Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My little girl ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"My little girl"

By Cher Chan (

It is a night. A beautiful night. A peaceful night. A night to dream about. One to spend with
one you love. I am spending it with my daughter. Who's mother died in a battle. While walking
the ruble I heard a baby crying. I found a woman covering her 3 month old baby. The mother was
dead she died upon being crushed by a big piece of ruble. But she saved her daughters life by
sacrificing her own. I took the child and have raised her as my own. I named her Sugi-senka,

I found her 3 months before the end of the war, the battles, and the fights.

I left her in the care of an old woman on an Island in the pacific. The old woman watched over
and took care of my baby girl for me while I was fighting.
Thinking of that little girl who's life depended on me. Who wouldn't be alive today if I
hadn't walked
threw a ruined village. Who would be put in foster care if I died. Thinking of all that and
much more
kept me going. It was the reason why I saved Relena, for I know she will bring peace to the
and Earth. And my little girl will grow up with peace not war like I did.
When there was peace again I left. I left behind me every thing that used to be my life.
For a little girl who would be my life. Who is now my life.

I never married Relena for I do not believe she would have been a good mother for my child,
she is to busy with all the peace negotiations that if I had stayed my little girl would
have grown up
neglected by her mother and I do not want that for my little girl. So after the end of the
war I left.
I just walked away. And I have never returned.

It is now 3 yeas after the end of the war, the fights, and the battles. I live a peaceful
life with my daughter.
And on this night as I watch my little girl sleeping on our pick nick blanket curled up with
our little white dog, I truly believe that I am blessed. I do not know why I have been blessed
with this gift, this child but I am thankful that I have her in my life. For with out her my
life would mean
nothing. For my daughter, for my little girl I will live my life to it's fullest while
giving her a wonderful happy life and hopefully a peaceful one....