Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping Promises ❯ Promise Made ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Keeping Promises Prolugue: A Promise Made

"Isn't she beautiful?" Saeko looked at her daughter adoringly, cuddling the small child close to her. Looking up into her husband's eyes, she asked, "What do we call her?"
Tameo looked at his daughter, taking in her dark, curling hair and her bright chocolate eyes, and declared, "Buri. My mother's name. I think it fits her, don't you?" He smiled down at his wife as she nodded her head. The newly-christened Buri let out a soft coo, wiggling her arms at her mother.
"Come here, Wufei." Saeko beckoned to her son. "Come and meet your new sister." Out of the shadows stepped a proud looking boy, no more than 2