Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Painting the Desert ❯ The Grand Introduction ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Grand Introduction

Something did happen, but it's not the something either boy would have preferred. The clock sounded six and that meant dinner would be served in fifteen minutes. If you were late then you'd either have to beg the cook for left overs or wait until breakfast because Mr. Winner severely frowned upon tardiness.

Quatre's lips trembled as he made out the words,"that means dinner will be served soon. We should go." His voice was so quite it was almost a whisper.

"Yeah," Duo whispered back and let his arm fall off of the other boys shoulders. They walked silently down the corridor, Quatre in the lead.

Duo had a great imagination as to what the dining room might look like. A grand table twenty feet long with forty place settings, and covered with the most elegant of foods. Waiters with tuxedos and trays serving expensive wine. All these things were what Duo expected to see. So he was quite shocked when they entered a modestly sized room with a normal dining table, and only three place settings. In fact, he was so shocked he just stood and stared for a moment, uncertain what to do next.

Quatre noticed Duo's dismay and tugged lightly on his T-shirt. "You can take a seat, Duo. Anywhere but at the head of the table, that's where Father sits," Quatre explained as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

Duo followed suit and sat next to him. "It's just that I expected something different," Duo explained as he took in the rest of the room.

Quatre couldn't help smiling, "From what you've seen so far I guess you would. We are just normal people, Duo. Although we are quite wealthy."

Duo glanced over at him and raised an eyebrow, "I think 'quite wealthy' is an understatement." Quatre's smile broke into a giggle.

At that moment Mr. Winner walked into the room, and Quatre stopped giggling and stood to greet him. Duo copied Quarte.

"Good evening, Father. This is Duo Maxwell." Quatre said pointing at Duo.

"Well, Duo, it's nice to make your acquaintance." said Mr. Winner as he took Duo's hand.

Duo shook the man's hand, but felt like a deer caught in headlights. "Thank you sir. For letting me stay and everything."

Mr. Winner sat down, and Quatre and Duo promptly followed suit. "We have a very large home, Duo. You staying is not a problem as long as you make something of yourself. I expect you to take lessons with Quatre and his tutor. I won't accept any free loaders under my roof." As Mr. Winner lectured he knew it was a bit harsh, but that's how you have to be with children sometimes.

Duo nodded vigorously. He'd never been so willing to impress anyone in his life. Don't screw up. Okay, Duo, whatever you do, don't screw up. I know that's something I'm probably best at, but just this once get things right. "I understand, ahh, sir. I'll do everything I can to repay your kindness," Duo said, pleased with himself at how formal he sounded.

Mr. Winner nodded, but didn't seem too convinced. Duo's attention was distracted by the aroma of food, and the sight of servants, not dressed in tuxes but simple black and white suits with trays of whatever delicious smelling food that was. Each person got a tray brimming with exotic foods. At least I got that right, Duo thought, and hoped he didn't have to eat insects of some kind. To say the least, he was pleased when the lid to the tray was raised and displayed a large plate of kabob and rice.

Quatre hoped Duo wasn't offended by anything his father had said. He didn't make many apologies and one wouldn't be coming to Duo. He was also extremely relieved at how well dinner was progressing, not a problem so far. He really wanted to stand up for Duo, and tell his father he had nothing to worry about, that Duo would try his hardest to succeed. But Quatre knew there were some fights that had to be left alone. Besides, Duo was a big boy and could take care of himself. The scent of provisions halted his thoughts and gave rise to his gurgling stomach. I didn't know I was so hungry, he thought as the servants raised the lids.

"I hope you enjoy beef kabobs, Duo." Quatre said, knowing by how the other youth's mouth was watering he did. Duo nodded and did a very American thing, he dug in, but as politely as possible.

The hearty meal left both boys thoroughly stuffed but both very happy at the same time. Quatre smiled at Duo and pointed to his chin. "You missed a piece of rice." Duo smiled back and wiped the stray piece away.

"What are we gonna do now, Quatre?" Duo asked, and to his surprise and delight Quatre grabbed his hand and began leading him away.

"I have an idea," Quatre said as he led Duo, a slight smile playing on his lips.

That smile was enough to give Duo all sorts of naughty thoughts, not that he ever needed help producing naughty thoughts. Maybe he's gonna take me to his room? Or maybe my room? Or maybe swimming, but that's not a good idea, he thought rubbing his full stomach. He was simultaneously pleased and disappointed at the result.

"This is the media room," Quatre explained letting Duo take a seat on the couch. "It's only a few months old. But we have a great library of DVD's and everything, so I thought we could watch a movie. If you want."

Duo smiled at the theater screen that covered almost and entire wall. "I'd love to."
Great, now what? Quatre thought. You got him here but now we need something to watch. And Quatre had a feeling that his current favorite, Moulin Rouge, wasn't going to be something Duo would want to watch.

"Well, you can pick a movie, Duo," he said gesturing toward the case of DVD's. Duo nodded and went to the case.

He looked through the different movies, but none of them seemed to suit the moment until he noticed one. A red box with gold letters like light bulbs. Moulin Rouge. Duo was instantly interested and pulled the box out.

"How about this one?"

Quatre, surprised by his choice smiled and said, "that's a great movie." Then he loaded the DVD and sat down to watch it with his new friend.

After the movie, Quatre sat trying to keep his eyes from watering. That movie always made him cry a little, although most of the time he watched it alone so it didn't really matter. But now with Duo here he didn't want to seem like a wimp or anything, so he willed himself to be strong. He looked over and noticed how quite Duo was being. Maybe he didn't like it, he thought as he got up to put it away.

Duo was rarely affected by movies. He knew it was all just Hollywood trying to make some more money, but there was something about this movie that gave him pause. It was sweet and sad and true. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return, Duo thought as he watched Quatre return the DVD to it's proper place.

"That was a great movie."

He watched Quatre freeze momentarily, "You really thought so? It's one of my favorites!" Duo smiled at his enthusiasm and then yawned.

"Oh, It's pretty late Duo. I'm sorry, I should have let you go to bed sooner," Quatre apologized as he helped him off of the couch.

Duo patted his shoulder. "No problem. And I'm happy I stayed up."

There was something in that simple statement that caught Quatre's attention. Did he mean? No, very unlikely, he's just being friendly. "Well, lets get to bed," Quatre said.

Duo smiled, but didn't reveal the thought of Quatre joining him.

As he lay in bed Duo thought about the simple statement Quatre made before disappearing into his own room.

"Sweet dreams, Duo."

He smiled, as long as they're about you. Quatre had gotten under his skin, he could feel him. This has never happened to me before, he thought twisting his braid in his slender fingers. And it wasn't just because of Quatre's incredible beauty, it was something else, something inside him that Duo swore was calling out to him. Probably just my imagination, he thought resting his eyes. Oh well, a guy can dream.

Quatre had been so giddy he hadn't realized how tired he was until he sunk down into his pillow top mattress. His mind swam with thoughts of the braided boy. The boy who loved his music, the boy who liked Moulin Rouge, the boy who was sleeping right across the hall. This last thought made Quatre pause. Duo's strong frame spread out on his bed, his chest rising and lowering with every sweet breath. Quatre could feel his heart speed up. How wonderful life is now Duo's in the world. He smiled and drifted into dreams.