Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ❯ Trouble at the Winner Home ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Authoress: Kimpisces
Rating: T
Summary: "Love can die but a dance can last forever. You may not be happy but at least you'll never feel the pain of betrayal."
Heero Yuy is a boy who has never believed in love

Duo Maxwell is a boy who has never felt its touch
What happens when these two boys meet and Heero's belief that a relationship should be based around the other is put to the test against Duo's belief that love conquers all?
Who will win? Come and watch the dance.
Warnings: Angst, AU, slight OOC, Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Relena Bashing and Language
Author Note: Long time no see, huh? I'm sorry about that…I was in the midst of a move and settling into a new school and once that was done I had exams. It sucks but I think I'm ready to get back into my writing routine again, hopefully. Anyways, sorry about the long wait. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it, though there's not really any 1x2 action in this chapter
Chapter Nine: Trouble at the Winner Home
Trowa grabbed his lunch and followed Heero outside. “Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Heero replied as he looked around, obviously for Duo, before sighing and turning his attention towards Trowa. “What's on your mind?”
“What should I do about Quatre?”
“If you're asking me for advice about your love life I may not be the best person to ask. My own love life is kind of in trouble itself.” Heero replied simply as he reached into his brown paper bag and pulled out an apple. “so maybe you should go and ask Wufei or something.”
“It's not really want I need help with,” Trowa promised.”
“All right then, I'll try to help,” Heero replied.
“Quatre seems to be unwilling to do anything with me in his pare time,” Trowa said with a sigh. “I phoned him over the weekend to ask if I could walk him to school this morning. He sounded really happy about it but last night he phoned me back and told me that he couldn't.”
“So he always gives me some excuse why he can't do something with me. I think that he doesn't like me and he just hangs out with me at school because he doesn't really have anyone else to go with. I mean, he spends so much energy on making sure that no one sees us, it's starting to worry me.”
“Maybe he just has a good reason for it. He does have a strict father from what I've heard about it.”
“What's that got to do with it? Surely his father wouldn't have that many problems with me unless he's not supposed to associate with someone like a circus clown.”
“I don't think that's it. If Quatre's father had something against you because of your family business he would have just told you not to mention what your parents do when you meet his father. Quatre's not the kind of person, at least not from what I've seen, to just shun you for your profession,” Heero replied. “Besides everyone at the school has seen you together so I think that your theory is out of the question.”
“I guess so.” Trowa agreed slowly. “But then why does he not want his family to see me? That's what he said once, you know. He said that his dad wouldn't like me even if he knew me.”
“Well who knows what that was supposed to mean. For all you know, his father could be afraid of clowns; so afraid that he gets hives whenever he sees one.” Heero suggested jokingly. “I mean, you're going to have to ask him what he meant. I can't help you there.”
“I know.” Trowa stared at his feet. “I just hoped that you'd be able to shine some light on what the problem could be. Give me some advice on how to deal with it or something.”
“I supposed I can give you something.” Heero looked at the contents of his paper bag. “Be supportive. Don't give up on Quatre just because things are starting to look bad again. Trust me, it'll get better and if it doesn't, at least you can say that you tried your best.”
“So what am I supposed to do now? Just sit there and wait for him to say something?”
Heero nodded. “Just treat him like a friend. He may miss the extra attention. People are pretty odd that way. They never want something until they no longer have it.” Heero's eyes widened suddenly and he turned around quickly. “Trowa, I'm really sorry but I have to go and do something. Wufei's in the library if you need some more advice or if you just want someone to talk to.” Without even waiting for a response, Heero ran off.
Trowa stared blankly off after him and then shook his head. He thought about going to the library but then decided against it. He didn't want to interrupt Wufei's work. Besides, he didn't really have anything to say to Wufei. Wufei didn't seem all that experienced in love and that's what Trowa wanted to talk to someone about right now.
“Hey! Trowa, wait up!”
Trowa froze in place at the sound that came from his left. Not now, Trowa cried out in his head, I'm not ready to test Heero's theory yet. Trowa wasn't even sure he wanted to try out Heero's theory yet. He debated about running away but decided that it just might be a little too obvious so he turned around and flashed what he hoped was a convincing smile.
“Quatre, what's up?” Trowa asked as he saw a look in Quatre's eyes that reminded him of a saddened puppy. “Are you okay?”
Quatre nodded quickly, the look disappeared instantly. “Yes, of course I am. Where have you been all day? I've been looking for you all over the place.”
“Yes. I couldn't find anyone else. Wufei disappeared to work on a science project with some girl and Duo went to the bathroom.” When Trowa's eyebrows shot up in confusion, Quatre continued. “We were talking about then he excused himself to go and use the washroom. After about ten minutes I went to see if he was all right and he wasn't there. I guess he used the other door.”
“That sounds kind of rude.”
“Yeah well it's my own fault. I shouldn't have been blabbing so much about y-.” Quatre quickly stopped himself from saying whatever he was going to say. “I shouldn't have been blabbing about my homework. Apparently Duo's going through a rough time with Heero again. They went swimming in Heero's backyard and Heero was playing around, hard to imagine I know, but he pulled Duo under the water and Duo freaked. Duo isn't talking to Heero again but he feels kind of bad about it because Heero hasn't been talking to him either.”
“Sounds like a bad fight.” Trowa made a mental note to apologize to Heero. He hadn't known that this wasn't the usual kind of fight that he had with Duo. If he had he wouldn't have pushed the advice thing. No wonder Heero had been so glum.
“Yeah,” Quatre said, bringing Trowa back to the present. “Hopefully they make up again soon.”
“I hope so.”
Quatre looked at his watch. “There's almost another thirty minutes of lunch left. How about we go find somewhere to sit down and eat. I'm starving!”
“Okay.” Trowa's strides quickened as he moved to head up the path towards the willow tree that they normally eat at since that first day but Quatre grabbed his hand and pulled him down a different path.
“I found this great place to sit the other day with Duo. It was so cool. You have to come and see it.”
Trowa nodded and said no more. He was too busy trying to make sure that he didn't trip over anything. He almost got hit by a huge branch as he followed the small blonde but managed to move out of the way just in time.
“Are we almost there?” Trowa asked after a couple more close calls.
“We're just about there.” Quatre called back. A few more seconds and then he sopped dead in his tracks. “All right, here it is.”
Trowa looked around and he had to admit that it was pretty nice looking spot. Tress completely surrounded the area and the odd flower poked its way out of the brush. The smell that filled Trowa's nose was strong, flavoured with recent rain, flower perfume, moss and Quatre.
“Come on! Sit down!” Quatre exclaimed, obviously excited that Trowa was there.
Trowa nodded, ducked his head and sat down on a fallen log next to Quatre, making sure that he didn't sit down in anything disgusting or messy. He put his lunch bag down next to him and then glanced over at Quatre, realizing for the first time that he didn't have a lunch bag.
“How do you expect to eat lunch if you don't have any?” Trowa asked simply as he pulled out a sandwich.
“I was kind of hoping that you'd share some of yours with me,” Quatre said as he ducked out of sight behind his bangs.
Trowa smiled and pulled out his second sandwich, handing it over to Quatre. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Quatre flashed him a huge smile and started to unwrap the sandwich.
They ate in silence and then Quatre jumped up suddenly. Trowa closed his eyes, ready to hear one of Quatre's lame excuses about not being about to stick around but was surprised when he heard laughter.
When Trowa looked up, Quatre merely shrugged and pointed to a small squirrel. “I jumped when I heard something behind us but apparently it was just this little guy.”
Trowa chuckled to and then tore off a piece of his sandwich and tossed it to the squirrel. The squirrel backed away for a second and then decided that the sandwich wasn't going to hurt it and scrambled forward to eat it.
Glancing at Quatre, Trowa saw that the rich boy was staring at the squirrel with complete fascination. Trowa ripped off another piece of his sandwich and held it up for Quatre. “You want to try?”
Quatre nodded and took the piece of bread. He tossed it and, to his dismay, hit the squirrel in the head. This caused the squirrel to run away immediately.
Quatre's shoulders slumped in defeat as he watched the squirrel disappear up into the trees. Then Quatre turned to Trowa and smiled weakly. “Oops?”
Trowa couldn't help but laugh at the look Quatre had on his face. Quatre looked like a four year old who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Trowa roared with laughter as Quatre's expression got even more innocent when Trowa started to chuckle at him.
“What?” Quatre asked as Trowa continued to laugh.
The tone of Quatre's voice was the last straw for Trowa and he doubled over in laughter, unable to stop no matter what he tried. Until, at least, he saw Quatre walking away.
“Quatre, what's wrong?” Trowa called after him.
“There's nothing wrong.” Quatre mumbled.
“Quatre, I'm sorry. You just looked so funny. I didn't mean to laugh at you like that.”
Quarter turned back and shrugged. “It's okay but I'm going to head back to the school anyway. I don't want to be late for my next class.”
“Well then,” Trowa hesitated and then grabbed his lunch bag and caught up to Quatre “I'll go with you.”
“Okay.” Quatre didn't look too happy with Trowa's proposal but he didn't object.
Trowa poked Quatre's arm. “Hey, I wasn't laughing at you.”
Quatre managed a smile but he turned away again.
“Come on Quarter, don't take this so badly. I'm really sorry I laughed. I don't want you to be upset about this.” Trowa pleaded. “Please don't be upset.”
When Quatre looked over at Trowa he noticed that Quatre was blushing. Quatre looked at Trowa weirdly and then smiled more sincerely this time. “Okay.”
“Good.” Trowa smiled.
“Thanks.” Quatre basically purred and leaned into Trowa's body briefly.
“Thanks for what?”
Quatre shrugged.
Trowa shook his head but smiled anyways and they walked together into the school.
I was wrong and you were right,
I stumbled in my dance that night
I picked myself up though and that's a fact
Just one step forward, Two steps back
I'll see you tomorrow Quatre.” Trowa called as he left Quatre at his locker. “Don't forget to study for our socials quiz. If you have any problems, call me.”
“I will!” Quatre yelled back, then turned to his locker and grabbed his backpack. Slamming the locker door closed, Quatre saw Duo stomping down the hallway. He had half a mind to go and find out what was going on now but he realized that Duo wouldn't want the company and so just watched Duo go. Turning to head down the other hallway, Quatre made a vow to phone Duo tonight to make sure that everything was all right.
Quatre exited the building and looked around, locating the car that he was getting picked up in almost immediately. Quatre went and climbed into the black and red S.U.V. and threw his backpack in the back seat. Then he turned to Rashid and smiled. “Good afternoon. How is your niece? Does she feel any better yet?”
“She's doing much better, thank you for asking,” Rashid replied. Then he moved to turn on the automobile when his cell phone rang. “Excuse me a moment Master Quatre.”
Quatre nodded in recognition and then glanced out of the window at the crowds of people that were exiting the school. Most of them were getting picked up but many of them were walking home with groups of friends. He spotted Trowa in their midst and watched as he headed towards their neighbourhood, his head down and his pace relatively slow. Over all Trowa looked lonely and Quatre sighed, wishing that he could go and walk home with the boy. However it would be rude to send Rashid home when he had taken time out of his busy routine to come and pick him up, especially with his niece so sick.
Rashid hung up just as Trowa turned a corner. Quatre plastered a smile on his face and turned to face Rashid, only to discover a frown on his face.
“What's wrong Rashid?” Quatre asked.
“I'm sorry, Master Winner, but I'm going to have to just drop you off at home and then rush to my sister's home. My niece has fallen sicker and I want to be there with my family.”
“Rashid, that's awful! Don't apologize; your niece needs you more than I do.” Quatre glanced at the corner that Trowa had disappeared around. “In fact, I see someone that I could walk home with. Your niece lives on the opposite side of the city from us so why don't you just go straight there and I'll just walk home. I won't tell uncle and it's not that long of a walk.”
“Are you sure Master Quatre?” Rashid asked. When Quatre nodded, Rashid broke out in a huge grin. “Thank you so much Master Quatre. You're so very kind. I'm lucky to be in employment with your family.”
Quatre returned Rashid's smile. “Take care of your niece Rashid and I'll see you later.” With that Quatre grabbed his backpack, jumped out of the car and then raced after Trowa.
Trowa was at the end of the long block before Quatre could even see him. Instantly he picked up speed, wanting to catch Trowa before he got too much further ahead. Maneuvering around the people walking proved to be easy but when he reached the street a car sped through the stop sign, almost sending Quatre into a head-on collision. Thankfully he managed to regain his balance but Trowa was another half a block away now and Quatre sped along again.
Quatre caught up to Trowa and tried to slow down so that he wouldn't run into the boy but to no avail. He knocked Trowa over and, laughing, rolled off of him.
Trowa glared at him when he looked up as soon as he saw who it was, his expression changed to one of surprise.
“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getting a ride?” Trowa got up and brushed himself off.
“Change of plan. Something came up and I volunteered to walk home. You don't mind, do you?” Quatre asked sheepishly, looking out of his bangs at the long-haired boy he had just knocked over.
“No, it's cool,” Trowa said and he began to walk again. Quatre joined him, matching him pace for pace.
“Where do you live anyways? You say that it's not that far away but I've never been that sure exactly where it is.”
“I live behind you,” came the response and Quatre looked up surprised.
“Are you serious? That's awesome! We're practically neighbours!” Quatre exclaimed enthusiastically.
“I guess so.” Trowa shrugged.
They fell silent for a couple moments and then Quatre started to talk again, hesitantly. “So, did you phone that blonde cheerleader over the weekend?”
“No, why would I?”
Now it was Quatre's turn to shrug. “I don't know. I just thought that you liked her. You said that she was your type.”
“No, I said I'd go out with someone like her, not her. I didn't mean to give you the impression that I liked her.” Trowa scratched the back of his neck and then glanced over at Quatre. “She may look nice but trust me; she's missing a few things in order to actually be my type.”
Quatre's mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Then Quatre swallowed hard and decided that he might as well find out if he had any chance with Trowa. After all, this was as good of a time as any. “So what exactly is she missing?”
Quatre didn't look but he could feel Trowa's eyes boring into the side of his head as Trowa tried to size him up. Quatre didn't know what he saw but he was relieved when Trowa finally looked away and responded.
“A brain for one and a few choice other things. Why do you want to know?”
“Maybe I could set you up with one of my sisters or something. I know that a couple of them are already interested in meeting you,” Quatre replied, making sure that he didn't tell a lie. It was true, many of his sisters were interested in meeting Trowa but that's because they always wanted to meet the guys that Quatre was interested in. “So I was just wondering what you like.”
“Trust me, none of your sisters would be my type either,” Trowa said firmly. “So you might as well tell them that I'm taken or something.”
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you taken?” Quatre asked.
“Oh.” Quatre took a deep breath. “So why wouldn't any of my sisters be your type? I have a lot of sisters and they're all pretty much different. Do you not like girls?” Quatre asked, trying to be as neutral with the question as he could be.
Trowa faltered in his steps but then continued on, strong in his stride. “Would it bother you if I was gay Quatre?”
Trying not to blush, Quatre realized that the tables had just been turned on him. Clearing his throat, Quatre shook his head. “No, it wouldn't bother me at all.”
“I thought that the Winner family was known for being the most outspoken homophobic family still in existence today. It's all over the news all the time about how your father finds some way to fire every single person in his employment that is gay, even if they aren't openly gay.”
“Let's just say that I don't have the same opinion on the matter as my father does.”
“Interesting, usually a parent's opinions are branded in a person's mind.” Trowa gave Quatre an excusing look but then shrugged. “I'd advise you to not tell your father you're friends with me though. You don't know anything about my circus but most of the world does. The Barton circus does very well for itself even if most of the people in the show are of homosexual nature.”
Quatre closed his eyes, calling up the courage to ask Trowa the final question. When he finally did, he was surprised at how strong his voice sounded, considering that he felt shaky. “Are you one of them?'
Trowa's eyes filled with an emotion that Quatre recognized but couldn't quite put his finger on. He stared defiantly into those eyes, returning Trowa's gaze, not taking the option of allowing the question slide. He'd already come this far, he wasn't going to turn back now.
Trowa held his gaze for a few more seconds and then turned away. They walked along in silence for the rest of the way to Quatre's uncle's mansion and then they stopped.
Quatre was about to apologize for the question when Trowa finally opened his mouth to talk.
“Yes.” Trowa said finally.
“Yes I'm one of the Barton Circus's gay performers.” Trowa then looked down at his feet. “I realize that now you're actually confronted with someone who's gay, you've changed your mind about the entire thing. However, I just wanted to say that I'm going to miss being friends with you. I really did enjoy your company.”
“Me too,” Quatre said before Trowa continue with his speech.
“What?” Trowa asked, confusion written all over his face when he looked over at Quatre.
“I'm gay too.” Quatre admitted softly as well, stepping towards Trowa.
“You're what?” Trowa asked again, unbelieving.
“Do you like me Trowa?”
“Uh. . .” Trowa swallowed hard, unable to form his thoughts into words.
“Same here,” Quatre whispered and then slowly leaned towards Trowa.
“Quatre,” Trowa whispered back and then their mouths connected.
It was awkward at first but as the kiss progressed it became demanding and passionate. Trowa's hands came up to bury themselves in Quatre's hair while Quatre's hand came around to wrap around Trowa's waist. A tongue thrust itself into Quatre's mouth where it was welcomed graciously.
Finally the two pulled apart, panting slightly as they looked at each other. Trowa smiled and ran a finger down Quatre's jaw. “Nice.”
“You too,” Quatre replied as his cheeks heated up with the attention. Then Quatre leaned into Trowa's chest, his arms still firmly placed about Trowa's body, and he inhaled Trowa's scent.
“I'd better go.” Trowa said, placing his lips on Quatre's for another kiss before he pulled away. “I'll see you tomorrow at school, right?” The hesitant tone of Trowa's voice almost broke Quatre's heart.
It was amazing that Trowa could be so wonderful and yet so vulnerable at the same time. It made Quatre feel more affection for him and Quatre almost wanted to pull Trowa back to kiss him again but he realized that if he didn't enter the house soon his uncle might look out and spot them.
So Quatre stepped back and nodded. “Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. Don't forget about that quiz in socials.”
Trowa nodded and then turned to leave. Quatre watched him go with a smile on his face and then skipped into his own house. He closed the door and leaned against it with a stupid little smile on his face but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't believe that it had gone that smoothly.
Then he opened his eyes and saw himself staring into dark blue ones filled with anger.
“I thought we were sending you here to keep you away from your boyfriend, not to have you go and find yourself a new one. It looks like my faggot son can't keep his cock in his pants no matter where he is.”
Quatre slowly moved away from his father, trying to put some room between them.
“You were warned!” Quatre didn't even see his father's hand coming. All he felt was a solid hit and his entire head spinning as he crashed into the wall behind him. “I will not have our family's reputation ruined because you think that you're gay.”
“I don't think I'm gay. I know I'm gay,” Quatre replied. “I'm sorry but I can't change who I am.” A hand came up as Quatre felt his mouth for blood. “I'm gay and you're going to have to accept that or disown me. I'll leave if you're not going to accept me for who I am and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm not going to stay in a family where I'm punished for who I like.”
“Don't talk back to me!” His father raged. “Did that boy tell you to talk back to me? Do you think that you can run to him once this is over? Do you think that he really likes you Quatre? Well let me tell you something Quatre Raebera Winner. As long as you are my son, there's no one in this world who will like you for anything other than your money. That's just how it is. Your mother was a whore and I will not have my oldest son turn out the same way.
“My mother was not a whore!”
“Yes she was.” His father landed a kick to Quatre's side and Quatre fell down again. “You're not going to be gay and fuck up my life like she did!”
“You can't pay to change me!”
“Oh I know that.” Another kick from his father hit Quatre unprepared again and he ended up pressed up against one of the huge plants. “But I think that discipline may do wonders for you. You're forbidden to see that boy Quatre.”
“You can't stop me!” Quatre spat. “I'm not going to leave him like I did Zechs.”
“Do you really think that he'll stand by you? He won't Quatre and then you'll be all alone, just like you were with Zechs. Didn't you learn Quatre from the last time? No man is going to stand by you, not against me.” His father leered down at him. “Plus I don't plan on giving him the chance to.”
“I'm not going to move again.”
“Oh don't worry, you won't have to.” His father snapped his fingers and two of his bodyguards appeared from the shadows. “Take him downstairs.”
Author Note: The next chapter will be up tomorrow sometime (hopefully) so everyone can look forward to that. Oh and by the way, the thing Duo did to Quatre, using the other door when in the bathroom, is something that my friends and I did to this guy once when he was following us around and we didn't want to talk to him. It was pretty funny because he stood there for like fifteen minutes before he figured it out. A little mean but hey, we were getting desperate! Anyways sorry about the enormously late update.