Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Nobody's Eden ❯ The City ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nobody's Eden Ch7
I have been trying my arse off t lift writer's block and I found that hyperness works. Everybody, get hyper!
I do not own Gundam Wing, but Heero's mine! HA! He's aaall mine…somewhere in another dimension.
The city gates were…well, huge. She didn't think at that point that she had seen, in her entire 24 hour life, anything as big. She guesses they must have taken some time to design, built and position. The shiny, purple veined marble from which it as made must have been very hard to shape and even more so to lift to such a height and angle.
Which led to her next question. How on earth would they open the thing?!
As if someone had answered her silent question, the door inn front of her opened very slowly and loudly, the ground sending tremors up through her feel and into her stomach. She had trouble keeping her feet on the ground, not knowing whether or not it was actually shifting under her.
Soon, the gates were wide open in front of her and in place of them stood an extremely tall man who's baldness and pure bulk of muscle scared her into paralysis.
The man looked different to the people of the town she first woke up in. He was human enough, as far as she was aware, but he had a very large brow and looked almost…primitive. He had markings on his body in shapes she didn't think held any significance to her knowledge. The most obvious one was a red coral shaped inking running around his bellybutton.
The only thing that challenged her theory of him being a Neanderthal was his smart sense of dress which resembled that of the townsfolk: a white robe hanging from the waist down and Aremite earrings and bangles.
As she saw him open his mouth she braced herself expecting to be shouted at unkindly.
“Weclome, Relena. It has been a long time. It is unlike you to visit the city out of season, so I am guessing that you are here on business. Do come in. Shalah and Khalah will be glad to welcome you again into their custody.”
She flinched slightly at the loud and booming voice that still rang in her ears. Was it possible for something to be so loud?
As the man motioned for the guards in the watchtowers beside him to shut the gates she quickly jumped inside, still very jumpy from the man's bellowing voice.
`He seems kind enough.' She thought, trying to reassure herself that she was not in any danger and that one should not judge another by outside appearances alone.
She thought as she followed him along a wide, gravely road what she should address him as should she need information. She couldn't very well ask his name, he's supposed to already know her.
Again, it seemed that someone had read her mind as a man dressed in white robes came up to the other and motioned for him for some secrecy.
“Daladah, the priest has experienced a vision. But he won't awaken to tell of it. Griande wishes me to go into the forest and find some spices for his after illness.”
It was a grumble but it was audible enough that she could make out what they were saying.
The big man opened is mouth to reply and she found herself flinching again, as if anticipating his loud sonic boom of a voice to stir her already upset stomach yet again.
She was correct. Even in a whisper his voice was so low that it still sent magnificent tremors through the gravel beneath her. Even some of the gravel moved beneath her.
“Do as she says. She's the physician. Before you go, please go to my residence and tell Shalah and Khalah of Relena's arrival. She will be needing a bed and extra plate at the table.”
The other man strained to look around the large man she interpreted to be called Daladah to focus his eyes on her. He immediately smiled.
“Why, Hello, Queenie. Looking as lovely as ever. I'll get the girls to set up your room, ok? They've got a new act between them. I'm sure they'd love you to see it. Goodbye for now.”
At that, the man waved and ran back down the gravel road. She stared after him. He seemed nice as well. Everyone here was nice. It was almost…strange to her.
She froze suddenly as a brief flash of a man with a gun appeared in her. Head. She heard the words `I will kill you, Relena' run over and over again in her head, as if trying to taunt her lack of memory of this man, this man who made her feel butterflies even though his existence is if no significance whatsoever.
Her head began to ache yet again, and she found her knees buckling beneath her as she strained to keep up with Daladah's giant strides.
`There has to be something to me other than this place. Why does HE keep invading my mind? WHO IS HE!?!'
“Your Lordship, may I please have a brief with you?”
The lady in red stepped smartly into the cabin and stood tall about herself. It was something she knew by now; always make yourself tall. It makes you appear proud and, above all, confident.
“Yes,” the young man replied, “I had noticed you had dropped anchor. I do not believe it is yet time for us to be docking in England so I wish now to know what on earth Trieze thinks he's doing delaying my quest!”
The woman flinched slightly at the man's tone, but maintained her powerful stance determined not to show her weakness. The one thing a woman must never do in rank is show weakness, for one single reason to deem one unworthy of power could be their downfall.
“We have come across some uncharted land, very large land. The Captain wishes your verdict on how to treat this new information, Sir.”
The man turned to her and pondered for a minute, looking in her direction but not really at her.
He was strikingly handsome for a Lord. Most Lords at the time were fat and greedy from years and years of being able to best of everything, and the all the time in the world to eat it in excess. This one was young, slim and toned, though for propriety's sake forbade him to show it. Vanity was not a thing that men of power were supposed to show. It was a weakness in the eyes of God.
He had short, spiked bangs that maintained the colour of his mothers family; dark brown. His eyes were a feat on their own. They showed so much discipline and completely rivalled the carelessness, naivety and life that youth usually held, and they glowed a most brilliant shade of blue that often served to make people nervous in his presence. He was an adult in a youth's body. At 25, he was a technical adult, but as a Lord he was a mere child.
He snapped his head up after making his decision.
“How far away is that land from anchor point?”
“About half a league, give or take.”
The man nodded as if debating to himself on what to do.
“We'll keep the ship anchored here. I will be a fair row but not a troublesome one. There should be a low tide so there should be no wave disturbance at this point.”
The woman opened her mouth to speak, closed it in doubt, but gently continued with her will.
“Sir, if I may, the crew have not rested for 2 days. They may not be able to row half a league.”
The man did not seem phased by her argument.
“I understand that, but we cannot move any closer. We do not know yet if the land in inhabited or if they are hostile. If there are citizens on the land then we had best not make our position known to them. If they do turn out to be hostile I'd rather not let them in on the whereabouts of our only hope of survival. No. We we'll keep the ship here. The men will have to suck it up. They can rest when they get to shore and set up the tents.”
The woman nodded in understanding. The crew weren't going to like this.
“What would you have me tell the crew?”
The man waved her off, as if dismissing her comment. “Exactly what I told you.”
As she stepped out of the cabin door, she took in a deep gasp of breath as if she had held it all through her meeting with the Lord. Most did, in fear that he found their breathing annoying. The man was handsome, just very, very cold.
She climbed the wooden staircase to the top deck and took a deep breath, making a mentally prepared speech of what to tell the crew.
As she stepped down from the deck she held her head high as many wolf whistles and catcalls followed her. She promised herself that she wouldn't let it get to her.
She had to stay strong…for Trieze.