Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Homeless ❯ close call ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Homeless Chapter Two: Quatre

Please be patient! I am working on nine other fics! This chapter is a bit short….oh well! Thanks for the reviews!!!!! Please keep reviewing!

(See previous page for disclaimer)

The short blond youth sighed, breath coming out in silvery clouds in the cold night air.

// Why can't I stop thinking about him? It's been three days now. I don't know if he even gave me his real name. What was it those children called him, Nanshi? That means no name in Japanese, I think. Why can't I stop thinking about him?!// Quatre was so lost in thought that he didn't notice where he was going. He also didn't notice the four other people following him. He didn't notice them, that is, until one of them grabbed him roughly, shoving him against the wall.

"Ooooo, lookie at what we have here! A little lost rich kid!"

"Quite a cute one, too. Why don't we have some fun with him?" One of them suggested, snickering, receiving nods all around, as he moved his hand down Quatre's struggling body.

"Picking on innocent children again, Mueller? And here I thought you had finally grown a backbone, or at least developed a conscience!" An angry and slightly amused voice echoed down from the shadows. Five figures dropped down from one of the buildings surrounding them, landing in the shadows opposite Quatre and his captors.

"Nanshi sending his little lapdog to do his dirty work for him now? Getting too old for it, is he?"

"You wish." Trowa announced, stepping out from the shadows. Standing on his right was Duo, Solo next to him, Nicole and Zeo behind him.

"Quatre…" Trowa gasped, finally getting a good look at the petit blonds face.

"Let the kid go!" Duo commanded, taking charge seeing as Trowa seemed momentarily stunned.

"I think we'll just be keeping this one. He's kinda nice looking…well, at the moment he is, anyway."

From where Quatre was standing (Well, being held against the wall by his captors) he couldn't see what was happening, but could still hear everything that was being said.

// Isn't that Duo's voice? And ….Trowa is here too?// Quatre thought, before things started to go a bit fuzzy.

"Trowa…….." Quatre breathed, collapsing forward onto his captor.

"Trowa? Who's that? Calling out to him can't help you now, blondie."

"Quatre!" Trowa gasped, as Duo rushed forward, attacking one of the other three guys not holding Quatre. Solo, following Duo's lead, attacked the figure next to him. Zeo and Nicole both attacked the other, leaving Quatre's attacker for Trowa to deal with.

"You!" Trowa approached the now terrified attacker.

"What's the matter, Nanshi, like this one do you? Don't blame you, he's quite the looker."

"Don't crash You crash Ever crash Talk crash About crash Him crash Like crash That crash Again!" Trowa growled, punching him, causing him to fly into the opposite wall, emphasising his point by sharply bringing his knee up into the other teen's groin.

"Quatre….." Trowa bent down next to Quatre, picking the small, pale, unconscious teen up in his arms.

"You ok, Tro?" Duo asked Trowa, receiving a nod in response.

"You were great, Nanshi! You showed him!" Zeo bubbled, walking over to Trowa.

"Hey, Duo, isn't that the kid from the other day? You know, the one who Nanshi helped?" Solo asked quietly.

"I think so, kid. You and the others go and run ahead. Nanshi and me will catch up with you later. Tell the others to expect company." Duo old Solo, walking up behind Trowa.

"Come on, Tro, we can take him back to our place until he wakes up."

End of chapter Two

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