Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Journey To Gundam ❯ Nightmare on Zechs! Gundam Returns! ( Chapter 12 )

[ A - All Readers ]
You'll probably notice, this whole story isn't linear with the series. but thats okay for a little insanity!

I don't own gundam wing


Lt. Walker stared in disbelief. "What the hell is that?!"

"It's a gundam!"

"I know it's a looks like a girl though."

The Mobile Suit pilots just stared at the oncoming deathscythe in desbelief. This cheery faced mobile suit..this was a dreaded gundam? All questions were answered when the gundam drew his thermal blade and was followed by three other gundams, and a Leo.

Lt. Walker blinked in disbelief. "Retreat!"

The odds didn't appear to be in their favor with 5 enemy mobile suits, and these pilots did NOT look to be in a good mood.

The other pilots stared wide eyed as Heero and Duo bgan to do the most damage, destroying everything in their path. It was difficult to tell who was angrier, Heero for losing his gundam or Duo for losing the respect of his gundam. No one had ever seen the braided pilot in a worse mood, even Heero seemed to avoid him, definatly it was Duo who was worse.

"If we didn't have to leave so early Howard could have fixed deathscythe!"

It was Wufei who dared to answer. "Well Duo, I'm sure your Onna loves to be out on the town."

Snorts of laughter resonated from the four mobile suits. Duo turned around, giving the pilots a death glare they had assumed only Heero could make and laughter was abruptly silenced.


"Yaaaaghh!!!!!"< br>
Odessa cheered. "Go Charl! Your doing great!"

"I think he's trying to kill me!"

"Oh Charl thats ridiculous!"

Charl pulled back as he avoided another blow from Zechs, being in this Aeris suit was making him nautious. " didn't..cut his hair did you?"

"Only a couple inches."


"It was for research."

Charl sighed, barely avoiding another attack.

"Alright thats enough! Take a break."

Charl sighed with relief as Unne gave the order, lowering the Aeris back into the atmosphere and on the ground. Odessa smiled, applauding Charl as Zechs stepped out of the Leo. Une folded her arms. "Thatcher, get out of that suit!"

Zechs glanced at Colonal Une. He jumped off the Leo and onto the Aeris, opening the hatch and immediatly turning away and jumping down.

Col. Une looked at Zechs. "What is it?"

"It's not pleasant in there."

She glanced at Zechs again then climbed up to the hatch. Her eyes widened in surprise as a very green Charl looked at the Colonal. "Clean up!"


"Oh cheer up Charl. It's not the end of the world that you didn't make OZ."

"Of course it's not Odessa, your the one who signed me up in the first place!"

Odessa smiled, she actually seemed to be braiding the lock of hair she had gotten off Zechs. "Yep, and you enjoyed it."

"I did not, I tried to get out of it."

Odessa sighed. "Trying to hide your disapointment, I understand."

Charl groaned.

The two reporters were immediatly blocked by five very angy pilots. Charl blinked. "Gah."

Duo smiled. "Miss us?"

Trowa gave a small wave while Heero spoke. "Wheres my Gundam?"


Y ah! Someone is in very big trouble! Two more chapter left! Will Odessa and Charl survive the wrath of the gundam pilots?