Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Shinigami's Judgement ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Time of death, 22:12," the doctor declared remorsefully, pulling his bloodied gloves off of his hands. The sombre atmosphere of death settled over the trauma room, like it had with so many lost patients before.

The patient was an ninety-five year old male. A severe heart attack had caused him to collapse at his home around nine o'clock PM. A neighbor had called 911, and the man had been rushed to the local hospital. The doctors had tried everything to restart his heart, but to no avail. It was almost an hour before they'd decided to let him go.

A nurse, cleaning up the trauma room, took a moment to study the man's face. Framed by brown bangs liberally streaked with silver strands, it was a face that had hosted many smiles. But she detected underlying pain in this man. Who knows what his past had been like... "Doctor, what's his name again?" she asked, her eyes travelling along a long grey-and-brown braid that dangled to the floor.

"Duo Maxwell," he replied. "Why?"

"Just wondering," she murmured, looking at the closed eyes. She'd seen their brilliant cobalt blue before this Duo Maxwell had slipped into his permanent sleep. He intrigued her, even after his death. "Is there anyone to contact?"

"He had this list on him," the doctor said, handing her a card with a list of names and phone numbers. "We tried them all, but everyone on the list was no longer at that number."

"They moved?"

"They died."

"All of them?"

"Apparently so. He has no living relatives, no close friends," the doctor said. "His neighbor described him as somewhat of a recluse, although he had a sense of humour."

The nurse read the card. The first entry read, in somewhat sloppy, comical handwriting,

Heero Yuy (best friend/sex object): 555-2368

She laughed a little, scanning the other names. There were about seven of them, each one with a little joke about their relationship to him. "And none of them are alive..." she muttered. "Poor guy. So what's going to happen to him?"

"I don't know. I really don't know," the doctor sighed.

The nurse took one long, last look at Duo Maxwell before laying his braid alongside him and pulling the sheet over his face.