Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Laptops & Love Letters ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~ I don't even want to think about how long it's been since I've updated this. I really don't. I'm a horrible, horrible slacker. It's been a good while since I've written anything, and for that I apologize. I've missed so much. I'm lost on how things stand now, but… I'm trying to get back on track. If this chapter isn't up to par… I don't know what to tell you. I'm still a bit rusty. Just give me a bit to get back in my groove…

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.

Of Laptops and Love Letters

Chapter 10

By: Penybright

"I hope you know what you're doing," he interjected before she could explain.


"Tell Yuy to get his act together. It's disgusting," Millardo warned, turning and stalking back to his room.

Relena watched her brother's tall form retreating into the darkness of the hall. He had an uncanny way of just sneaking up on her like that. Not that Heero was any better, mind you… Glancing back at said problem's door, Relena sighed. Maybe he did have feelings for her. Really looking back on things, he had been acting quite a bit strange as of late. She had thought at first that maybe it was because of the threats, and he was concerned for her safety. But now, seeing things in a new light, she realized that was far from what was troubling the taciturn man. Heero definitely had issues to deal with, and Millardo was right. He needed to get his act together. That, and straighten out his feelings, and most importantly, what his feelings were for her. Padding back to her room, Relena resigned herself to a sleepless night of pondering over the man who always seemed to hold her thoughts hostage.


Bright, painful sunlight hit Heero's closed eyes. The harsh light was unforgiving of his condition. Groaning, Heero threw an arm over his eyes and rolled over. He felt like crap. With good reason too. Nobody ever felt just fine and dandy after being drunk, especially not as drunk as he had been. Last night's event's were still foggy in his mind, and there was a disturbing block of nothing but black.

His head throbbed painfully as his stomach churned. His throat was dry, and his mouth felt as though it was stuffed with cotton. The first lucid thought was that of water. Half falling out of bed, he slowly made his way to the bathroom. Slumping against the sink cabinet, Heero turned the faucet on, first splashing some of the cool water on his face before filling a glass.

After a very hot shower, Heero moodily descended the stairs to seek out coffee. Upon entering the kitchen, he realized something. He hadn't seen Millardo at all this morning. He was normally lying in wait for him, ready to send glares Heero's way that held many… unpleasant meanings. He hadn't seen Relena either, which was also unusual.

He absently reached for the coffee pot, wondering what the reason could be for their absence. He could understand Relena not being there. She often had early meetings, and her schedule was hectic. Millardo though… It seemed all he ever did was follow Heero's every move, glaring all the way. Something was definitely up, and he didn't like it.


Heero almost spilled the steaming mug of coffee on himself when he heard that voice. It sounded smug, too smug. Schooling his features, Heero turned to face Millardo, raising an eyebrow in question.

A manila folder was shoved in his face as Millardo uttered two curt words before turning sharply and leaving.

"You're late."

Placing the mug of coffee on the counter, Heero opened the folder and began to scan the documents within. It appeared that Relena's plans had changed for the day. He knew her schedule had consisted of several meetings and at least two conferences. It seemed one of the conferences had been canceled, and that her meetings had finished early. The minister, having free time, was going to the mall after her last meeting let out. Glancing at his watch, Heero inwardly groaned. Her last meeting had let out five minutes ago. Relena was already on her way to the mall, and he'd have to book it in order to meet her there on time.

"Why the mall?" Heero muttered irritably under his breath. He remembered all to well his last excursion with her there. It wasn't one of his pleasant memories to say the least. And what was it with women and shopping? Grabbing his Preventer jacket as he jogged out the door, Heero had a bad feeling about the unfolding of the day's events.


By some strange circumstance of luck, Heero arrived at the entrance of the mall before Relena; barely. The young woman stepped out of her limo, a happy smile alighting her face. Seeing her in such a good mood, Heero couldn't help but let a small smile slip himself. Walking up to him, Relena linked her arm through his and proceeded to drag him inside with her.

"I promise I'll try to make this as painless an experience as I can," Relena quipped facetiously.


"Oh, please don't start that. Speaking in full sentences suits you so much better."

"You seem to be in a good mood today," Heero ventured.

"Of course. I have some free time, and I get to spend it with you," she smiled. Heero felt a faint blush tinge his cheeks and turned his face away. "I'm glad," he murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Where are we going first?"

"I'm not sure… I have another formal function coming up, and I thought you could help me pick out another dress."

Heero groaned in resignation. He knew there was a catch to being able to spend time with here. And if she had another function, that meant…

"Yes, you'll be my escort again. Don't bother trying to argue. Lady Une has already given the order and filled out the paperwork."

Hero reluctantly followed after Relena into the elevator, realizing that the torment was never going to end, unless… But he couldn't. What if she…? No, no, no, no--- His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the elevator lurched to a stop. He immediately tried all the buttons in vain. Opening the call box, he lifted the phone to his ear only to be met with silence.

"Just great…"


Down in the dark underworld of the mall know as the basement… Duo smiled devilishly at his co-conspirators.

"Hopefully this will work," Trowa sighed.

"It'll at least prove to be interesting…"

"And very entertaining, Quatra. It's always amusing to watch Heero squirm," Duo smirked.

~ Well… I guess that it for this chapter. It's a little shorter than my chapters usually are, but… I had so much trouble trying to start this back up again. Tell me what you think!