Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Laptops & Love Letters ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~ I'm sorry for the delay on this chapter. I'm kind of typing one handed right now. I think I broke my finger, but I have to get it x-rayed and all that good junk. I'll try to get the next chapter out soon, but I can't promise anything. Anyway, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing's characters do not belong to me. I do however, own this twisted plot I've created!

Of Laptops & Love Letters

Chapter 2

By: Penybright

Drastic times called for drastic measures. As much as Heero hated to admit it, he was terrified of what Duo would try. He knew the braided pilot delighted in torturing him. Anything that flustered or embarrassed him was Duo's goal to find. That left only one option open to Heero. He had to get his laptop back before Duo stumbled onto certain other... documents. The only way to get his laptop back, was to pay up. Heero could only think of one solution to his money problem. As much as he loathed the idea, Heero had to get a part time job.

He knew a new set of problems would arise from his decision. It would only be a matter of time until someone discovered where he was working, or he was fired. Heero opted for the later, considering that it was far less humiliating. Heero could only imagine the fun his fellow pilots would have at his expense if they were to find out.

Decision reluctantly made, Heero began to covertly search for job openings. It wouldn't do him any good to get caught searching for a job. After about three days of searching, Heero found an opportunity. He was interviewed, hired, and given his uniform that same day. He would start working the following evening, after a brief "training" session that evening.


Heero's first day on his part time job was a learning experience. Actually, it was his first evening. He looked out at the sea of people dinning in the large restaurant. It wasn't the best pay, but it was something. He didn't think he'd be able to find anything much better in such a short amount of time. Of course, Heero never was one for big crowds, and his people skills were a bit lacking. He didn't think he'd have the job for long.

Was he ever wrong... The female patrons in particular seemed to enjoy his company. Often they would request for him to wait on their table. He supposed that he should see it as a good thing, because it allowed him to keep his job. It had already been a week, and he was still working in the restaurant. Of course, having women fawn over you all the time was extremely annoying.

On the way back to the kitchen, Heero scowled darkly. His recent table of guests were exceptionally annoying. God, why did some women have to be so clingy? He'd already had five women ask him out this night alone. He had, of course, turned them all down. They didn't seem to catch the hint though. Thankfully, Heero only had two hours left till closing. What he didn't know, was that a certain someone had just walked in with her friend Dorothy Catalonia, and they were seated at one of his assigned tables.

Heero walked over to the newly occupied table, menus in hand.

"Good evening ladies, welcome to---"

He never finished his monotone greeting.

"Heero?" Relena asked in shock, seeing him standing there with a deer caught in the headlights look.

"Re- Relena?" Heero stuttered, almost dropping the menus in his hand. This was not good. This was bad, very bad. Why was Catalonia looking at him with that evil smirk? Oh, god no...

"So Heero," Dorothy began, "I understand that you've taken up poetry," she said smoothly, enjoying Heero's discomfort.

"You... told her?!" Heero accused, looking at Relena incredulously.

"I had to tell someone," she defended herself.


"I believe that you are to take our orders, not question our judgment, Mr. Yuy," Dorothy interrupted. "We will continue this conversation later."

Grudgingly, Heero let the issue slide. Silently, he handed the women their menus, quickly taking their drink orders before escaping to the kitchen.

As soon as the door swung shut behind him, Heero slumped against the wall.

"Well, this job lasted all of one week," he commented dryly to the wall. "I guess it's back to job hunting," he sighed. There was definitely some force working against him. Of all the luck, it had to be Relena that showed up. Heero groaned, remembering that the two women were waiting outside to be waited on. This evening was going to be one of utter humiliation. Dorothy would make sure he squirmed.


A very grumpy Heero walked into work the next morning. He had a feeling today was not going to be good. Something was going to happen that would make his life even more troublesome. A half hour later, he found out what that something was. Heero was asked to present himself promptly in Lady Une's office. That was never a good thing to begin with. When Heero walked in the door and saw Relena standing there as well, he immediately went on guard.

"Mr. Yuy, the Minister has brought to my attention that you have been keeping a part time job," Lady Une began.

Heero inwardly cringed. That information would be through the whole building by the end of the day...

"Since you find it necessary to obtain another job, besides your position as a Preventer, I must assume you are having financial difficulties." She paused before going on. "The Minister has been kind enough to offer a solution. She has agreed for you to be her personal in residence bodyguard."

Heero looked at his superior sharply.

"Excuse me?"

"You will live in the Minister's home, escort her to all social functions and, or outings, and be in charge of her personal security."

"Lady Une---" Heero began to protest.

"You start today. A limo is waiting downstairs to take you to your apartment. Gather your belongings and get set up at the Minister's residence. Dismissed."

Heero remained frozen in place until Relena tugged on his arm. In a daze, he allowed himself to be led downstairs to the waiting limo. Numbly, he packed what he needed, not sure if this was a dream, or some cruel joke. In his shocked state, Heero hadn't noticed, but Relena seemed highly agitated. She seemed very jumpy, and in her own little daze. Of course, Heero noticed none of this as his brain tried to process the information it was receiving. He was going to live with Relena as her personal bodyguard...

A sudden thought jerked him into reality. Zechs...


This time, he noted her jumpiness.


"Does your brother know of this arrangement?"

"Actually... no. He's on Mars right now. Why?"

"Promise me you'll tell him about this before he gets back."

"Heero, I don't understand---"

"If you don't tell him, there's no telling how he'll react. I, for one, do not feel like dealing with a homicidal, overprotective brother."

"Oh..." Relena gasped, realizing what Heero was getting at. "I'll make sure to explain everything to him very clearly. Millardo does have a tendency to... overreact when it comes to you," Relena smiled, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

Heero nodded and quickly turned away, not wishing for her to see his face flush. She had that effect on him sometimes, and here he was, stuck in a car with her sitting beside him. The proximity alone was enough to make him blush. Realizing that he was blushing, Heero pondered the occurrence. Since when did he ever blush? It used to be impossible to get him to even smile.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Heero watched Relena's profile. She had some sort of disabling effect on him. It was like she had put a spell on him, and try as he might, he couldn't break it. Of course, he wasn't really trying to break it. Who ever knew that Heero Yuy would fall in love... willingly?

~ Poor Heero, nothing seems to be going right for him. And, why is Relena so jumpy? Is Heero's financial dilemma the only reason for his new position? And what has Duo cooked up this time for his friend?