Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Sixth Pilot Saga ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shin Kidousenki
Episode 2: "Katana-chan"
Hiro lay on his back examining the sky above with rapt attention. He felt as though he was searching for a sign or explanation of some sort. Something, anything to explain the wave of emotion inside his body The world wan't different...just him. Hiro felt soft grass beneath him, wishing it's cool texture would bring him the calm it did before.
God, she was pretty..."Stop that." he commanded himself firmly. "You can't turn into a romance novel now!" Still, even the critical Hiro had to admit, Aria was very pretty. She reminded him of a raven for some reason. Strong and graceful. She seemingly possesed qualities he valued in himself and in his friends....
Hiro did have some strange friends....
First, there was the ever flirtacious Duo Maxwell, sometimes friend, sometimes lover. The two boys had certainly had many adventures, both in their massive Gundams, and in the bedroom. ^_^ True, Duo had helped Hiro define his sexuality, and that secretly meant a lot to him. Not that he was gay, or that he was straight...Hiro considered himself less picky...he was bi-sexual. Something about Duo's happy-go-lucky smile brought back memories of their first night together.
Then there was Trowa, ever poetic and stern. Hiro often sensed Trowa had wisdom and courage that he seldom showed the world. Trown often hid himself from others, as though protecting himself from the prying eyes of critisism. He seemed most open with Quatre, who Trowa undoubtably wanted.
Quatre was Hiro's adorable friend, the one whose innocence helped hold the group together. Wufei had once said that Quatre's innoncent personality reflected something they'd all lost when they became pilots. Hiro doubted whether he'd ever had Quatre's smile, his cute face, his adorable tenedcy to make you want to hug him. Quatre was so......cute it was hard to think that any of them had ever had it....except maybe Duo. Quatre had this incredible ability to leave battles out of his everyday life.
Then there was Wufei, strong, silent, and anti-social. Hiro felt as though he'd never really conected with Wufei / "Chang" but it had never really bothered him. He understood what it was like to want to stay solo for a while. Wufei seemed to want it to be a long while.
Hiro's thoughts where broken by approaching footsteps on the grass at his right. Turning his head, he spotted Duo, coming across the lawn tword's him.
"Hey Hiro! What da ya say we head over to the local Dojo and spar a bit?" Duo asked, hopefully. Hiro blinked up at the other boy, whose braid was hanging just inches from his nose. Hiro nodded. "Okay."
The Dojo was a place Hiro and Duo went regularly to study martial arts and to pratice. First of all, it was an outlet for their aggression, and second of all, Duo looked hot as hell in a "gi" or kung fu outift.
When the two boys arrived and changed into their uniforms, Hiro went inside the wooden floored Dojo. There where a few other people around, not many, but a few.
Taking on a rather aggressive but proper stance, Hiro began running through his forms. First came the jabs, yes he remembered now. Then a left leg kick crosskick, aimed to his right.....ect....ect...ect.......After an hour of this diligent training, Hiro went into the next room for his water bottle. As he passed through another wooden hallway, decorated with various posters of martial arts maters and such, Hiro heard the sound of something swishing through the air. Looking into the room that produced such a sound, he saw something which was either fate, or an unbelivable coincidence.
Standing there, in the room, was none other than the lovley Aria Mizugami, sword in hand, practicing movements with ease and grace. Hiro became entranced, he was fasinated with the way the girl's body moved....her mind so absorbed in her calculation of sword movements, that she didn't even notice his presence. Watching Aria was just like being caught up in a fantastic book or had to wait till the end, you had to. The dreamy thoughts were awoken by a long low whistle. Duo was stnading behind Hiro, just as absorbed as he was.
"No wonder she defeated Hikari....she's fantastic!" Duo whispered in Hiro's ear. The Gundam pilot nodded, unable to stop himself from staring at Aria's body again. As Aria layed her sword down in it's sheath, Hiro watched, nodding in agreement as Aria preformed a round house kick. She wasn't a bad martial artist either. Time to test that....he thought to himself. Coming at her, Hiro preformed a high kick which was meant to get her in the shoulders. Aria easily flipped over it, as though nothing had happened, and began to attack Hiro as though he had shouted at her to fight him.
Duo watched, wincing as his friend was lifted into the air and flipped over into the solid wood below. That had to be painful....especially since Hiro's next attack was delivered from on the ground. It was a low round house, and Aria managed to jump over it. Aiming at Hiro's head, Aria preformed a series of jabs, each one blocked or dodged with perfect presision. Hiro could feel the energy Aria was holding back, her instincts were so much sharper than his own....still, not wanting to surrender just yet, Hiro lept out of the way of another kick. Round-houses hurt, but Ax kicks were worse in his opinion.
Landing in a perfect martial artist stance, Hiro began to jab at Aria as she swerved left and right to kick was like a dance, adrenaline rushing through both participants, both refusing to stop, both trying hard to stay in step. It was becoming harder to dodge every attack, and Hiro found himself resorting to blocks and attempts to throw Aria off balance. Aria didn't seem to have much of a problem, she was keeping up just fine, and Hiro's constantly moving out of the way, forcing her to turn was getting to be more and more predictable. She would get him soon....this was mere playtime, although she had to admit to herself, the boy was good.
As Aria spun around out of Hiro's decidedly final attempt to make her fall over, she found herself forced to look up as Hiro jumped over her and whipped one of the Dojo swords form it's sheath. Okay if that's the way he wanted it.....Aria didn't have time to finish her sentence, as Hiro began to swing the sword at her.
Duo teardropped. Would they ever stop? Other students would surley notice if this carried on, it was all happening so fast.....
Aria succesfully backflipped over the blade of Hiro's sword and took a position near her own weapon. Hiro slowed his attack slightly, as Aria drew her own sword from it's sheath. It's silvery surface shot beams of light that danced on the ceiling and floors as Aria rose it into the air, dropping the sheath to the floor were it lay earlier. Duo could feel the energy that they where both emitting, he wanted to help Hiro, but he dare not.....they where coming at each other, he feared Aria might seriously injure his friend.....
The two combatants ran at each other full force now, their swords both preparing for a deadly blow....only feet apart...then inches....
As the literal smoke cleared from the floor Duo blinked....had he missed it.....slowley things came into focus as it took time for all three to take this in....
Hiro was kneeling on the floor about 3 feet away from where Aria's sheath lay....Aria was standing, sword still extended in front of her. Duo gasped in amazement as he took in the details of all this, his alert violet eyes following the sword marks made on the floor...they traced back to Aria, meaning she had had time to create them...Duo gazed at Hiro next, sweat dripping off his friend's face, exaustion evident. Duo was about to say something but stopped when Hiro clutched at his shoulder as though in shock. Examining further Duo gapsed as his friend's heavy breathing countiued.
Hiro slowley and with great surprise, withdrew his hand from his left shoulder..there was blood on it. It was miniscul, but the cut was there. He looked down at his hand then up at Aria who knelt beside him in order to reach her sheath. Hiro's saphrine eyes followed her, focusing on her as she took her sword, laying it lovingly across the palm of her hands, kissing the flat.
"Good job, my Katana-chan, you have once again served me well." she said, placing the shimmering silver sword back into it's sheath, as though to protect the world from it's power. As she began to stand up, Hiro retailiated verbally.
"Where are you-"
He was silenced when she placed another hand on his cheek. Hiro felt her draw him closer, he could feel her steady breathing, as though it had never changed because of physical exertion. Then, Aria kissed his cheek again, once again causing Hiro to blush.
"Shhhh....I drew first blood...I win." she whispered softly in his ear. Hiro tilted his head and for one still moment their eyes locked. Her eyes were calm, where as his own seemed as though they were alive with panic and confusion. Her eyes looked so beautiful...Hiro knew he was getting lost in them, but it was to late to stop himself....he was at peace, he could feel his heartbeat syncronizing with hers...he was at peace...for the first time ever....his lips seemed to ache, as though urging himself to kiss her. Not a burning desire, no there was no room for anything like that in the peace he felt. The urge left him as she removed her hand from his face, stood up, and before he knew it, she had left, taking that magical energy, that feeling with her.
The feeling faded, the world reappeared, along with the stunned Duo. Hiro stood up, pulled his gi over the cut in his shoulder and placed the sword he had somehow managed to grip back into it's sheath. Inhaling sharply, he turned to Duo who was standing in the doorway, a look of pure shock in his violet gaze. Hiro tryed to pretend as if nothing had happened, as if Aria had not taken something from him with her when she left.....but it was no good, Duo understood perfectly what had happened, or least, he was pretty damn sure. Finally Duo spoke, as though the words had been slowley forming in his mouth, unable to leave without some extra thought.
" you you you..." Duo was talking rapidly now, his words stumbeling as he tryed to express his thoughts. Hiro walked (visibly) clamly past him. "Problem?" he asked, unable to stifle a slight choke. Duo nodded vigorously.
"Y-Yes! Th-there is a problem! H-hiro! kissed you and.."
"On the cheek, Duo." Hiro said, though he couldn't belive it himself. Aria had just...slipped away from him, leaving a strange ache in his chest. She had taken a peice of him with her, it was not a physical peice, but it existed, it was something emotional, something, some bond Hiro did not fully understand.
"H-Hiro! I know it! I just know it!"
"What?" Hiro had been so distracted by his own thoughts that he had failed to notice Duo was still if Duo ever stopped.
"You don't see it do you? Oh my god, how can you not see it, Hiro?!" Duo was in panic now it seemed. There was only one cure for that. Hiro slapped him across the face. Duo blinked, still refusing to comprimise his insanity.
"What Duo, say it!" Hiro fairly shouted angrilly, tiring of Duo. He wanted to get out of here, to think about Aria again, yes that's what he'd do when he got home he'd think about Aria...Duo's next words completly derailed his train of thought, for Duo saw what Hiro had not realized.
"You're in love, Hiro Yui."
Boom. The thunderbolt that went straight to his heart. Hiro felt it in every corner of his acheing body, the peace replaced by something like the ache he felt in his chest...he was....but he couldn't be....but he was.
Aria Mizugami had defeated him, and he, Hiro Yui, most famous of the Gundam pilots, leader of their little group, perhaps the bravest, was in love with a woman who said she was going to kill him.....
(Ending Theme: Just Love)