Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Words ❯ Nowhere to Run ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistaken Words
Disclaimer: own?….not last I checked
Nowhere to Run
The snowfall outside had lightened considerably on the third day, and it was Ash's hope that the pilot would soon contact them; so he could complete his mission. The last two days had been nothing short of nerve racking, thankfully nothing had happened; nevertheless Relena's guards always gave the impression that they were planing something. He leaned back in his chair a little deeper, enjoying the warmth that the fire before him was emitting. It was early evening on the third day that Ash found himself sitting alone in the den eyes watching the fire dance hypnotically.
Even alone as he was Ash could feel the tension that filled the very air, he had tired to keep the atmosphere light, but that had proved a greater challenge than he could face. For the most part the aggression came from the guards that Relena had with her, their animosity was not even really directed at Ash and his men, more it was turned like a knife on Heero. Ash stretched his legs lazily, glancing at the clock to see that it was four thirty, if they left now they could be at the spaceport by nine, and on the colony by nine the next morning. Dante would be satisfied with that, it had been known coming in on this mission that the time line for extraction would have to be left loose, as there was really no predicting the weather at this time of year.
Ash jumped, hazel eyes locking on Heero as he entered the room, there had not been anything to announce his presence, just his appearance, and that was like death. He said nothing; never did unless that is; there was no way out of it. Ash had never witnessed Heero quite so distant before, for the most part no one even saw him, they had no idea where it was that he went but he went there a lot. It had become clear if only to Ash that the brooding man was avoiding Relena, they were never in the same room together for longer than it took Heero to leave. He nodded to the Japanese man, earning himself a glare in response, before Heero crossed the room to the kitchen.
Turning his attention back to the flames, Ash continued to consider the attempted assassin. To his knowledge Heero had not slept since they had arrived, nor eaten anything more than a few bites. Something was eating at the young man, and Ash would have been a fool not to realize that it came back to Relena. There was such a cold anger in his eyes when he looked at the small woman, so icy was the stare that Ash actually feared a few times that Heero would complete his mission from three years ago. He would have liked to know what it was that Heero hated so much about the pacifist, yet those were answers he doubted would ever be given.
The sound of cupboard door slamming echoed through the almost silent home, bringing Ash completely back to the present. His head had whipped about at the noise, and he looked though the archway, seeing Heero move off to another cabinet. ~What's he looking for?~ Ash wondered quietly to himself. It was not until he was on his feet, and making his way towards the kitchen that he realized what it might be, and he moved quickly to put a stop to it. Passing across the threshold, Ash leaned calmly back against the wall, as he studied Heero's increasingly agitated movements, there was no doubt now what he was searching for. The bandages which bound his right hand, did not hinder him in the least, Heero most likely would have ignored the seemingly unimportant injury, had Ash not pushed the issue. Heero had never really been one to worry overly about his health; he was breathing; that was good enough for him.
Cursing in his native tongue Heero raked one hand through his unruly hair. Ash had no doubts that the younger man was aware of his proximity, yet Heero could do a magnificent job ignoring someone. Only a true fool would take this behavior as a sign of distraction, Ash was not aware that anything could distract such an intense man from his goal. The inevitable outcome of this `mission' was Heero finding what he sought, moments later the young man pulled a bottle of whiskey from off the shelf. He drew the full bottle before his eyes, inspecting it, turning it over slowly in his hands. He was considering, he always did.
"No Heero," Ash warned breaking the silence finally. Heero's head turned to regard him, his expression almost demanding ~who are you to give me orders?~ but his hand did not release the carafe of alcohol. "Not here, you haven't slept in days or eaten," he tried to reason with the younger man, though it did not seem to get to him. Ash pushed himself off the wall taking a step towards Heero, "Not that I've seen at least," he raised an eyebrow as he considered Heero, "Care to explain?"
The Japanese man glared through the corner of one eye; "It doesn't matter."
"It's bound to effect your performance sometime, we can't afford any mistakes right now," Ash countered, turning one of the chairs around so his could straddle it, hazel orbs never leaving his friend's form. "Where do you keep disappearing to?" he inquired softly, not missing the tautness of Heero's stance.
"I patrol," Heero said turning away, and walking to the counter he rested the glass bottle on its surface.
Ash blinked at that, "You really think that's necessary?"
"You'd be a fool not to," growled the other as he faced Ash once more, hopping up onto the counter. "They're not naïve enough as to think her safe out here, not completely at least," though his eyes still showed nothing close to life, his voice was no longer quite so dead.
"Are you really concerned?" Ash questioned cocking his head to one side, "Or are you avoiding someone?"
Heero gave a silent `ha!' his shoulders lifting slightly in response. His gaze shifted completely to Ash, it was a heavy stare, one few could withstand for long, "Just what are you implying?" Ash shrugged mutely eyes remaining on Heero's face, "I thought you were concerned I'd try to kill her again."
"I just didn't expect you to disappear this much," he commented scratching lightly at the dark shadow forming on his jaw. Heero too had the beginnings of a beard forming, somehow it made him appear more dangerous, and Ash was pretty sure he knew why. The thick stubble added years to his life, the first impression that Heero gave always made one think he was in his late twenties or early thirties, yet now he almost looked it. He looked untamed, ~was untamed~ Ash corrected himself silently.
"It's the guards."
Ash gave a start at that, "Huh, I wouldn't have thought their accusations would bother you."
"They don't," he coldly replied, "Their presence does."
"You think Dante's taking unnecessary risks keeping them alive?" It was not really a question. "We're not a violent group Heero, you know that. The last thing we want is blood to spill from this," The younger man's features were unreadable giving no clear indication as to what he was thinking.
"Hn…" Heero turned his attention away, "Whatever `we' are doesn't matter, this mission has taken too long."
For the thousandth time since meeting the mysterious man, Ash wished he could read minds, there was simply no telling what half Heero's statements meant. He knew it was never the obvious, yet he usually took it as that, since there was nothing else he could do, "I'll agree with you there." Ash stood, and walked over to the window above the sinks, outside the sun had set, and for the first time the stars could be seen clearly. "I think it ends tonight," he assured his agitated friend.
Silence was his only response, though he had not really expected anything to be said. Slowly his head turned, just enough that he could see Heero where he sat beside him, the younger man's eyes were focused on something hidden to Ash's eyes, yet he still knew what it was. "I don't know why you feel you need that," he began eyes returning to the night sky, "But it's not worth it right now."
His peripherals caught Heero's subtle movements as he diverted his attention to Ash, "Leave the decision to me," he grated in low tones.
Ash barked a laugh, "I don't think so Heero, we could be leaving at any time, I want your head clear." He did not bother to look at the other man, knowing full well that entering into a staring match with Heero Yuy was pointless, the man backed down from nothing. Thankfully though he was still reasonable, and could see—at times—the merit of taking someone else's well phrased advice.
Heero pushed himself off the counter without a sound, and walked from the room most likely vanishing to wherever it was that he went. Ash stretched out the fingers of his left hand towards the small light switch just under the cabinet that flanked the window. Shutting off the lighting in the kitchen he gave his full attention over to the midnight black sky. He had heard it often described as velvet blanket draped over the world. The thought made him laugh, that was the perspective of someone who had lived their whole life on earth's surface. However to someone born among the stars, it appeared entirely different.
To Ash's eyes there was depth, a limitless, unattainable distances. It was not one dimensional to his sight nor two or three, it was a dimension all its own, something beyond the full comprehension of the human mind. Humans lived within a world of limits and restriction, there was none of that within the sky, and there for it stood beyond, completely separate and yet still and integral part of their lives. Thousands had spent their lives studying it, and exploring but they still had not even brushed the surface, and to Ash's way of thinking they never would. It was not theirs to know.
He was forced to tear his eyes from the star dusted sky as the small radio at his hip sounded off its warning of an incoming transmission. Spinning away from the window Ash slipped the light headset into place, and flipped the view screen down over his right eye. "Ash here," he called opening the link.
On the screen Logan appeared, scarred face as always completely serious, no matter the situation. "Sir, I take it the mission was a success?" his voice spoke directly into Ash's ear.
"Yah, we have the princess," he let a smile touch his face as he leaned back against the counter crossing his arms. "She actually managed to give us the slip for about an hour," Ash admitted with and easy laugh.
That caught Logan by surprise, "Where could she have gone?"
"Apparently whoever built this place had escape in mind, had it not been for Heero, she might actually have evaded us."
"I'm glad to hear that's not the case," Logan said running a hand across his brow, "So other than that it's been quiet?"
Ash straightened up, and walked from the kitchen as he answered, "No one's tired anything, her guards are well trained, and thankfully very loyal." He strode out into the living room only to find two of his men lounging on the couch conversing quietly. "Start getting everything ready," he directed them without taking his concentration from Logan, "I take it you're on your way?"
"Yes sir," All three men replied, one an echo of the other two.
"Took you long enough," Ash said his voice remaining good-natured.
The man let a ghost of a smile touch his features, "Sorry sir, that was one hell of a storm you flew us into. I almost didn't make it back out, the winds were so bad in the passes I was sure I'd be thrown into the mountain face."
He laughed, "Not you, you're the best pilot we have," slowly Ash made his way up the stairs in search of Relena.
"Dante was concerned for a while there," Logan continued
"Oh? What, has he no faith in us?"
"I don't think it's that sir, he was afraid the radio silence had been brought on by something other than the weather, and I have to admit for a while I agreed" he concluded face a mask.
Ash halted at the top of the stairs; "You haven't tried to make contact and fail? Have you?"
"No sir I had no way of really knowing if the storm had cleared enough for a transmission, you were supposed to contact me."
"Right…" Ash mused, smiling as he continued on his way, "I was a bit preoccupied there for a time, as it is the storm only cleared through just a little over an hour ago."
Logan nodded his head; hands moving on the controls of the helicopter, as he navigated his way through the mountain passes. "I'll be reaching you in about fifteen minutes, be ready for extraction then."
"Right," Ash flipped the screen up but left the head set on, in case something happen. Once his attention was focused on finding Relena it did not take him that long to locate her. He did make a quick stop at the room where her guards were being held before continuing on his way, "Get them ready, our ride will be here in fifteen."
As he continued down the hall, he wondered what sort of reaction he would be faced with, when telling Relena. So far the princess had taken all matters considerably well, yet he could tell she was not nearly so calm as she wanted him to think. There again she was not exactly afraid either, she was smart enough to know, only a cool head would gain her anything. Ash could not help respecting her, he wanted to be able to reassure her more, yet his orders had been clear Dante would be the one to relay everything.
Shrugging his shoulders with a shake of his head Ash continued down the hall, nodding in recognition of his men that he passed, and directing them down to the living room. Once outside Relena's room he knocked softly waiting for her call to enter. It did not come however, and he was about the rap upon the hard wood again, when the door swung opened. Relena looked up at him a lofty air about her, as there always seemed to be when she was facing him. "Yes? What is it?"
He smiled, "We're leaving, take your things if you feel you need them." Ash decided simple and to the point would most likely work better with the princes than beating around the bush.
"I doubt you'll tell me were it is we are going?" she questioned walking back into her room, to pack what she felt she might need.
"Certainly," Ash responded instantly, causing Relena to halt, spinning around to face him. "The Nuremberg space port."
Her pretty face darkened slightly, "I meant after that."
"I'm sorry but that is need to know only," his smile he felt was truly apologetic but it only seemed to cause her to glare more.
She crossed her slender arms beneath her breasts, "And my men? What of them?"
"They will be accompanying us, I assure you they will be given the best care, and as many liberties as we can give, provided they behave." Ash leaned his solid frame against the door jam crossing his own arms in a similar fashion, "You're men are very loyal to you, and it's no wonder why…"
Relena stared at him in silence as though she were attempting to read the message hidden behind his words. There was none of course; Ash was not a man to make flowery speeches that meant something entirely different that what he has actually said. With a sigh and tiny shake of her head, Relena turned back around busying herself about the room. "You have fifteen minutes to be outside ready to go," that last was directed more to Jake than the princess, as he pushed himself off the door, and left the room.
Two steps brought him outside the room he had been occupying, along with three others, and walking in Ash was not at all surprised to find them packed and gone. Word traveled fast, not only that, but not a one among them was going to risk delaying this mission; not when something could still go terribly wrong. Ash shrugged into his thick protective jacket, he did not like the body armor, it restricted movement too much, nevertheless he wore it when heading into a hostile situation. Dislikes aside, Ash was more than capable of seeing the value in such equipment.
Heero on the other hand was a different matter entirely. He all but refused such measures; it had taken a great effort on Ash's part to get him into the protective gear for this mission. In the end it was more the cold than threat of bullets which convinced the silent man. At the thought of the Japanese man, Ash was reminded of their conversation, and questions filled his mind, all begging for answers, none receiving them. With many months of contemplating the young man, behind him, Ash knew that thinking much on him did nothing. Heero simply hid everything to well, which brought Ash back to the very first of all the questions, why? If only that could be answered everything else would likely fall into place, but the `why' of it all, was locked carefully away in Heero's head, a place he shared with no one.
Grabbing hold of his assault rifle, Ash turned from the otherwise untouched room, and made his way back down the hall. "Kyle" he called suddenly as the man walked from one of the others rooms, "Are all the rooms cleaned?"
"All except the one you were using and the princess'" he replied carefully pulling the room's door closed.
"I don't think you'll have to worry about prints in hers, Jake knows what he's doing."
"Right, I'll be finished in a minute then," Kyle made to walk past but halted only an inch from Ash, "Are we taking them the whole way?" there was no question as to who `they' were.
Ash nodded, "There isn't really any other option, leave them anywhere and you risk word making it back to the government."
The other man's green eyes flicked down the hall briefly, "I was hoping they would think her safe enough to send up alone."
"Ha! No chance of that," Ash barked, "This won't be a problem, Dante and I had it planned from the beginning with them in mind, nothing is going to change, just do your part, and we'll all make it out of here in one piece."
"They aren't going to go quietly."
"No, but we've kept that in mind as well," he patted the other man lightly on the shoulder, "I'll see you outside in ten." Hefting his rifle a little higher on his shoulder Ash continued the short journey back to the living room where his men had assembled, with Relena's guards in their midst. He noted without much surprise that Heero was not among them, the Japanese man would appear before they left, without being formally told he most likely already knew they were leaving.
The room held an almost oppressive silence despite the fact that more than just two of the men were holding quiet conversations. It did not take Relena's guards long to focus all their anger on him, once he had entered the room, but he simply let it wash right off of him. With a brief glance at his men, Ash crossed the room to make his way outside. He wanted to see if Heero was around, just to make sure that he had not taken to the drink that he had been considering before.
Though the snow had ceased to fall, the air was no less brisk; a cold winter breeze some how made it's away into the secluded glen. Brushing the new fallen snow from evergreen branches to dance about like a wedding veil. Ash gasped softly as the icy fingers of the zephyr caressed his face, attempting to find a way down the collar of his coat. The initial shock passed quickly, allowing him to leave behind the inconvenience of the cold, and focus upon his mission. Even knowing Heero as his did, it took Ash several minutes to spot his elusive friend. The dark combat gear blending almost perfectly with the rock face which Heero had scaled part way. He stood there on the semi-sheer bluff watching and listening, what he hoped to hear Ash did not know.
Walking forward Ash made no effort to silence his approach, wanting Heero to know he was coming. He had never managed to sneak up on his friend before, but he certainly did not want now to be the time. Ash had a strange suspicion that Heero would not take such surprises very well, if someone did ever manage to get the better of him. "What's got you up there?" Ash called as he reached the base.
Heero never even looked down, for all the reaction he gave; it was as if he had not heard; but his answer did come "There's a helicopter coming."
The hazel eyed man blinked in total surprise; he couldn't hear a thing. "Logan's on his way now… should be here in a few minutes." Heero nodded to that, and slowly began to descend. Ash folded his arms as he watched the cat like grace that his friend possessed it was almost inhuman. He wondered what sort of training Heero had been put through to give him such talents, or was it something that he was born with? Yet these were answers never to be expected, Heero was more closed mouthed about his background than what happened three years ago to lead him to shoot Relena. "We'll be home in just over four-teen hours."
The Japanese man grunted in response leaning casually back against the rock out cropping which he had been climbing. The silence, which fell between them, was not an uncomfortable one, Ash and become used to Heero's manners enough so that he could remain in this void as long as the Japanese man required it. Though the silence did not last, it was not broken by either of them, as the pick up time closed in on them Ash's men began moving out of the cottage, brining with them Relena's guards, and the lovely princess herself.
Ash had been paying close attention to Heero as Relena came out into the snow-covered world. At first he gave no reaction whatsoever, but as her sweet wildflower scent drifted over to where they stood, he stiffened though it was almost impossible to tell. Seeing this, Ash became determined to discover what it was that Heero hid, but that would have to wait until they made it back and had delivered Relena. The Japanese man was not likely to speak until that point.
With a roar that quite suddenly filled the entire valley around them Ash looked up to see the helicopter coming into view, it was a more than welcomed sight. Shielding his eyes from the icy snow being blown up into the brisk air by rotor, Ash stepped forward to direct the path of the helicopter. Yet before he could take a step Heero was already there, not seeming to notice the stinging ice pellets which pelted his face. With that taken care of Ash turned moving back towards his men, Relena stood within their centre looking small but not frail, she still managed to give off the aura of strength and control, which so many respected her for.
He moved easily through his men, gently guiding Relena to one side, "I'm sure I can trust you to behave on the helicopter. But I hope you understand that we can't expect the same from you men, from this point on they're going to have to be sedated."
"They've given their word," she defended as he knew she would.
"Yes, but in close quarters where we can't risk using our guns, they may decide the risk is worth it," Ash reasoned quietly.
Relena shook her head adamantly; "They would not be so foolish as to put my life in danger, which such action would certainly do."
"As true as your statement may be princess, my men and I simply can't take the risk." His tone had shifted subtly leaving no room for argument, it was a mere courtesy that he was informing her of their plans.
Off to the right the helicopter had safely landed, and with no sight of Heero, it was clear to Ash where he had disappeared. As he walked Relena back among the men he made pointed eyes contact with two of his men, they both nodded knowing what was about to happen. Fluidly without any hesitation or forewarning both Derrick and Tom, found themselves held in impossibly tight holds. "What the hell is this?!" Anderson cried suddenly struggling even though it was futile to resist.
"Due to safety reasons, from here on you're going to need to be sedated. Now we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. But no matter your decision this will be done, I'm sorry but this is the only way," he spread his hands as if to show is lack of options.
Their glares only deepened, and he could see a number of choice words and curses forming on their lips. But to their credit they put up no further struggles, merely watched as the two men he had indicated before with a look closed in. With the injections given and the drug now safely working its way through their systems Ash signaled to his men it was time to leave. He was first to climb aboard the helicopter, and with a quick scan of his eyes he knew Heero was sitting up with the pilot. That was no real surprise, he had known the Japanese man would want to keep that distance between himself and Relena.
Moving up to the head of the empty compartment, Ash waited for everyone to climb aboard and seat themselves against the walls. Relena's men were strapped in to keep them from being thrown. The sedative that they had given would not knock them out entirely but it would render most motor skill impaired, and their balance completely shot. Once everyone was seated he slammed his hand against the dividing door twice to let the pilot know, they could begin the trip back.
Sighing with a note of relief, Ash slid to the floor, leaning his back against the door, behind which Heero hid. A rueful smile touched his weather worn features at that thought, it seemed ridiculous to think of that young man hiding from anything, he was so strong Ash had never met anyone who possessed more strength. And yet that was exactly what he was doing, from the moment they had arrived, even with the alcohol. Unfortunately for him, until they reached the colony, there was simply no place to hide.
^_^ thanks for reading!
The Truth of Lies:
Heero reached for the door handle before him, wanting to be away from here; it was very difficult to fight off the memories when they were standing right in front of you. "Heero!" his head came up slowly when he heard the feminine voice. Relena was staring right at him, an ice cold fire burning deep within her eyes, "I believed in you!" it was spat with all the venom she had been keeping pent up since he caught her in the tree. And it struck Heero like a punch to the gut; all thought left him, his mask stayed strong and true, revealing only what he wanted them to see.
Morganeth Taren'drelTop of Form