Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Titles of War, Death and Peace ❯ Desert Prince ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I love Gundam Wing but I don't own it.

Desert Prince

Across the desert

You will find him.

The scratching sand is lifted up

By the blowing wind.

He will cover your eyes for you.

His royal talent of kindness will

Surprise you.

And make you smile.

He is a pacifist.

He is a fighter.

He is a friend.

He is an enemy.

Take him however you want him to be.

But I'd recommend you be on his good side.

Kindness is not found easily in this world of war.

So treasure it wherever you find it.

He can be kind and happy.

But even kindness can be turned

Into vengeance.

And happiness can be turned

into anger.

His aqua eyes could be cold

They could be warm.

Either way, they tell a story.

One that could make you cries.

And another one that could make you laugh.

But in the desert you will find him.

It is his home.

His sanctuary.

He is either your friend.

The Prince of the Desert.

Or your enemy.

The Rebel of the Desert.

Take your pick.