" A tall man shouted at a cowering five-year-old boy, who was clutching his long chestnut braid, wide violet eyes brimming with tears.

His attacker looked to be in his mid forties. He wore a black catholic priest outfit.

The small boy curled up in a tight ball, soft whimpering coming from him. A small patch of red was seeping out from the boy's trousers. The tall priest grabbed the young boys braid, dragging the whimpering boy towards the door.

"Father Maxwell, please stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! What did I do wrong?!" The boy helplessly cried, as father Maxwell dragged him by his hair out of the room, down a long corridor.

"I will have no demons nor hoar within my church!" Fr. Maxwell roared, awakening the Sisters.

"But Father Maxwell, I didn't! You were the one who-" The boy started, only to be stopped by Fr. Maxwell slapping him, sending him crashing down towards the floor.

"How dare you! You hoar! God shall not forgive you for your sins! I, on the other hand, am a man of God. My place in heaven is assured, as shall yours be in hell!" He hissed.

"Sister Helen, please help me!" He whimpered desperately, as Fr. Maxwell continued dragging him down the corridor, opening the back door, throwing him out into the backyard, slamming the door in the boys face.

The young boy lay curled up, braid clutched within his shivering hands, wearing only thin ripped jeans and a nightshirt as protection against the rain. An hour and a half later, one of the big oak doors quietly creaked open, revealing a young nun in her early twenties.

"Oh, Duo, what did you do this time?" She quietly asked the shivering boy, picking him up from the ground.

"I-I didn't do anything, sister Helen, honest!" Duo shivered, wide eyes fixed on the Sister. Sister Helen just avoided his pleading gaze, passing him a bundle of cloths and a small black duffle bag.

"Here, put these on, and let me re-braid your hair for you." Sister Helen helped the young five-year-old Duo change into new black jeans, a white undershirt, black button up shirt like the one Fr. Maxwell wore, black boots, and a short-long black coat. She took out an ebony hairbrush from the duffle bag, quickly brushing and braiding his hair, fastening it with a violet ribbon at the end.

"Duo, take this." Sister Helen said, passing Duo the small black duffle bag. Within the bag was a small black sleeping bag, a spare set of black cloths, a small black bible, some food and about fifty pounds.

"Sister, what's this for? Sister, why are you crying? You-you're sending me away, aren't you? Please don't make me leave, Sister!" Duo cried, grabbing onto Sister Helens leg.

"Take this with you, Duo." Sister Helen said, undoing the bold cross and chain that hung around her neck, fastening it around Duo's neck.

"Duo, you must leave. Go away, go far away. Go to London, Duo, and do not return to this place. Maxwell church is no longer a safe place for you to stay. Go, now!" Sister Helen told the still sobbing boy, pushing him away, out onto the street, directing him away from the church, towards the train station.

"Excuse me, is this the train that will take me to London?" Duo asked a tall elegant lady timidly.

"Yes, dear, it is. Are you all by yourself young man? Have you lost your parents?" She asked kindly, bending down to pick the small violet-eyed boy up. Duo took a few steps back cautiously. Father Maxwell had done this before too. He would act really nice and be really kind to Duo, and would get Duo to let him pick him up. But once Father Maxwell had picked him up, he did bad things that had hurt him.

"I-I don't have no parents. My parents are dead. Sister Helen told me to go to London, so I'm gonna go. Bye lady." Duo called back, melting balk into the crowded train compartment, trying to put as much distance as he could between himself and the pretty lady.

"Hey, let go of me! Leave me alone!" Duo cried, struggling in the drunken mans grip.

"Ooooo, you're a pretty little thing, aren't you? How abouts you put that pretty little mouth of yours to good use?" He slurred, tightening his grip on he five year old. His two drunken friends snickered, before passing out.

You heard the kid, let him go." A tall youth commanded quietly, stepping out from the shadows. He looked to be no older than seven years of age, was quite tall for his age, and had strangely styled hair.

"Oo, you have a friend, pretty boy? Does he want to join us?" The drunken man slurred, hands moving down Duos small lithe body.

Duo began whimpering quietly, struggling, trying to get away from the drunken mans grasp.

"I have already said this once, and do not like repeating myself, but shall say it once again; let the boy go now, or I shall be forced to hurt you." He coldly stated, taking a step towards Duo and the drunken man.

"Your friends trying to spoil our fun, pretty boy. It doesn't matter, we wont let that spoil our fun, will we?" He slurred, leaning forward to kiss Duo

Suddenly, Duo found himself lying on the cold damp pavement. He quickly curled up into a tight ball, clutching his braid, trying to block out the rest of the world.

"Hey, kid, it's ok now. You're safe now, kid." The tall green-eyed youth gently shook Duo, who was still curled up. Caring and concerned green eyes met terrified violet orbs.

"I am Nanshi, but you may call me Trowa, Trowa Barton." He kindly told the shivering boy.

"My name is Duo, Duo Maxwell.

"Where do you live, Duo? I'm sure that your parents are worried about you."

"I don't have no parents. I used to have Sister Helen, but she told me to go to London `cause it'd be safer. I don't have a home now."

"Well then, it looks like you're stuck with me then, Duo. I'll just have to look after you then."

"Don't you have no parents either, Trowa?"

"No, I don't."

"What happened to them?"

"Maybe I'll tell you some day, kid."

****Present Day*****

It was mid December. Among the endless bustling crowds, trying to get from a to b in rush hour in the centre of London, a tall green-eyed youth melted into the crowed. He wore a long, slightly tatty looking black trench coat, jeans that looked like they had seen better years, a slightly worn looking green jumper and black boots.

His forest green eyes constantly scanned the crowds, ever looking for the one.

The green-eyed youth looked to be about seventeen years of age, was tall, lithe and extremely thin for his age.

Among the crowds he spotted another teen. He looked to be about fifteen. He had wide aqua marine eyes and short platinum blond hair. He was dressed in expensive looking preppy cloths, and an aura of innocence surrounded the boy.

"Rick kids. He won't last five minutes without being targeted. I almost feel sorry for him. Speak of the devil".

A short curly haired boy about eighteen years of age had approached the blond youth, bumping into him from behind, knocking the innocent youth to the floor.

The green-eyed teen glared at the curly haired boy. He quickly caught up with the other teen, lifting him up off of his feet, grabbing the wallet from him.

"Hey, what-oh, I-its you!"

"Back off. Leave the blond alone.

"Developing a thing for him Nanshi?"

"Back off." He turned on his heal, striding back towards where the blond youth who was still sprawled on the floor.

He bent down, offering the other teen his hand.

"Thank you. I was just-"

"I know. I believe this is yours." He held the wallet out to the other teen.

"Thank you. My name is Quatre; Quatre Raberba Winner. You are?" Quatre smiled up at the tall teen.

Just as he was about to answer, two furious looking fifteen year olds stormed over, shoving the green eyed youth away from Quatre.

One youth had a tight black ponytail, deep furious onyx eyes, and wore an expensive looking Chinese dress suite. The other had messy brown hair, cobalt blue eyes, and wore designer jeans and a Prussian blue shirt.

"Back off, vagrant! Quatre, are you ok?"

"Wufei! Heero! Don't be so rude!"

The green-eyed youth just shook himself out of Heero's painful grasp, turning to leave.

"Waite, don't go! You haven't even told me your name yet!" The blond boy called anxiously after him.

"The names Nan-Trowa Barton." He said, trying to melt back into the crowed.

"Why were you talking to a tramp Quatre? And a thief to!" Wufei ranted.

Heero appeared seconds later, Trowa in tow. He had managed to catch up with the tall youth.

Wufei and Heero stood facing Trowa, both looking about ready to fight him, when three kids ran out of the crowd, placing themselves between Wufei, Heero and Trowa.

The oldest of the three looked to be about twelve years of age. He had dirty blond hair, deep honest green eyes, and wore scruffy looking cloths. With him were two other youths, both boys, neither looking to be older than seven.

"You leave him alone!" One of the youths shouted up at Wufei and Heero.

"Yea! Nanshi never done nothing to hurt nobody!"

"Hey, Solo, what ya doing kid? Don't run off on me like that!" A tallish fifteen-year-old boy called from the crowds. He wore tatty black jeans, a slightly worn black button up shirt, black boots, and a long black coat. He had wide violet eyes and a long chestnut braid.

Frowning as he saw what was going on, he asked, "What is going on here?"

"These guys are gonna attack Nanshi!"

"Yea, Duo, its true! Both of em were being mean, and then one of them hurt Nanshi's wrist, and now they're gonna hurt him more! He did nothing, honest!"

"Calm down, kid. Here, take this and leave us alone for a bit, ok?" Duo bent down, giving Solo some money, motioning for them to leave.

Duo straitened, before positioning himself between Trowa and the others.

Both Wufei and Heero were staring at Duo, transfixed. At first they had thought he might be female, but his voice and manors was defantly not that of a female.

"Trowa, what happened?" Duo turned to his friend, keeping an eye on the other three.

"Nothing, lets just go." Trowa quietly answered.

"Nothing! What do you mean nothing! This vagrant attacked our friend and stole his wallet!" Wufei accused.

"My, my, you're polite aren't you? Stuck up, fascist, bastard, mother fuc-" Duo began, Trowa clamping his gloved had over his mouth.

"Heero, Wufei, I have been trying to explain to you! Trowa (At this Duo raised an elegant eyebrow at Trowa, silently questioning him he never gave out his real name to people. Never.) Helped me. He got my wallet back for me!" Quatre explained, beaming at Trowa.

"Tro, you ok? I think you're goin soft in your old age, bud! Maybe I should take over, ne?" Duo joked.

"Shut up Duo. You wish!" Trowa smirked back, eyes never leaving Quatre.

A young girl, looking to be about seven years of age ran over to them out of the crowed. She stood beside Duo, tugging on his coat. Duo crouched down, listening aptly as the little girl whispered to him. As she finished talking, he nodded, standing up. He picked her up, passing her to Trowa, before nodding goodbye to the others, quickly melting back into the crowed.

As Trowa turned to leave, Quatre stopped him.

"Waite! Where are you going! I haven't even apologised yet!" Quatre said. "And where did your friend Duo go, and what did the little girl want?"

Trowa just shook his head, smiling, before melting back into the crowed, girl walking with him hand in hand

End of chapter one

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