Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Wills of the Gundam Pilots ❯ The Will of Heero Yuy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Will of Heero Yuy

This is considering that EW never occurred… Only the custom models are used cause they're so cool… Especially Zero Custom and DSH Custom! Please remember that this was spur of the moment and may be very crude and pointless. I got the idea from LMN. Arigatou!!!!

The Will of Heero Yuy
By Kaen-chan ^-^v

If anybody is reading this, no, I am not dead. It is merely saying that my immortality has expired and needs recharging… Most likely the reason is a mission failure or Relena finally caught up. In of any case my personal belongings are to be distributed as written in the paragraphs below.

To Duo, my 'best friend', not including the memories of you shoving pictures of Relena in my face when I wake up, I leave with you my self detonation device. Maybe it will work this time. Unlike al those other times it failed. You cannot imagine how hard I laughe- *sympathized* for you when I found out. I'm also leaving you with my emergency cache of food that I've hid in my room in fear that you'd eat everything in Quatre's house. It seems that now you will be devouring everything. I've encoded everything so the codes are listed below according to the basic food groups. The supply, after you disengage the locks and explosives protecting them shall nourish you for twenty minutes and no longer.

As of Trowa I leave you with my spandex since you are the only one who will be able to fit into them. {::Kaen's eyes widen and chokes on her Doritos…:: Must repel evil thoughts. Must repel evil thoughts. Must repel evil thoughts…} I'm sure that you'll find an useful way of putting the Hammer Space AC 200 to good use… Just DO NOT stuff them with Slim Fast drinks and bottles of hair gel. People think My hair is strange, what about yours? Have you yet to poke out somebody's eye? I also leave with you a piece of advice: Dying hurts like hell… so try it. You'll find it quite pleasant and refreshing.

And you Quatre Raberba Winner. D*mn you and your long name. {::Laughs sheepishly:: A little OOCness I know, but this is spur of the moment. I don't have anything against Quatre. Honto!… That means 'really.'} Anyway, I'll be leaving you Wing Zero Custom. Kami-sama knows how many times you'll have to use it when you're living with Duo… That baka. I suggest that you lay of the tea and start taking depressants. They've helped me improve my homicidal character. Tell Lady Une that she has done a superb job reforming you.

Now Wufei… I leave you with my arsenal. It's in the secret compartment in each of our closets. Get rid of that sword of yours! Do you know how old fashioned you are? Oh, and keep up retaliating against Duo. You'll find a list of ways to harm Duo in the lower drawer of my desk.

Now Relena… Do NOT take my pictures… Do NOT attend the funeral ceremony… Do NOT haunt my 'grave'. I won't be dead and I won't tolerate you contaminating anything I own. Go stalk somebody from the dubbed SM. I'm sure that the florist boku (wuss) from that sucker show will be glad to have a stalker like you. Now SHUT YOUR BLUBBERING MOUTH AND GET AWAY FROM MY STUFF!!!! And a side note: Omae o korosu… That's the only thing of mine you may have. *Insert my maniacal laughter*…. Most likely you won't even need it when I do carry out that mission.

As of my laptop… BURN IT!!! IF I CAN'T TAKE IT WITH ME, NO BODY CAN HAVE IT!!! MWAUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! With that out of the way, I'd like to also have favorite gun also burn where I may play with it in h*l- I mean heaven. I'd like to wish all of you, whether you're still alive or not a slow and painful death. Sayonara.

~ Owari ~

Kaen: <Sweatdrop> Boy do I suck.
Random Person: You got that right!
Kaen: <glare> Urusai! <decapitates the offender> Now, PLEASE do not give me flames regarding to the many character bashing… This is a humor fic… so bashing is expected right? <crickets chirping> Fine, be that way. -_-;;