Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Homeless ❯ chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Homeless chapter three:

"Urg, huh? Where am I?" Quatre moaned, sitting up, holding his head before looking around.

Quatre lay/ sat on an old, slightly worn mattress, in what appeared to be the corner of a large, sparsely furnished rusting metal room.

// Where am I? The last thing I remember is walking home, and then…there were those guys, and….Trowa and Duo…//Quatre thought, groaning.

"Te hehe, I wonder who he is?"

"Probably another one of Duo-chan's projects" ((um, not meaning to sound stupid, but what does chan and san actually mean? I know that they are terms of endearment or something, but….I am stupid, anyone care to tell me?))

"Yea, but Nanshi brought him in, Duo just told us to leave him alone"

"So? Lets wake him up and ask him"

"How do you know that it's a he? He could be a she, he's cutie enough to be!"

"Huh?" Quatre said, looking up. About eleven, twelve children, both boys and girls, between the ages of five and twelve stood clustered a little way away from him, whispering, giggling, and pointing at him.

"Oh, he's awake! See, I told you it was a he! Nanshi-san never brings girls back with him!"

"That's probably cause he hardly ever brings anyone back with him, Sarah!"

"Oh, shut up and go and tell Duo-san and Nanshi that their friend is awake!" A young girl, about six years of age ordered the others.

"Hello, my name is Sarah. The others are gonna go get Duo-San for you." The six year old explained, smiling. She had long-ish brown-gold hair braided behind her, almost down to her waist, and knowing deep hazel eyes, the kind that has seen too much for one so young to have.

"Um, thank you Sarah. My name is Quatre. Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? Oh! You were that girl the other day who came over to get Duo and Trowa!" Quatre smiled in recognition, Sarah nodding in response.

"Good evening sleeping beauty. U finally awake? The little brats haven't been bothering you I hope" Duo asked, sounding slightly amused, as he and Trowa walked over to him.

"Oh no, they haven't. Um, where am I? The last thing I remember is walking home, then these guys coming up behind me, and you turning up, then…" Quatre trailed off, blushing slightly.

Smirking, Duo replied "me and Tro brought you back to our place. After, that is, Tro beat the crap outta the guy that touched ya. Me and Solo took care of the rest of `em."

"Oh my…I…" Quatre blushed even more, eyes widening.

"Hehe, don't worry `bout it kid. The great Nanshi stood up for ya, no one will be tryin' sumthin' like that again in a hurry." Duo laughed, ruffling Quatre's hair.

"Hey! I am not a kid! I'm fifteen years old!" Quatre pouted cutely, trying to look fierce, failing miserably.

"He! You look so adorably when you do that, ya know that kid?" Duo grinned, sitting on the end of the mattress, bringing one knee up to his chest, resting his arms on his knee, leaning his head on his arms, smirking at Quatre.

"Don't mind Duo, he calls everyone kid. Either that, or he thinks up some reticules nickname for them." The previously silent Trowa reassured the still pouting Quatre.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Tro-Tro."

"Baka. How are you feeling Quatre?" Trowa asked Quatre, bending down to inspect his ankle, concern clearly evident in his voice.

"Oh, um, it's fine, just fine-OW!" Quatre squeaked as Duo leaned over Trowa's careful cheeking of Quatre's ankle, sharply prodding a large purple bump that had began forming.

"Owe! Ok, so maybe it hurts just a little…" Quatre sulked at being found out. "Oh, I meant to ask you…what happened the other day with that little girl? Sarah, wasn't it?" Quatre inquired.

Both Duo and Trowa looked away, trying to avoid Quatre's inquisitive gaze.

"It's ok Nanshi, Jenny said you can tell him if you want." Sarah quietly told Trowa, walking over to him, taking his hand and smiling up at him.

"Sarah came to get help the other day for one of the other kids we look out for, Jenny. Some guys, probably from the same gang that tried to get you, had cornered Jenny, and tried to rape her. Sarah came to get me and Nanshi to help sort stuff out." Duo explained to the horrified looking blond.

"But, that is so terrible! How could something like that happen in broad daylight? Wouldn't someone have seen and have intervened?" Quatre asked, still looking horrified.

"Ch, yea, right, u really have lead a sheltered life, haven't u Q?! Nobody out there gives a shit weather or not some `homeless scum' gets raped, killed, beat up or anything. As long as there're no parents to report it, and no adults to complain, they just let us get on with it. But the minute one of their own get targeted, who's the first that they blame? Us! Stupid fuckin' fascist bast-" Duo began ranting, Trowa cutting him off.

"Don't mind Duo, he tends to get a little carried away when it comes to voicing his opinion about society." Trowa explained.

"do people really act like Duo says? Do they really ignore homeless people? Even the police?" Quatre asked, gasping as Trowa nodded in response.

"Oh my! But- wait, you said `us'. Are you homeless too? Who looks after all of those children?" Quatre asked.

"Me and Trowa do. Tro-Tro has been takin' in strays for about ten years now, ever since he found me. We both look after `em though." Duo replied.

"But-but you are only children yourselves! You cant-you shouldn't have to-" Quatre started, sounding flustered.

"Don't worry about it Quatre. We are used to it now." Trowa assured him.

"Yep, what Tro-Tro said! Don't worry your pretty little blond head over it. Tro, isn't it about time that you take small, blond and innocent home before his big bad friends come lookin' for him?"

"Thank you for saving me and everything." Quatre said, smiling weakly.

"Don't worry about it Q. for a rich kid, you're alright! You're welcome to drop by anytime, ya hear? The kids seem ta like ya for some reason. Plus Tro-Tro here seems to REALLY like yo-" Duo smirked, being cut off by Trowa elbowing him.

"Come on little one, I will escort you back to your apartment." Trowa mumbled, helping Quatre up.

"Hehe, T-man has a major crush on Kat. This could be interesting!" Duo smirked, as he watched his tall green-eyed friend help the limping blond leave.

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End of chapter three