Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth ❯ 'Le Respire' ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: If you can't protect what you own, you don't own anything. Take that Bandai! Bet you won't go mailing your issues to me!!!

AN: Thanks for those who told me I made a mistake on the dates with the last two chapters. I fixed them now. Hint- we're back in the present now.

The Truth
Part V

April 9th 209

The club was at full capacity as it always was this time of the week- Saturday night. 'Le Respire' was located in one of the shadiest place in town; therefore being one of the best places to hide.

It was dimly lit in attempt to give the impression of mystery and sexuality. A 6' 3" oriental man's large frame blocked the doorway completely. His face was perfectly proportioned with the exception of a frown that was now imbedded into his skin as well as character. Scanning the room, his questing eyes at last located his query.

A slumped male figure sat in one of the back booths, eyes closed, nursing a bottle of scotch. The right corner of his lips twitched; he knew all about the stranger whose uniform was identical to his.

With sure-swift steps, he closed the distance between them, seated himself in front of his fellow officer without any exchange of words. The intruder was served and several minutes passed before he spoke. "Is it true?"

The other man took another swing of his bottle before answering; "yes she's here."

His Asian friend hummed and nodded to himself- it was a habit. "Are you going to speak to her?"

"I already have," was his reply.

"Oh... well, does she understand?"


"You did explain things to her, right?"


"Damn it, Yuy! Don't tell me you just stood there like an idiot!"

"You don't understand," Heero mumbled, peering into the bottle of liquor.

"Then enlighten me."

He groaned, and in an idiosyncratic action he covered his face with both hands. "She's changed."

"Of course she changed," he stated, a little too arrogantly for Heero's likeness. "After what she went through, what were you expecting?"

"I don't know..." Heero drained what was left of his drink and threw it against the far end of the room. THe fragments of the bottle flew in multiply directions and went ignored.

"If I had this chance with Sal-"

"I'm sorry about that Wufei, but thinking about the past is not going to help us now is it," Yuy said looking into his comrade's eyes with determination.

"Spoken like a true hypocrite."


He folded his arms over his chest and gave Heero the look of superiority, which he usually did when he believed he was at an advantage. Not a very subtle man. "You came here to drown those old ghosts. Ghosts cannot die because they are not alive to begin with; you cannot forget the past. If you don't know where you came from you certainly won't know where you are going."

"Did you come down here to give me a lecture?" he scowled.

"No," Wufei replied, frown firmly in place. "I'm here to escort you to our leader."

Heero looked thoughtful, "yes at 0100 hours."

"That's in 3 hours." Wufei supplied. "Do you have any idea why he called you?"

He shook his head, "negative". They stood simultaneously and headed for the exit. "How is Chhoi," he asked on impulse.

"Excellent," Wufei said, and something akin to a smile came to his face. "She said her first word: dada."