Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Unusual Assassins ❯ A wake up call ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kaelah was tired, dead tired in fact. She had been on the verge of passing out onto her bed clothes and all when the phone rang.


"Kaelah? God girl you sound dead! How late were you up last night?"

"Last night?" Shit! It was already 8:00 am and she was late. "Um…pretty late I guess." Truth was she hadn't even made it to bed yet.

"Well you'd better hurry your ass up and get here before Lynn notices you're not here yet. You know hard ass she can be."

"God yes. I'll be there soon Natalie, stall her." with that Kaelah hung up with a click and stumbled in the direction of her kitchen. "Thank God for instant coffee!" she mumbled as she set water to boil. Twenty minutes later she was on her way out the door.