Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ I Need You ❯ I Need You ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN Another 1x6, what else? Just a drabble this time, one that has actually been sitting on my laptop for ages and is not the best thing I've ever written, please tell me what you think though.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Why do people find it so hard to understand that I do not own Gundam Wing?
Summary: Two pilots talk just before one kills the other, set during the final battle. 1x6x1 implied
I Need You
“I need you to help me.”
Anything, you know I'd do anything for you.
“I need you to help me finish this.”
Just what are you planning? If you're suggesting…
“I need you to save me.”
I'll do anything I can but I can't save you from yourself.
“I need you to throw me away, let me go before…”
Before what…? Though I think I might already know the answer.
“I need you to know… you're the reason I live.”
What?! What are you saying?
“I need you to let me die.”
“But what's more, I need you to know I'm sorry, I'm so sorry and that I love you. I love you Heero.”
-An explosion, white light and flames-
“I need you to know… I love you too Zechs.”
AN Sad and weird, no different to my usual fics then but hey, please R&R anyway, thanks.