Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The True Victor ❯ Chapter 14

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Yeah, here's more of True Victor! Sorry for not updating as I promised I should, but I was taking care of my 2 year old niece and...well, the rest explains it ^^. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Fourteen

Heero stepped into the area that was once hidden by two mirrors. Recovering from the shock that had attacked him, he scanned the area. There's so many of them...,he thought. How did they attain the materials to make so many? Better yet, how did they get the INFORMATION to make them?

His thoughts were interrupted by gunshots. A bullet whizzed by his ear, barely missing his head by mere inches. He rolled out of the way as more gunshots rang out. Heero shot back at his assailant while hiding behind one of the Gundams' massive feet. He only caught a glimpse of his attacker as he turned back to cover himself from a rain of bullets.

"Kuso, I don't have time for this," he muttered to himself as he returned the bullets.

His watch began to beep rapidly during all of this. Once again he hid behind the Gundam's feet as his assailant returned fire. He glanced back to see a figure fade away from his last position. He's fast. He tapped the small screen on his watch annoyingly, wondering who in the world would call him at this time. Kaede's face appeared on the screen.

"Oneesan?" he asked in surprise, flinching as another bullet whizzed by.

"What in the world did you do to that poor girl? She won't even say anything to me!" Kaede asked angrily.

"What girl?" he asked, rolling to the other leg and firing his weapon.

"Relena, baka. What did you say to her, huh??"

"Oneesan, I don't have time to be talking about this...:

"Oh, yes you do, Heero Yuy. You can't escape from me now. Do you even realize how much you're hurting Relena?"

Pondering on the question for a bit, Heero sprinted over to the side rail and fired with the remainder of his bullets. He slid underneath the rail and took out another round.

"Heero, are you listening to me?"

"Look, oneesan, it's for her own good. If it wasn't for the assassination attempt, I would've kept her out of this," he replied in a muffled voice with a bullet in his mouth. "She's better off not knowing."

"So then you would cut yourself off from a life? You would torture yourself like this? Heero, if you love the girl, then stay with her for once!"

Heero paused in loading his gun as a memory flashed back in his mind.

<Flashback ~ after the 197AC incident>

He slowly opened his eyes to the light and stared into bright sapphire eyes.

"Heero, daijoubu?" Relena asked in a soft voice, her eyes filled with hope.

"Relena..." he murmured.

She smiled at him, brushing away the tears in her eyes. "Thank goodness. I thought that you were never going to wake up."

He began to sit up, but Relena stopped him midway. "Don't. You're still injured pretty badly."

He ignored the pain that shot through his ribs and her touch, sitting up anyway. "How long have I been asleep like this?"

"About a week now," she replied.

His eyes widened slightly, but they quickly returned to normal. He looked at her for the first time, admiring how beautiful she looked with her hair down and the sun's rays reflecting upon them. "'ve been taking care of me all this time?"

She nodded. "The doctors said that it was a miracle that you were still alive, with all the injuries that you had." She tore away from his gaze. "I was afraid that you would never wake up."

He too looked away from her, unsure of what to do. He realized that, with the exception with his tanktop, his clothes were intact. His jacket and tanktop hung on a nearby rack. His ribs were wound tightly together by bandages to keep them in place.

"A week, huh..." he finally murmured to break the silence between them. His head snapped in realization that he had something to do. He got out of bed quickly, much to Relena's surprise.

"Heero, what are you doing?"

"I have to go."


"Somewhere you wouldn't know."

Knowing that he was serious about leaving, Relena took her last opportunity to stop him by wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He froze at her touch, his muscles tensing up. She buried her head in the crook of his neck, fighting back tears.

"Please don't go," she whispered.

Not knowing what to do, Heero stood where he was. "I have to, Relena."

"Then can you at least stay a little longer?" she asked, looking back up at him with tears in her eyes.

Heero looked blankly back at her, but his mind was racing for options. He hated seeing girls cry, especially Relena. In an attempt to comfort her, he gently brushed away a tear that trailed down her cheek. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment. There was still time left before he had to go, right? He mentally nodded to himself. He could stay...for a little while.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, pulling her into a kiss.

<End of Flashback>

"You don't want to know what happened before," he replied in a soft voice. "Besides, we can't let them get Andy and Kitsune."

"I know, but you think about others too much. Why don't you let yourself be selfish for once?" Kaede asked. "Does it hurt you that much that you DO have the right to have some piece of mind?"


Heero rolled out of his hiding place as the bullets rang against the metal wall nearby. Only one bullet clipped his left forearm, causing him to slightly lose his grip on his gun.

"Oneesan, I'll call you later," he said, abruptly turning off his watch.

"Heero, matte----"

<Preventers base ~ boarding room>

"Heero? Heero!" Kaede shouted on her communicator before slamming her fists on the table. "Mou..." Why does he always do that?

A knock came at the door. "Who is it?"

"Anno...Kaede-neechan, it's me," came Kitsune's voice from the other side.

Kaede sighed out of her own frustration and slumped in her seat, replying, "Come in."

Kitsune entered the room, looking around warily. "What happened?"

"Your idiot mean, your uncle," Kaede began, correcting herself, "cut off communication with me. I'm not sure what he's doing, but I think that he got caught."

"Did Hee-chan get anything?" she asked, taking a seat.

"Not that I know of."

"Is he goin' to come back?"

Kaede sighed again, letting herself submit to her exhaustion. "I hope so, Kitsune-chan. I hope so..."

<Red Hawks' HQ ~ Engine Room>

Heero jumped out of the way again as he and his opponent went on full scale attack. Yet every time he fired, his opponent would easily slip out of the bullet's way. He's fast...a little too fast. And as he got closer and closer to get a glimpse of his opponent's face, the man would disappear. All that Heero caught sight of was a black trenchcoat and eyes that matched his.

"Enough playing around," Heero growled and leaped onto the arm of one Gundam.

Catching sight of his opponent before he caught sight of him, he jumped back down and took his opponent by surprise. The two men lost their balance upon impact and rolled around before one was able to get on top of the other, each gun aimed right at the heart of the other. Their eyes widened in surprise as they recognized one another.

"Heero..." the man said.

"Kaitou..." Heero murmured.

AN: *dun dun dun* Teehee, I wonder who Kaitou is?? Oh, I'm sure that you guys are smart enough to figure that out ^^. Oh, yes, the idea of the flashback came from reading one of Tin's oneshot fics between Heero and Relena after he started to recover from that blast from the destruction of Wing Zero. I forget what it's called, though....Anyhoo, R&R!