Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Konnichiwa! Thanks for the reviews! I was prompted to write this epilogue because of them!
Characters might be a little OOC here, and my grammar and spelling isn't exactly perfect although I did go through spell check and I proof read it like ten thousand times...would you be kind enough to tell me if you do spot any?
*~Also a special thanks to Hentai Samm for her support throughout this story!~*
If you want to send your comments, suggestions, rants, complaints, death threats, funny email forwards or just plain opinions about this story personally to me, you can send it to:
Okies enough of my random babblings...on with the story...
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Magic -- Epilogue
Heero Yuy woke up as he felt the warm rays of sunshine sprawl across his face. It had been so long since he woke up that way. Three years of pain actually made him forget what living a good life really meant. No stress. No sadness. No more hell.
He turned to realize that he wasn't the only occupant of the bed. He glanced over and remembered what a relief it was when he saw her a couple of months ago in his office, not only alive but well. But at that moment when he saw her a couple of months ago, what he felt was neither happiness nor relief, but his emotions contained anger.
At first, he was angry that she lied to him, and made him go through three years of disappointment and remorse only to find out that she was alive.
If he never forgave her, they would both be miserable for both of their actions for the rest of their lives.
He stroked her hair and caressed her cheek. Only God knew how happy he was to wake up like that. Despite his feelings before, his love for her overcame the suffering he felt all those years. Even just seeing her next to him made him forget all of the pain he endured. He survived through this and he was happy he did.
Heero had been working on his computer all day, trying to access some files that just wouldn't show up on his computer. He decided to give it one more try and just when he was getting somewhere, he heard some muffled arguments outside.
He lifted his eyes off his computer and tried to make out the sounds that were coming from outside. The sounds were of two women but he still couldn't make out the words that they were saying. He looked at the door intently and saw the knob turn slowly.
The door opened and a young woman surfaced from the wooden door. His jaw dropped.
The next thing he heard was the calling of his name.
He gasped.
It was the woman he loved who was supposed to be dead three years ago. But there she was, in the flesh. Part of him just wanted to run to her and hold her and make up for all of those years that they've missed, the other part of him wanted to yell at her and tell her how much he blamed himself and wanted himself dead because he felt helpless without her.
"I--I came to--" She struggled so that the words would come out of her mouth but she just couldn't get them out. Heero only watched her intently. Hot tears came streaming down her face and she shivered as she felt the room grow colder.
"I'm sorry I left you all those years ago, to make you think that I was dead...when I really wasn't. Heero all of this was my idea. I thought I could work towards peace easier without people knowing that. I knew that if I worked towards peace that way, I would be more successful and the threats towards my life would never show up. I was just so tired of being in the public eye. I was sick of having my every action watched like I was some tv show." She started walking back and forth nervously, her eyes never leaving the carpeted floor.
"How come you never told me? Didn't you trust me?" He asked her, almost threateningly, as if she betrayed his trust.
"I didn't know what came over me, I wanted to tell you but...but" She cried harder and he hated seeing her suffer. He then stood up and hesitated. No, he had to hear her explanation first before he even thought about comforting her. He sat down abruptly.
"But what?" He asked her as he glared at her.
"But I was frightened that you would never support me through this whole plan and that you would react more...naturally if you really thought it was true."
"What? You never told me because you thought it would be more dramatic if I was depressed the whole time?" He shot back.
"Heero, I just wanted to tell you, and hope that you would forgive me for doing such a thing to you. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I want you to know that I did this so that I could work better towards peace. I didn't tell you because I planned to tell you after a few weeks, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you. I'm so sorry." He went out of his desk, and went closer to her, fighting the urge to collapse into her arms.
She cried as she continued her explanation of why she faked her own death.
"What about the body? I never knew because I never attended your funeral. Duo only made me visit you after a few weeks after your funeral." He interrogated her questioningly and he looked at her with cold eyes that made her remember what it felt like to have his eyes drill holes through her head.
"They buried a casket that carried a wax replica of myself. It had a glass covering it so that nobody could ever suspect that the body was made of wax. Duo made sure that the hospital records, the coroner's reports and my death certificate were all faked."
"Duo knew about this?" He asked her angrily.
She gave a slight nod.
"Don't blame Duo for this, he was sworn to secrecy."
Then he started pacing around the whole room. He balled up his hands in fists and started to think suspiciously. Could they have been having something else than friendship? An affair perhaps? No. Of course not. He refused to believe that. Duo couldn't do that to Hilde. Despite all of the smackings and "shut up Duo"'s, Duo was definitely crazy about Hilde. They had their son, Solo, Duo's pride and joy. He looked at her in an unreadable stare which scared her. She gaped at him back.
They stood up in silence, in the middle of his office, looking at each other. He looked at her mutely. He didn't know what to do. He thought of something to say but forgot it as soon as she cut him off.
"If you don't want to forgive me, it's alright. I know what I did to you because I felt it too and I don't deserve any forgiveness whatsoever from you, or from anybody for lying." She said looking at him with pure sincerity that made Heero realize that she wasn't going behind his back, sleeping with a man who supposedly called him his best friend.
"I loved you. I trusted you. I vowed that I would keep you happy. I promised that I would devote my life to you and you knew that I would do anything to keep your life safe. And how could you throw away my promises like that like you've never even heard them? At one point I was so disappointed in myself that I wished I admitted my feelings for you sooner so that our time together would be longer, I knew I took too long in doing that and I regretted that! But how could you leave me miserable like this?" He seemed to get angrier by the minute.
She only looked at him, crying softly.
"If you wanted out of the marriage, why didn't you just tell me instead of you going away to God knows where! What have you been doing in three years? Sleeping around?" He exclaimed, outraged like the words came aimlessly out of his mouth. As the words came out, he cursed himself mentally. He never meant to say them.
And then, she slapped him squarely across the face.
"I came here to apologize not expecting any forgiveness. I came here to see you because I knew how miserable you were because I was too! And you have the gall to say that I've been sleeping around? I've been sleeping around?" She screeched loud enough that he swore that the whole building was probably listening to the whole conversation.
"Well so long, Heero Yuy. I doubt you would ever want to talk to your presumed dead and cheating wife ever again!" Tears glided down her cheeks as she spun her heel, and stormed away towards the door. She gave him one retreating look before turning the knob and walking away.
Heero stood frozen on his office, his hand on the side of his face. For a moment, he wondered if he should catch up to her and apologize for the things that he just said. He knew she wouldn't do such a thing. But the words came out of his mouth because he was thinking about it and he wondered why he even thought of such things. They seemed to come out effortlessly, because he said the things that he was thinking about. He would never hurt her the way she hurt him by leaving him like that.
Then he shook his head.
On an impulse, he walked over to his desk and dialed Duo's number.
"Hello, Maxwell residence, Duo Maxwell speaking!"
"Hey Heero buddy, what's up?" Duo said enthusiastically on the other side of the line, obviously grinning like the Cheshire cat.
"Don't what's-up-buddy me, Duo. I'm about to ask you a question, and you have to answer it honestly. Your life depends on it." Heero impassively replied.
"Oh yeah, what's that?" Duo challenged.
"Where do you get the best flowers in town?"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
"Oh Duo these roses are absolutely beautiful! Do you know who sent them?" Relena asked, searching for a card that probably got lost in the big mass of roses.
"That's 3 dozen roses, a box of chocolate truffles from...a certain Mr. ehem."
"Aw, come on Duo, don't you know? I know you know who sent these! You were the one who put it on my desk! If you tell me, I'll give you a chocolate truffle!" She said leaning over her desk, her eyes brimming with joy and excitement as she opened up the box of chocolates and offered him a chocolate covered truffle.
"Aw Relena, I promised Mr. ehem that I wouldn't tell you..."
"Well if I could only find the card here somewhere...I wouldn't be asking for your help." She replied, grinning.
Sometime while Relena was rummaging through the bouquet, Duo slipped out of the room, leaving the door closed.
"Who could it be? No one knows I'm alive except for me, Duo, a few officials, Heero..." She whispered and wondered who it could possibly be, still assuming that Duo was still present in the room.
"Nah, Heero dosen't look like the type who sends flowers...unless..."
She thought of any possible reason why he could be sending flowers.
"An sure will take him a hundred years to make him admit to himself that he needs to apologize...right Duo? Duo?" She asked, surprised at his silence. When she realized he left, she stood up and started to walk out of the room but stopped when she noticed that the knob started turning. She backed up as if she was being pushed and figured that it was just Duo from the vending machine with his twenty-third chocolate bar for the day.
When the door opened, Relena turned around, her back facing the door.
"Duo, don't leave me like that. I know I was getting annoying but I just wanted to know who sent me those--..." She turned around and the grin on her face disappeared when she saw that it wasn't Duo she was talking to.
"Hello, Heero." She said coldly, as a big frown spread across her face, marring her beautiful features.
"What do you want? Have you thought of any other insults you want to throw back at me?" She hissed, her voice rising.
"I-I came here to say sorry." He replied, earnestly.
"You did?" She asked, looking back at him, her voice softening a bit.
What I said to you yesterday...I was disappointed the minute they came out of my mouth. I didn't even mean to lash out on you. I just missed you so much. I got frustrated and...I'm sorry, Relena, I truly am. Will you forgive me?" His big Prussian blue eyes looked at her with a puppy-dog expression, leaving him hard to resist.
"I don't know Heero, those words offended me." She replied. She looked back at him, part of her just wanted to rip his clothes off, having the urge to make passionate love to him, right there on her office. Three years without sex really sucks. Just looking at him made it feel like the hottest day in the summer. It wasn't even near summer and she could feel herself burning up inside.
"I'm really sorry Relena." Heero said, his voice sounding annoyed and sincere both at the same time.
"Do you really mean you're sorry Heero?" She asked him, taking a few steps closer to him.
"Yes, I do."
"Does that mean you forgive me for what I did to you?" She asked playfully, her body, reaching closer to his, the intensity seemed to rise a bit more.
Her hand went up to his chest and up to the collar of his shirt and tugged it playfully, pulling him closer to her.
Her lips pressed his in a most arousing way, both of them feeling a slight tingling as their lips touched like it was the first time they've ever tasted a kiss. Oh yes, a passionate kiss was the best way to end a lover's quarrel and make up. Her hands then shifted to the back of his neck, clasping her hands around it, pulling him closer to her as the kiss deepened.
Eventually they both knew they needed air and broke the kiss.
"What was that for?" Heero asked softly as soon as he caught his breath.
"To let you know how truly sorry I am for leaving you like that, and to tell you that I forgive you for saying such harsh words to me yesterday." She answered, smiling at him, her eyes full of sincerity and sheer happiness both at the same time.
"I was the one who sent you those flowers over there, don't I get a thank you kiss for that too?" He asked, with a boyish smirk plastered on his face.
"Maybe." She replied, tilting her head closer to his.
"I think we should argue more often, but skip the fighting part and just move on to the making up part." Heero replied, grinning back at her.
"Good idea." She said before pulling him and kissing him again.
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*~*~*End Flashback*~*~*
The rays of the sun penetrated lucidly through the crystal clear glass, warming the room instantly as it rose from the heavens. The young woman slept dreamily on the lush bed she happily shared with the man whom she loved. Little did she know that he was already staring at her, reflecting upon the reasons why fate brought them together only to be separated by it, then to put them together once again.
The way he brushed the strands of her hair off of her face, the way he stroked her face gently as if it was as delicate as fine white silk, simply the way he looked at her, expressed how much a human being can care for another more than he cared for himself.
Her eyes began to flutter open, her eyelashes batting a couple of times and she smiled as she saw who was laying down on the bed beside her, watching her.
"Morning." She mumbled sleepily.
"Morning." He replied with a smile that he reserved for only her.
He leaned in to kiss her but turned around to face the mahogany table that carried the ringing noise.
He groaned but turned back to her to try to kiss her again.
"Let it ring." He murmured.
The phone rang and rang.
"Remind me to disconnect than damn phone later." He mumbled quietly as he smirked back at her before their lips pressed once more.
The End
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So, what do you think now? I finally ended this because I thought the whole story sucked and the plot was weird...but anyways I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending for Chapter V...
Please Review! Please Review! Please Review! Please? Pretty Please? With Sugar and Chocolate on Top?
If you want to send your comments, suggestions, rants, complaints, death threats, funny email forwards or just plain opinions about this story personally to me, you can send it to:
Thanks for taking the time to read!