Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Prince Charming ❯ Anybody's Guess ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ohayo minna! <ducks rotten vegetables> I am sooo incredibly sorry that it took me so long to get this it's not nearly as long as the first chapter. <winces> Like I said in my profile, writers-blockitis; the scholastics strain. Anyway, it's out now, and that's what's important, I hope.

Dedications: As you know, in the last chapter I had a challenge for all the readers...what does 744-2426 stand for? Well, quite a few people got it correct by guessing "Shi-chan," so I'll just have to give this chapter to all of them, ne? ^_^; So, <raises a champagne glass> this chapter goes out to Kaen-chan, Ash girl, DarkNightChilde, Youko Kitsune, deathwraith, and Gypsy Rose. These are all the responses I got, and if you knew it, congrats! If I didn't mention you, gomen ne, these are all the names I received. ^_^ <downs the champagne>

Warnings: 2+1, shounen ai (that's "mild slash" for all you newbies)

Disclaimer: I don't even own a Gundam plushie. <sniffles> But if anyone has one to spare....

And D'Artagnon (my second muse) says on with the fic! So onward we go.

Prince Charming

*Chapter Two*

Heero pushed open the restaurant door and stepped inside. A glance around the room revealed that there were only a few other people, most likely highschool students out for lunch. He peeled off his gloves as he walked toward the counter and quickly ordered a sub sandwich. Grabbing a booth, he unwrapped his lunch and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully.

He had shown up for work early, as usual, but when he'd run his customary systems check he'd found a virus loose in his computer. He'd spent the next hour attempting to quarantine and delete it, and he hadn't had time to do the last edit of his assignment as he'd planned. It had been annoying, but he was sure the program would suffice, even if it wasn't perfect. What really bothered him was that someone was able to get the virus past his security. Even if they'd been able to get it into JI's system, it shouldn't have been able to sneak past his own defenses to his personal computer.

Oh well, he shrugged to himself. He'd just revamp everything and add a few more twists to his security programs.[1]

After deleting the virus, he'd given Beau the assignment he'd finished for him. Heero'd waited at his desk for the rest of the morning for Kara to drop off any new files, but she hadn't come by. He wondered if it had something to do with her caustic comment to Beau this morning.

He frowned pensively and wiped a bit of mayonnaise of his lip with his thumb. Why had she said that? He'd never known Beau to upset her before, and Kara made it a point to be as friendly as possible to everyone. He supposed that she could have just been in a bad mood, but that didn't seem likely. She'd never been one to let her personal moods interfere with work, and causing problems with other employees- which she would have done had Beau been paying attention- would definitely be considered interfering.

Same load as he's getting, dear.

It really was odd that she would say something like that. After all, he was just doing him a favor. If Beau was able to complete the assignment on his own, he wouldn't be asking for Heero's help. Obviously Une was giving Beau more than him if Heero was able to finish his own work as well as his coworker's.

Heero sighed. He was sure she felt that the comment had been justified, but he couldn't see how. He'd learned to just shrug it off whenever something like that happened. People had never made sense, and Heero didn't think they'd start anytime soon. Plus, Kara was in college, so she was bound to be a little odd...

Taking a final bite of his sandwich and drinking the last of his soda, Heero tossed them in the garbage can and exited the little sub shop, tugging on his jacket as he did so. He started down the sidewalk, skillfully weaving between other pedestrians, ranging from businessmen in suits, to harried mothers with strollers, to students of various ages. He walked with his head slightly down, peeking out from under his bangs to see people and obstacles. Out of his peripheral vision he saw a car off to his left slow and begin to creep along beside him. He lifted his head and raised an eyebrow at the red convertible.

"Hey!" called Beau from the driver's seat. "Need a ride?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks." Heero continued walking.

"Come on, Heero, get in the car. It's the least I can do to repay you, right?"

"That's ok, Beau. The walk will do me some good."

"You're going to be late Yuy. Just let me take you back to the office, all right?"

Heero hesitated. "Well..." He was behind schedule... "I suppose so."

Beau beamed and reached over to open the door. Heero climbed in and buckled his seatbelt as Beau happily turned up the radio and floored it.


Kara looked at Alisha across the diner's booth table. It was their lunch break, and the two had opted to go out instead of eating in the employee lounge. They were currently discussing the goings-on in their office sector.

"I swear, Lish, he's the nicest boy," she said, looking at her fellow office assistant.

Alisha nodded. "Yeah. Heero's so...real. Not like some of the people there," she said, glaring a hole through an innocent wall. "Poor kid probably doesn't even realize Beau's taking advantage of him..."

"That's the fourth assignment he's dropped on Heero!"

Alisha looked confused. "I thought he said it was the third...?"

Kara pursed her lips. "He lied. I keep track of his files, and I noticed that what he'd been assigned and what he was taking home were not matching up. So I looked into it, and he's done four extra program assignments this month."

"My God. That's ridiculous. Why the hell would he lie?"

"Probably didn't want to sound like he was complaining."

Alisha's eyebrows shot up. "Didn't want to sound like he was complaining?! He's the hardest working person I've ever seen! That program must have taken him all weekend to finish."

"Which explains why Beau didn't want to do it. Couldn't take the time out of his precious social life." Kara smiled sourly.

"We've got to do something!" wailed Alisha, earning the two college students a few odd looks from the surrounding tables.

Kara quickly shushed her and glanced apologetically at the other patrons. "I know," she hissed to her friend.

Alisha looked at her guiltily. "Sorry. But he's so sweet...I know I would have told Beau exactly where he could shove that assignment a long time ago."

"Hmm...I agree. Heero seems to have an inhuman patience for people who don't work as hard as he does."

Alisha shrugged. "Well, he's probably had to deal with being better than everyone else all his life. I mean, he can't be too much older than us, and he's already at the top of the food chain while we're just starting out at the bottom! I wonder how old he was when he started college...?"

"Definitely younger than a normal student, that's for sure. I bet he skipped quite a few grades in school."

"Wouldn't be suprised," Alisha nodded absently. "He's absolutely brilliant."

"That's why it pisses me off so much that he refuses to see what Beau's doing!!" Kara growled and threw her napkin at a passing waiter. The man looked at her, suprised, and she muttered an apology, turning beet red. Alisha giggled at her and waved the waiter on his way.

"But we can't just jump in and tell him what to do," pointed out Kara in a considerably calmer voice. "He'd think we're nuts!"

"Or even worse," muttered Alisha, "he might get angry. The last thing I need right now is a superior pissed at me..."

They were silent for a moment, remembering the last prank Alisha had pulled, pasting a picture of everybody's computer desktops on their screens so that when they clicked on their icons, nothing happened. She'd had many of the workers near tears before Heero had figured out what was going on. She'd barely restrained herself from hugging the man when he said he wouldn't turn her in to Une.

"We can't do anything then," decided Kara. "We'll just keep an eye out and think of something if it gets any worse."

"Right," agreed her friend.

They continued their meal contentedly, filled with motherly protectiveness. Never mind that Heero was older than both of them....


Duo sighed happily as he walked through his house toward his favorite chair armed with chips, dip, a deli sandwich, and a coke, his cat trailing behind him. Settling the various food items on a small table beside his chair, he happily plopped down into the cushiness of his recliner and grabbed the remote.

The petite cat gracefully leapt onto the arm, settling herself regally. Duo chuckled as he flipped on the TV.

"Oh, you're just lovely, aren't you, princess?" cooed Duo as he tickled her chin. "Absolutely beautiful."

Her expression of ecstasy turned to a haughty look when Duo removed his hand and began channel surfing.

He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "What? Don't look at me like that."

The cat turned away and pretended to ignore him.

"Aw, come on, sweetie. You know you love me! Yesh you dooo..." He leaned over and blew lightly on her ear, laughing as she twitched and flicked her tail at him. "Fine, fine- I'll quit. 'Anybody's Guess' is on, anyway."[2]

One sandwich and a handful of chips later, 'Anybody's Guess' wrapped up, and Duo stretched lazily. "Well," he said, scooping up the black tiger-striped cat and walking back to the kitchen, "that was exciting, wasn't it, Cat?"[3]

In response, Cat butted his chest with her head. Duo affectionately rubbed behind her ears, smiling as she leaned into the touch and purred loudly.

"Hmm, let's see what we have to do tonight, eh, Cat? We have to....ugh..." He shifted the cat to one arm and shuffled though a stack of papers on his table. "...just let me get this paper...and...uh-oh...ack!!!" Duo struggled to keep ahold of the cat as the papers slipped out of his hands and flew through the air. Luckily (or unluckily) for him, Cat decided to help by gripping onto his chest with her claws and attempting to climb over his shoulder. "Gah! Stop it!"

Finally regaining his balance he lifted Cat, who was still scrabbling for a good hold on him, and set her on the table. Immediately she sat down and began cleaning herself, dismissing Duo entirely. He snorted and set about picking up the papers laying all over the floor.

"This is lovely, isn't it? It's your fault, you know."

Cat twitched an ear at him.

"Whatever. I got that one engine fixed," Duo informed her. "You know, the one we've been working on all week? Yeah, we finally got it done. Turns out there was an egg beater in the engine valve. I don't even want to know...

"So, what have you been up to all day? The usual, huh?" Duo nodded sagely. "Sleep, eat something, sleep some more, maybe glare at the neighbor's cat for a while... I'm not sure I could handle all that. No, I don't think I could," he cooed. "You're such a talented kitty..."

He lifted Cat from the table and flipper her around so she was curled on her back in his arms. She gave him a mildly disdainful look, but he either didn't notice or didn't care, for he walked them both to the bedroom and set her on the bed, crawling on after her. He leaned back on his pillows and folded his arms behind his head, Cat climbing on him and circling his chest. After two turns she curled in a ball, resting her head on an outstretched paw and looking at the American's face. He, gazing out the window, lazily brought a hand down to rest on her back. She purred loudly at him, causing him to smile as his hand vibrated.

"You're the best kitty in the world, you know that? And you'll always be my favorite no matter what, ok?"

Cat meowed at him.

"I met this guy yesterday afternoon. He's got these deep blue eyes and his hair positively screams 'I just got out of bed.' He's Japanese, too. Isn't that cool? I thought so. I bet he's really smart; those guys always manage to make Americans look stupid, you know?" He chuckled softly to himself.

"He was reading a book- sitting in a little booth in the corner all by himself!- and he looked so nothing else in the world mattered as much as that story. I wonder what it would feel like to be the reason for that gaze...

"But see, he forgot the book. He left without it, whether on purpose or not I don't know. If he did do it on purpose, then it's obvious he wants to see me again, right? I mean, why else would he leave it? He wanted me to pay his fine? I doubt it."

Cat stretched agreeably.

"But if it was an accident, maybe he would rather I just pay the fine and never see him again." After a short pause he shrugged.

"Oh well. I don't want to pay his stupid fine. If he wants the book. he's just going to have to call me. Right?"

Cat leaned forward and licked Duo's chin, sending him into a mild giggle fit. when he had calmed down, he let his head fall sideways and gazed at the vid-phone on his bedside table.

"I hope he calls."

Duo stayed still for a few moments, looking at the phone and silently willing it to ring. He finally sighed and gave up, stroking his cat's head despondently.

"Don't worry, sweetie. Looks like you'll still be numero uno for a while; he's not going to call."

He fell into a thoughtful silence, brooding so intently about a certain blue-eyed man that it took him several seconds to realize that a harsh sound was piercing the air.


Duo blinked, his mind desperately trying to decipher the noise.


His eyes jerked to the phone, realization slowly dawning as he took in the flashing light marked "incoming call."

Beep! "Hey, Duo Maxwell here! I'm not ho-

Duo dove for the phone, knocking Cat to the floor .

"Hello?!" he answered slightly frantically, ignoring Cat's indignant squawks.

The Japanese boy's face appeared on the vid-screen.

"Duo Maxwell? This is Heero Yuy."



[1] Uh...can you tell I have no idea what I'm talking about? What exactly is revamping...? -_-;

[2] 'Anybody's Guess' is a show I made up for this fic- it's based on Whose Line is it Anyway. ^_^ Love that show.

[3] Yes, Cat. I can see Duo naming his cat 'Cat.' He just seems like that kind of person. I call one of my cats 'Cat,' even though he has a real name (Smoky). Duo's Cat is kind of a combination of all four of my cats. And yes, I do talk to Cat like this all the time. He loves me, though you'll never hear him say that. ^_^;

Random A/N:

I'd like to give a HUGE thanks to my friend Andrew for helping me out of my writer's block. I'd never be able to do this without you, bud!!

Also, I got another muse, D'Artagnon. ^_^ He's such a sweetie. However, he's kind of new at his job, so he's not extremely confident in his abilites. I think he needs some positive feedback, don't you?

<SilverShinigami duct-tapes a part back onto the smoke machine, pushes a button, and disappears.>