Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Black Rose Arc: One: The Black Rose ❯ Chapter 22

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Black Rose chapter twenty-two:

Chapter 22:

By now, the remaining three soon-to-be `victim' were extremely nervous. Trowa, Heero and Treize were, basically, terrified…..

Treize was listening desperately at the door, trying to hear either Wufei or Milliado's voices, while Heero was nervously pacing, Trowa just leaning back against a near by wall, looking passive.

"Do you think that they're ok in there? I mean, you don't think anything's happened to them, do you?" Treize asked nervously (I am using that word way too much… must find thesaurus… and dictionary…)

"Hn…." Heero replied, sitting down heavily on the leather sofa. Trowa just stayed still, silently leaning against the wall, blinking every now and again.


Three pairs of eyes darted towards the now-opening door…….


"Hey, Duo, who's--- O MY GOD!!!! Ze-Zechs? I-is th-th-that You?!" Sally stuttered, mouth agape, as the tall blond teen stepped into the room.

"Onna, why are you-----Nataku, Zechs, I-is th-that yo-you?!!!!!" Wufei gasped, catching site of his partner.

"Zechs, I never thought I would say this, but pink is really your colour! You can defiantly pull it off better than that sister of yours!" Sally smirked.

Zechs, blushing and suddenly finding the carpet the most fascinating thing in the world, glanced up quickly at Wufei. Wufei was staring at Zechs, looking as if he was about to jump him right there in front of Sally.

"You are sooooo wearing that type of outfit more often Marquise." Wufei growled, throwing himself at Zechs, pressing him back against the wall and fiercely kissing him.


"Quatre, we don't have much time ya know. I gotta be at the club by eight, eight thirty at the latest---it's already six (I don't care if the hours add up wrong-I'll change them later)

"Hummm? What? Oh, yea, sure Duo. Go on out and grab another one then." Quatre mumbled absentmindedly, gazing critically at a pair of boots he had just picked out.


"Treize, come on, get ya butt over here! You're up next!" Duo grinned up at the fidgeting older teen, opening the door for him. As soon as Treize had stepped through, Duo waltzed up over to Heero, sitting down on his lap, putting his arms around his neck before kissing him fiercely.

Trowa just continued to lean against the wall, unmoving, blinking every now and again.


Treize stepped into the room. By now, it looked like several bombs had gone off. Several designer, -o-my-gof-I-cant-believe-I-payed-that-much-for-one-piece-of-clothing- bombs.

"Quatre…..?" Treize called out, noticing that the petit blond was just standing there, staring at (the same) pair of boot critically.

"Hm? Oh, Treize!" Quatre smiled, finally noticing the other teen. Suddenly, an idea came to the petit blond, and he began smirking.

"I have the perfect outfit for you."


(20-30 min later)

Treize emerged from behind the screen. He was wearing an extremely tight pair of midnight blue-black leather trousers, a loosely slung black and silver belt, and mid-thigh length black and silver boots. The boots were very gothy-bikerey (don't care if that makes no sense…I really need a beta…). They were mid-thigh length, and consisted mainly of leather and silver buckles and straps, with a black and silver ten-centimetre rose on the top, front of each boot. He wore no shirt, which, much to Treize's horror and Quatre's delight showed of his silver hoop and small silver rose-charmed nipple ring, as well as a rippling six-pack. He wore a long, full-length trench coat with the black roses crest on the back (which they had also had re-designed while shopping). His hair was now mainly back to ginger-brown, with black and silver streaks.

Treize wore all-black makeup: lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, lip-liner, eye shadow and black-silver dust on his cheeks. He also had a silver lip-ring, eyebrow hoop and his right ear was covered with new silver cuffs and hoops. All in all, Treize looked good.

"Um, Quatre, are you sure about this whole no-shirt thing…?" Treize asked timidly, a tone that he never thought he would use,

"Defiantly. Believe me, Wufei and Zechs will appreciate it." Quatre firmly stated, after critically scanner the outfit for any flaws.

" Do you really think so?" Treize asked, looking himself over once in the mirror.

"Yep. Along with ever other bi to gay male in the club." Quatre smirked, as Treize groaned.

"DUO!" Quatre shouted for his braided friend, who appeared seconds later, his usually pouty-black painted lips slightly swollen and smudged.

"Yea, Q? ….. Treize, you look hot. No wonder Wu-man and sexy-Zechs like ya with a body like that!" Duo gazed at him approvingly, smirking.

"Ok. Sit down, this'll only take a sec." Duo said, as he pushed Treize onto a chair, pulling out his make-up pens, this time in black and silver, quickly drawing a symbol onto Treize.

"There. Done." Duo stood back to admire his work.

A perfect silver-lined black rose was painted on Treize's cheek, the outline glittering slightly as Treize turned in the half-light.

"Um, thanks. Are the others dressed like this?" Treize asked, starting to feel slightly more confidant now he could see the end result.

"You'll have to wait and see. You like?" Duo asked.

"Defiantly. Being friends with you guys could have its advantages." Treize smirked. " Imagine how the preps would react if we showed up to school like this?"

"For one, Relena would have a heart attack." Quatre murmured, causing Duo to snicker, Treize looking at the two in confusion.

"You've gotta see it yourself to believe it Treize, believe me. Go on through to the other living room, the others are in there. We should be done soon."

Nodding once, Treize turned to leave.


End of chapter twenty-two.