Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Titles of War, Death and Peace ❯ Unknown Silencer ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As I have said, I do not own Gundam Wing. I hope you are enjoying these by the way.

Unknown Silencer

He has no name.

He has no past.

He has no memory.

But knows one thing:

Fighting will keep him alive.

He hardly smiles

For he never had a reason to.

But always fights

Because he always had to.

Silence is the one thing he craves.

He always had to put an end to something.

You can't stop him even if you tried.

He will get it any way he can.

War will not end.

But he will still try to silence it somehow.

A soldier never gives up.

In war comes silence.

His emerald eyes shine

Like the glimmer on a window.

But to him, everything is dull.

He has no name

But you will know him when you see him.

And once you have.

You can bet you won't see him again.