Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping Promises ❯ To Repair the Link ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter One
To Repair the Link
“Damn it, Fei! Where the hell are you?!” A girl snapped as she frantically searched the Internet, hacking thru OZ files, looking for traces of her brother. Buri tossed her waist-length black hair back as she furiously pounded the keyboard. “You'd think that your brother would want to keep in touch with you, but noooooo.......he just has to go on his little `justice' rant and leave you hanging.” She muttered as she slammed her laptop shut. Shenlong had been located on the outskirts of Saudi Arabia. “Time to go inform justice boy of his bad manners.” An unholy grin lit her face.
Wufei was in deeeeeep shit.
“Oi, WU-MAN!! Whatcha doing?” A young braided boy yelled as he tackled the Chinese boy from behind. The boy ducked and let the braided idiot crash into the wall. “Maxwell, how many times have I told you not to interupt my meditation? And my name is Wu--Fei, NOT WU-MAN!” Wufei closed his eyes and resumed lotus position. He had been stuck in this safe house with the insufferable baka for too long. It was getting to him. ~I hope the others get back soon, or we will be short one pilot.~ He smirked. ~not that that would be a bad thing.~
Duo plopped down on the couch, bored. “Man, I wish that something would happen, cause I am sooooooo bored!”
There was a soft knock at the door. (AN: saw that comin'?)
“Hey, waddaya know? Ask for and ye shall receive!” Duo grinned as he ran to open the door. Before he could reach the doorknob, said door gave a sudden lurch and was shoved open. Duo's grin faltered as he took in the person before him. “Wufei! Get in here...NOW!!” he hollered as he pulled his gun. “Now listen, lady,” he instructed the person standing in the doorway. “I don't know who you are or what you are doing out here in the middle of fucking nowhere, but you had better have a good reason, cause I don't wanna hafta blow a beautiful girl's brains out.” Wufei chose that moment to walk in. He stared at the person for a moment, then asked in Japanese, “Dare ka?”
The woman smirked. “Anata no imouto no tomodachi. Watashi wa Sakura. Yoroshiku.” She gave a mocking bow. At Wufei's shocked face, she cocked her head. “Oboenai?” (AN: Thought it would be his sister, didn't ya?)
“Boku no imouto? Buri?”
“Doko? Buri wa doko?” Wufei was frantic. His sister....this woman knew where his sister was! ~Oh god, she's still alive. Thank god!~
Duo, who had been scratching his head at the entire thing, suddenly piped up. “Um, for those that don't speak Japanese....WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?”
The woman in the door laughed. “Anata no tomodachi? Omoshiroii na!” Then she turned to Duo. “I have been sent here to tell your friend that Buri is alive and currently looking for her brother.” Turning back to Wufei, she grinned. “There is gonna be hell to pay when she finds you, ya know.” Tossing out a goodbye, she left the safehouse.
AN: Okay! First chapter done!! Hope you like it. Sakura is my own creation, so no stealing!! Give me ideas, or I won't write!
Silver Kitsune