Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ song challange ❯ Song Challange ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay I discovered this fic challenge on LJ
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. For each song that plays, write something related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song. No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance.
4. Do 5 of these, then post.
Windows Media Player - playlist 4 (set to random)
whew - I am so glad I took the time to put in translated lyrics
Listed below… 2x1=Duo's POV 1x2=Heero's POV
(rubs hands together and starts typing…)
Warnings range from angsty to sappy
Gundam Wing Drabbles - random music challenge
The Cape of Storms - Hyde
I loved you.
But you knew that didn't you. But now you are gone. You left me and I cry out for you but the cries are lost in the sounds of the raging see below me.
I love you, but you didn't care. You went on the mission and died. What do I do now, I can't reach you now.
The storm clouds are closing in darkening the sky. I gave my heart to you, a treasure that no longer has a meaning.
I can hear my cries echoed back, as if they are carried to me on the waves. We had a moment a pleasure, but all dreams must die.
Will this be my fate, this storm echoing the pain I feel inside?
Where do I go from here?
I love you, Heero.
Arigatou - BON'z
We met in passing, on a windy day in a crowd of people that were coming a going,
I loved you at that very moment and I thought that I didn't ever want to be parted from you.
My nights were lonely but with you, I could fly.
Thank you, Duo I can be stronger now and smile when I see you.
We pass the same crowded place every day and smile at each other and though we wave as if to say goodbye when we pass I still think that I want to meet you again.
Dandelion - Antje Devekot
We fell for each other like Mary-Jane and Spider Man. Of course it was hard, we are almost exact opposites.
You are like a fine wine while I'm more like cheap beer but that never mattered to you, as you have told me a hundred times.
I love you so much that it hurts sometimes but it's a good hurt. A sweetly painful ache that I cherish almost as much as I cherish you.
We will continue to clash, that's a given. But I wouldn't give it up for anything.
I know that I'm not exactly what you envisioned when you thought of your life partner but we'll make it work.
You were looking for an Orchid and I will always be a Dandelion. But that's okay, I was looking for a tea light and you will always be a forest fire.
Dancing in a Circle - Ellegarden
Duo's POV
When I left with my duffel I remembered the first time that I saw this place.
This is where we started and shared our first good and bad times.
Glad meetings and sad partings. But I knew we had leave at some point. We are at war after all, but I can't help but feel sad. This is the place where we first became friends even though we had many misunderstandings.
It's time to leave this hide out and I hope that you will all be safe, we will meet again.
Let out souls guide us.
Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu
Nobody really knows me, or who I am inside. It feels like I'm lost at sea, adrift in a boat with no way to row my way to shore.
I know that sometimes you feel the same. I can see it in your eyes, the same lost, empty look I see in my own eyes when ever I look in the mirror.
Every time I see that look in your eyes it makes me want to get closer to you, if only to comfort you. I don't know when I began to feel this way or why, but I want you to know who I am and I want to know about you.
I'll guide you to another day, love if you will let me in. We can find each other and never be lost again.