Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Rest of Our Lives ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own a Gundam or the show itself, although that'd be tite, but don't sue me!

The year is after Colony 197. Two and a half years have passed since the day peace came between Earth and the colonies. Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Reberba Winner, and Wufei Chang were one of the reasons this happened. Not because of what they said, but their actions, for they were the ones who operated the powerful Gundams. But perhaps the main reason that gained this pacifism was Relena Darlin or Princess Relena Peacecraft. With the help of some of the former OZ's soldiers, such as, Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin, and the Gundam pilots' acquaintances like Howard.

Yes, the universe headed to peace again. Until the incident one year later at Christmas time were Relena was held captive by Mariemeia Barton, who claimed to be the daughter of Treize Khushrenada. The Gundam pilots were on a mission to find Relena.

This event happened right in the middle of another war that was waged by an organization, on the planet, Saturn. This organization was called ACE. ACE was somewhat like Oz, but had more power and was more feared. Saturn and the colonies and the other planets behind it could not tell Earth or they would face something that was feared the most ------- death.

So the nightmare begun once again. Prince Case Date, one of the last children from the Solo Kingdom, tried to stop the meaningless war and give back the end of the universe their rightful peace. This story had started the same way Relena's did, but many of the events were different. Thus, the famous Gundam arose again, although, the pilots of these awesome mobile suits were not young men. Instead, the pilots were young ladies.

Some of Case's supporters were Lieutenant Syro Prime, Lady Rose McBride, Ash Rocker, and Chip Boyce. His eldest remaining sister, Sapphira Date or Sora Broche, and Lady Rose's second degree cousin and one of his close friends, Tike Kalo, betrayed him when he nearly gained total pacifism. Only did the appearance of Sora's long, lost father, King Charm, did she realize that where she was heading was the wrong path.

But that all happened a year ago. No more chaos was caused by ACE or OZ. More bloodshed was not needed, and the universe remained at peace.

So, now it was time for the two Kingdoms to meet and in Case and Relena's hearts, it was also time for the Gundam pilots to meet as well. The thing was no one could locate them. It was as though they had vanished from existence. Even Trowa, who worked in a traveling circus, could not be spotted. But what no one knew was something was about to explode in the depths of the universe that will make the Gundam pilots unite.