Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Never Good Enough ❯ Never Good Enough ( One-Shot )

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Title: Never Good Enough

Author: Xel-chan

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zilch.

Warnings: Shonen Ai 2+1 and sappiness

Authors Note: I wrote this when I was in a sulky mood as you can probably tell. Anyway. C&C Appreciated, Enjoy!

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I watch as you sneer and turn your back

To all my attempts as a friend

I watch time after time

As you constantly wait for your life to end

I always try to impress you

Yet you always turn and walk away

Not one kind word leaves you mouth

Then again, you rarely have much to say

I could do one hundred things perfect

Then make one mistake

You don't yell or make accusations

Just glare enough to make one quake

I'll never be able to tell how I feel

That you'll never accept

I can barely believe it myself

But you'll never love someone so inept

So now I lay in my bedroom

Just thinking to myself

No matter how good I am

I'll never be good enough

I could win a million medals

Or take out a million mobile dolls

I could become the smartest man

And you wouldn't care at all

I would give anything

For just one small kind word

But everytime I see you

It just seems even more absurd

Maybe in some small part of your mind

You might be a bit proud

Maybe you just can't say that

Cause it wouldn't be allowed

So now I lay in my bedroom

Just thinking to myself

No matter how good I am

I'll never be good enough

I can never dry the tears

You seem to keep inside

I can never convince you to show those feelings

That you like to hide

I'll never compare to the warrior

That seems to keep you alive

I'll always be that nuisance

That annoys you deep inside

I must always hide these feelings

Like you do behind that facade

But in my heart I'll always know

That you alone cause my hearts parade

I lay here in my bedroom

But nothings getting done

I can't sit here and be pathetic

Until your heart is won

This pity parade has got to end

I can't sit here and cry

You're worth every little tear of frustration

Because you'll always be good enough

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Ending Notes: Sometimes I feel that exact same way… Anyway, sulking time is over!!! I…Well…umm…I hope you liked, and umm…Well, bye!!!!!!


Xel-chan [^_~]