Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tell Me Why ❯ If Only ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer--I do not own Gundam Wing. It belongs to someone else who's not me. I do not own Hanson or the song "If Only". They also belong to someone else who's not me.
And i don't own Lucky Charms cereal either.

If Only-- Tell Me Why--The conclusion
Written by DbChan
This is in the third person

//Every single time I see you I start to feel this way
It makes me wonder if I'm ever gonna feel this way again//

Heero watched Relena silently as she packed her suitcases. Her room was practically empty, all her stuff had been sent to the Senq Kingdom. Milliardo had offered for Relena the chance to come and stay with him and Noin for awhile, and she had accepted.
She leaves Tomorrow! Tell her not to go! Heero's mind yelled at him. He shook his head. You love her! if you let her go you'll regret it!!! It told him. Heero sighed. I will regret it. She's one of a kind. he thought. Heero turned, and started to walk away. He paused, glancing back at the love of his life. I really will regret it. He turned the corner, and headed for his room.

//There's a picture that's hanging at the back of my head
I see it over and over//

Relena zipped her last suitcase shut, and then dragged it out into the hall.She paused for a moment, then headed down the hall to Heero's room. She knocked lightly on the bedroom door, and nudged it open when she received no response. The room was clean and almost as empty as hers was now. Heero was nowhere in sight. She walked over to the bed, and sat down on the corner. How many times have i lain with here with him? Relena wondered, thinking of all the times they had lain awake talking until dawn, then waking up in his warm embrace. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander to the night she decided to leave.

//I want to hold you and love you in my arms and then
I want to need you 'cause I need to be with you 'til the end
Then I hear myself reply you've got to hold it in
This time tonight//

Heero watched Relena from the door way to his bathroom silently, as always. He watched as she walked over and sat down on his bed. When she closed her eyes, He knew exactly what she was thinking about.


Heero swallowed, then opened in his eyes. he knew what had to be said. Relena sidled out of his arms, sitting down across from him.

"You should go." Heero said. Relena looked at him, surprise written all across her face.
"I, I think you need a break from everything, from everyone, especially after..." Heero trailed off.

He watched as a gloomy look darkened Relena's face. She looked down, tracing the long scar the went halfway down her calf.
"Maybe even a break from... From..." Heero struggled to spit the words out. He would rather love her, keep her with him, anything but tell her to go, but he had to do this. "From us." He finally managed to say.

Relena looked up, confused." Heero, wh--"

Heero cut her off. "Lee, Just go."

"Okay." Relena nodded, tears springing to her eyes. She crawled across the bed to Heero again. She cuddled up against him. "But can i stay with you for one last night?" She whispered. The phrase rang in her head. One last night, her mind taunted. The last night, one last night, the last night... Her mind repeated over and over again. The last night.

"Yes..." Heero whispered, then leaned down to kiss her.

end of flashback

//If only I had the guts to feel this way
And if only you'd look at me and want to stay//

As Heero watched Relena, a small tear rolled down his cheek. He shook himself out of his memories, and wiped the tear away. I don't cry! he told himself, I DON'T CRY! Heero sniffled, and violently buried his face in his hands. Heero heard his bedsheets rustle, and looked up. Relena had heard him, and was watching him.

//And if only I'd take you in my arms and say
I won't go 'cause I need you
'Cause I need you //

Relena looked over at the sounds coming from the bathroom. Heero was standing there, his face in his hands, quiet sobs shaking his body. God, i wish i could stay... She thought. I should just walk over to him, and take him in my arms, promise him i'll never leave... Too bad i won't... Relena stood up, eyes still trained on Heero. Their gaze met, and she tore her eyes away. Slowly, and uncertainly, She walked out of the room, and shut the door behind her.

//I sit here waiting wondering hoping that I'll make this right
'Cause all I think about is your hands
Your face and all these lonely nights//

Heero waited for a minute after Lee left, then walked over to his bed. He smoothed the wrinkled sheets where she had been sitting, then sat down. He breathed in the faint lingering scent of Relena, something he hadn't known for at least a week now. He had missed it. He had missed her. He'd been so alone, so cold... Cold inside without her love, cold outside, missing her warmth each and every night. God, i need her, he thought. Her big beautiful eyes, Her tiny hands that fit perfectly into mine, her rosy cheeks, her inquisitive nature, her happy humor, her, her everything. Heero laid back, his head hitting the single pillow at the head of his bed. there had been two pillows when Lee came to see him, but when she stopped, he had shoved it under the bed. He rolled over, and Reached under the bed. He found the pillow, and pulled it up on the bed with him. Her scent was still there, very light, but there. He buried his face in the pastel pink pillow, drinking in her smell. It brought tears to his eyes, and this time, he just didn't care.

//There's a feeling screaming in the back of my head
Saying over and over //

Relena shut Heero's bedroom door, and ran down to her room. she threw herself down on her bed, and stared up at the ceiling. it was pink like the rest of her room. All pink. Her bed was barren, her pillows and blankets had been packed, and they were now in a suitcase just outside her bedroom door.

"Why am i going?" she wondered.

Because he told you to, Relena. The voice came out of nowhere. It was in her head, and it always popped up out of nowhere. She knew it was just her conscience, but lately her conscience had seemed to take the voice of Codey. She tried to push it out of her mind, make it go away. She shut her eyes, and pictured the Senq Kingdom. She pictured the giant kitchen, her pink fluffy bedroom, the lavish bathtub in her bathroom... It was all she had to look forward to. There would be Her brother and Noin, of course, but there would be no love like she had had here. No Heero, you mean. The voice corrected her. You know you'd rather stay. And i'll bet he'd rather it too.

"Go away!" She screamed, and turned over. She pulled a pillow over her head, and forced herself to sleep.

//I want to hold you love you in my arms and then
I want to need you 'cause I need to be with you 'til the end
Then I hear myself reply she'll never let you in
This time tonight //

Heero tossed and turned in bed, the pink pillow grasped tightly in his hands.

Heero swallowed, then opened in his eyes. he knew what had to be said. Relena sidled out of his arms, sitting down across from him.

"You should go." Heero said. Relena looked at him, surprise written all across her face.
"I, I think you need a break from everything, from everyone, especially after..." Heero trailed off.

He watched as a gloomy look darkened Relena's face. She looked down, tracing the long scar the went halfway down her calf.
"Maybe even a break from... From..." Heero struggled to spit the words out. He would rather love her, keep her with him, anything but tell her to go, but he had to do this. "From us." He finally managed to say.

Relena looked up, confused." Heero, why? i don't want to leave you..."

Heero looked at his love with hope and uncertainty in his blue eyes. "You don't?"

"Never..." She whispered, meeting his softer than normal look. SHe moved closer to him again. "Never ever EVER..." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Heero pulled her up into his lap. He kissed her softly, and she kissed back, then gently pulled back. She smiled at him. "Not ever." She whsipered once more, then slipped out his arms, and laid back on his bed, and pulled him down with her.

Heero jolted up, the pink pillow falling out of his reach. What a dream... He looked at the clock next to his bed. 6:00 AM. Relena would leave for the airport in about an hour. Heero sighed, then swung his legs over the side of his bed, and stood up. He went down to the kitchen for some breakfast.

//If only I had the guts to feel this way
And if only you'd look at me and want to stay//

The first thing Heero noticed when he entered the kitchen was that it was surprisingly quiet and empty. Heero shook it off, and headed for the cereal cupboards. He grabbed a box of lucky charms, and made himself a bowl. He got a spoon out of the drawer, and headed into the living room, muching on the cereal. He stopped cold when he saw Relena. In Duo's arms. God, what is wrong with me?! It's only a goodbye Hug!

//And if only I'd take you in my arms and say
I won't go 'cause I need you
Please don't go 'cause I need you now//

Relena hugged Duo goodbye, and stood on tiptoe to give him a peck on the cheek.

"You take care, ok?" She told him, then turned around. She froze when she saw Heero, and got a little bit scared at the fierce look in his hardened eyes.

"Hey Heero." Relena said, and walked over to him. "I'm leaving early, so i'm saying goodbye to everybody now. " She continued. Heero set his cereal down on the coffee table and Relena hugged him tight.
Heero pulled back quickly, and Relena headed for the door without saying goodbye.

//I want to hear you say
It'll always be this way
We'll be hand in hand for every night and every day//

an hour later, Relena was standing in the check in line at the airport. She thought back to the quick hug with Heero in the living room with Heero. Duo must have thought we were nuts. She smiled at that thought...It would be so perfect if we could've just stayed like that forever. if i could just stay with him forever, if we could be we for always. She was at the front of the line now. She checked in her bags, grabbed her carry-on, The small slightly battered teddy bear that went with her everywhere, and headed for gate
D-7, where a plane was waiting to fly her away.

//I want to scream and shout
'Cause I'm losing any doubt
And all I care about is you and me and us and now//

Heero looked at the bowl of cereal sitting on the table. It was getting soggy. He didn't want it anymore. He didn't want it in the first place, He realized. I know what i want. I know what i need. And i'm gonna go get her! Heero thought, and rushed out the door.

//If only I had the guts to feel this way
And if only you'd look at me and want to stay
And if only I'd take you in my arms and say
I won't go 'cause I need you
Please don't go 'cause I need you now //

Heero ditched the motorbike he had driven on the sidewalk, and burst through the glass doors of the airport. He glanced around frantically, he had no clue as to where she was. He ran past the security check ahead of him, and sped towards the giant windows that gave veiws of the takeoff and loading zones. He didn't pay any attention to the commotion he had create behind him. He searched the little people wandering around the planes outside. There she is! Relena was heading for a plane across the lot.
Heero ran towards the nearest gate, B-5, and realized it was too far away, he would never make it. Mission Accepted. He ran past the steward taking tickets, and ignored the security that was now chasing him through the little hallway. He jumped over the side of the stairs leading to the lot, and landed in a crouching position. The guards just watched in amazement as a small teenaged boy blew them out of the water. Heero Kept running.

"Relena!!!" He yelled.

Relena turned around on instinct when she heard her name. It was Heero! She dropped the bear on the ground and took of at a sprint.

//'Cause I need you
if only...//

Heero Caught Relena as she jumped up into his arms, and he spun her circles, holding her tight.

//'Cause I need you now
if only...//

Relena laughed joyfully,Clinging to Heero as they went around and around and around in circles. I told you he didn't want you to leave! her conscience told her, but not with Codey's voice. With her own.

//Cause I need you
if only...//

Heero set Relena down, and looked down at her. "I need you. Please don't leave." He said quietly.

"I won't. Never ever ever." She replied, and pulled him down for a kiss.

//Cause I need you now//

A.N. Hiya!!!! That's the end! if you didn't like the ending then oh well, cuz i ain't writing anymore today. This is the last part of the Tell Me Why series, and i hope you enjoyed my stories, i love you all!!! Ja Ne!!