Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Black Rose Arc: One: The Black Rose ❯ A New Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Black Rose Arc: Part one: The Black Rose

Chapter one: A new beginning:

"Quatre, are you sure you are ok? We don't have to go today, you know. Another week or two won't make much of a difference. Or we could be home schooled. You don't have to put on a brave act. We don't have to go" A very worried teenager sympathetically reassured his friend, following him around their apartment.

"Duo, I will be fine! It's the first day of a new term. New school, new term, new year. I appreciate your care, duo, really I do, but I will be fine!" A slightly exasperated Quatre sighted, trying to find his black and silver studded doc martens, which Duo had cleverley hidden.

"Well, if your sure……….." Duo sounded uncertain.

"Yes, Duo, I am sure. Now, where have you hidden my doc martens?"

Duo and Quatre were new in town. They had moved into the small but busy town during the summer.

Quatre had spent the whole summer in their new apartment; Duo spent the whole time ether trying to organise and prepare for the opening of his new club, The Seventh Domain, or back at their apartment, asking Quatre if he was ok, if he was sure he was ok, and if he would like Duo to get him anything.

This had, in turn, slowly been driving Quatre to breaking point with his long time child hood friend.

They had both decided to made a clean break, to get away from overbearing parents and a small, judgemental town, to get to the city.

Being a `freak and a fag' doesn't bode well in a small backwater town where everyone knows everyone else's business.

Also, being the only two self-proclaimed Goths in town helped even less.

Shortly after Duo turned thirteen, he had become interested in shinigami, the god of death. This lead to his unusual choice of clothes for a while, before he `discovered Goth'.

Quatre, also, became interested in his best friends new choice of clothing and manner, and finally decided to try it himself.

Needless to say, this did not go down well with parents, teachers, school or anywhere, really, in their small town.

Then, some stuff happened. Let's just say, things went really bad, and leave it at that for the moment.

Duo decided to buy an old, burned out club and apartment in a busy-ish town-city, and immediately took Quatre there, no questions asked.

He spent the whole summer doing the club up, getting it ready for the grand opening.

The opening was next Saturday. Today Was Monday, the first day of a new school year.

Like most teens, Duo slept through his alarm, as did his flat mate, and only had thirty minutes in which to get to school, which should prove a challenge, seeing as that was the buss they were meant to be taking that just drove past their apartment.

"Shit! Quatre, get a move on! Have you seen my leather boots?" Duo loudly called over his CD player, (which happened to be blasting Eminem, lose yourself, at full volume).

"Yes, Duo, there under the sofa, where you left them!"

"Thanks, Q!" Duo called, heading for the living room, grabbing his ling, leather trench coat on the way. Seeing as it was the first day of school, both Duo and Quatre had decided to make a special effort to look smart, and to try not to scare their new class mated too much.

Duo was wearing low slung, tight flared leather trousers, the type that leave little to the imagination. A silver scythe chain hung around his hips, trailing slightly down one leg. He wore a dark violet-black peasant top, his silver cross showing. A plain silver hoop came out of his bottom lip, a small silver spider tongue stud visible when he spoke. A single small silver hoop hung from his left ear. Silver armbands encircled the top part of his arms, silver rings adorned his fingers.

His mid-calf length chestnut, black, silver and amethyst streaked hair was tied back into his customary braid, hanging out behind him, seeming to have a life of it's own.

He impatiently called to Quatre, telling him to hurry up, as he pulled his leather trench coat and black boots on. Quickly applying black lipstick, eye shadow, and white face powder.

Quatre was wearing an outfit to that that Duo wore. He wore low slung, tight, but not quite as tight, leather trousers, and a silver rose chain hung around his hips, a small silver and turquoise belly button stud just visible. He also wore a shimmering turquoise-black peasant top, Black and silver dog collar and silver eyebrow hoop and silver spider tongue stud, with emerald eyes. Dark blue-black makeup adorned his features, white gold and silver rings on his fingers. His short white-blond, black, silver and midnight blue streaked hair neat as always.

Quickly pulling on his black and silver doc martens, he hurriedly grabbed both his and duo's bags (His bag was a decent sized leather coffin shape with red satin in lining, a black rose on the front. Duo's bag was also a decent sized coffin, but with the grim reaper on the front, metal chain straps, and stickers covering it like ` fuck you! I have enough friends', `God made grass, man made booze, who do you trust?' and ` drugs lead no where, but it's the scenic route'.)

" Come on, Q, we've missed our bus! We'll have to walk today! Uuurrrr, I need caffeine! Come on, Kat, we should make it with about ten minutes to spare if we hurry!" Duo hurriedly said, grabbing Quatre's arm, dragging him from their apartment.

"Oh, yea, and before I forget" Duo said, reaching inside on of his leather trench coat's pockets, pulling one of the latest Nokia mobile phones from within it's depth, handing it to Quatre. " Just in case we don't have the same classes, and you need my help or something. Don't worry though, Q, I arranged it so we have almost every class together. It'll be ok." Duo re-assured the petit used-to-be blond boy, dragging him down the last street separating them from the safety of the city, and the uncharted hell-hole formally known as American high school.

"Thank you Duo, I really appreciate this. You didn't?" Quatre nervously asked his long time friend

" Don't worry. I didn't tell them. What do you take me for?" Duo joked, getting the world's most forced smile out of Quatre.

" You ready, Quatre? It's not to late to go back home, ya know."

"I'll be fine, Duo. Thank you."


"As I'll ever be"

" Here goes nothing," Duo muttered, as they turned the corner, head held high, ready to face whatever was waiting for them.

………………………& #8230;……………….

End Chapter one

To be continued