Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Chronicles – The Interview ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Vampire Chronicles - The Interview
One year later.
Deputy Otto froze. The moment he got out of his patrol car he could feel the present of anther being; not human, somewhere nearby. He reached beneath the driver seat and in the blink of an eye he had loaded his crossbow with a small, silver-tipped arrow. He could never be too careful, especially not tonight.
“Easy, it's just me.” A dark figure, with long flowing hair separated itself from the shadows and stepped out onto the road in front of the deputy's house.
“Milliardo?!” Otto's eyes went wide in shock as realization hit. Although they had stayed in contact, he had not seen his friend in nearly a year. And the reporter had never mentioned…“You have…?”
“Changed?” Milliardo completed the sentenced with a little smirk. “By the way, would you mind pointing that thing somewhere else?” he gestured at the weapon in the deputy's hand. Even at this distance the silver tip of the arrow seemed to emit a hot glow.
Otto hesitated, but finally lowered the bow, still staring at his friend in utter disbelief. “Why...?” he asked.
“It's a long story. But…” The blond smiled softly. “Do you believe in fate?”
“Yes.” Milliardo nodded. “I realize it might be hard to understand for you. But, after being with Treize for a few months I realized that my place is his side, not for a few years or even a lifetime, but for eternity.”
“Eternity is a very long time Milliardo.” the deputy pointed out somberly. “I really hope you made the right decision.
“I'm positive.” Milliardo's a smile grew into a smirk.
Otto turned to put his weapon back into his car and settled down on the ledge of a flowerbed where his friend joined him moments later. “When did you get back?”
“Late last night; we will probably stay for a few months. What's new with you?”
“Not much really. Things don't change much around here.”
They talked until the moon was hanging over the old church building. Otto took a deep breath. “I hate to do this, Milliardo, but I need you to leave now. I can't allow you stay in town tonight.”
The vampire nodded as he rose to his feet. “I know. I just came by to say hallo anyway.” This was only his first All Soul Night, but he was already beginning to feel it deep inside, the fire that seemed to be burning in his veins. He started to walk away but turned once more to face his friend. “I haven't really changed that much, you know.”
I'd love to believe that. And I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Otto managed to smirk. “Then I guess I'll see you again soon.
“Most definitely,” Milliardo assured him. “I have a lot to talk to you about.” With that the vampire walked off and finally disappeared into the dark.
“Where have you been?” Treize was waiting for him when Milliardo returned to the manor. The vampire turned up his nose in disgust; he knew the answer even before the blond said anything. The human smell still lingered on his clothes.
“It's All Souls Night and the first thing you do when you wake up is to meet him?” He snarled in bad temper. He approached the younger vampire with a few large strides, grabbed his chin and lifted it. “Have you forgotten that you are my mate? This is our night. You are mine and mine only!”
Treize dipped his head and pressed his mouth forcefully against his mate's, while one of his hands cupped the back of his head. Sharp claws buried themselves in long, silky hair. The younger vampire didn't fight the display of dominance. He closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly.
“I have not forgotten,” he whispered once Treize broke the kiss. “And I would not want it any other way.” He let his head fall back to expose his throat to the tawny-haired vampire.
Treize gave a deep, satisfied growl at this gesture of complete submission, and his expression softened. He kissed Milliardo again, gentler and more tender this time, driven not by domination but by passion alone.
“Besides, it's dangerous. I told you not to leave the estate without Quake or Trowa at your side, didn't I?”
“Don't worry,” Milliardo told his mate. “I still know how to blend in amongst humans.”
The master vampire gave him a disapproving look. “It's not humans I'm worried about. You are still just a fledgling. The fact alone that I have chosen you to be my mate makes you an easy target for those who want to harm me. And you have neither the power nor the status yet to defend yourself.”
“I'm sorry.” Milliardo lowered his gaze. “I did not think of it that way.”
Treize raised his hand to push a few strand of silky, silvery hair from his mates face. He dipped his head and placed a gentle kiss onto his forehead. “No harm done. But be more careful next time.”
“I will. “Milliardo promised. “Should we go and grab a bite to eat?”
“I already fed,” the older vampire replied “Enough for both of us. Let's go upstairs instead. The night is young and I have been waiting for this for a long time. Tonight I'll teach you everything you need to know about love, my dear.”
A sound somewhere between a growl and a purr escaped Milliardo's throat. A pleasant shiver ran down his and he could feel his blood beginning to boil. “I'm ready and willing to learn, Sire.” he purred.
The two vampires barely made it upstairs into the bedroom before Milliardo started to rip the clothes off his mate. He pulled Treize close and pressed their lips together in a drawn out and passionate kiss, while his fingers unbuttoned the master vampire's coat. The garment fell to the floor, followed by his own jacket and then Treize's vest.
A deep, bubbling chuckle escaped his mate's throat. He had never seen Milliardo this impatient. “My, my you really are eager, aren't you?” he laughed
“I'm starving!” then the blond replied as he kicked off his shoes.
The master vampire nodded knowingly. He was well aware what his young mate was feeling and he also knew that that hunger and the fire burning within him could not be quenched with blood alone. It was the power of All Souls Night that had woken the beast inside him that was making him restless.
He allowed himself to be pulled down onto the wide bed and returned Milliardo's kisses passionately.
The young vampire nuzzled his mate's throat. His hands found their way beneath the pristine, white shirt, his claws left deep, bloody scratches as they started to roam over the muscular back.
Treize hissed as a pair of sharp fangs broke the soft skin on the nape of his neck. Ignoring his own urges and the fire that was making his blood boil, he closed his eyes and waited patiently for his mate to quench his thirst.
Finally Milliardo pulled back. He raised his hand to wipe his mouth, but Treize was faster. The tawny-haired vampire seized his mate's wrists, rolled over and pinned him down on the bed. The claw marks on his back were already fading and so was the bite wound on his neck. He leaned in and licked away a small trickle of blood from the corner of Milliardo's mouth. The younger vampire struggled. A low growl formed in his throat as he tried to free himself.
Kneeling over his mate, Treize raised one eyebrow in amusement. “You are still so impatient. Have you forgotten you are a vampire now, you have all the time in the world?”
Milliardo shivered, as the older vampire released his wrists, raised one hand and ran his fingertips along the sensitive flesh at the nape of his neck. Sharp nails scraped over his skin, but not hard enough to be painful. The touch seemed to ignite something deep inside him, sending waves of liquid fire through his veins. He closed his eyes against the onslaught of sensations that washed over him.
Treize unbuttoned his mate's shirt and peeled it away to expose pale skin. His hands moved teasingly over a well-muscled chest, muscular abdomen, down to slim hips. He placed a trail of wet kisses along the younger vampire's jaw and nuzzled the firm column of the blonde's neck as he slipped off Milliardo's shirt and discarded it somewhere beside the bed.
While Treize kissed and licked his way down his mate's body Milliardo reached up to embrace him, slender finger roamed over the broad back before slipping beneath the waistband of the other's pants.
The master vampire growled as he raised his head. “Let me do this at my pace,” he demanded.
“Your pace is too slow. Perhaps you are getting old.” Milliardo teased. He raised his hips, grinding them seductively against the older vampire's body. “Should I show you how it's done?”
“Enough!” Treize finally snarled. His jaws clamped down on Milliardo's throat without breaking the skin. Any other night he would have reacted differently; but tonight the alpha-male in him demanded to be in control.
Milliardo stilled and looked up at his mate; his eyes clouded with passion and desire. He had long accepted the older vampire's dominance, but he still loved to test the boundaries.
Treize pulled back, satisfied. He nuzzled and licked the marks left by his fangs while taking in his mate's distinctive sense. Still straddling the younger vampire's body he moved backward. He unbuttoned Milliardo's pants and pulled them down just far enough to release the straining erecting from its confinement. His mate took a sharp breath as cold air brushed against his manhood. The tawny haired vampire dipped his head and placed a kiss onto the patch of silvery curls just above the throbbing shaft, before completely removing the pants and underwear. He could feel his mate shiver in delight as he ran his fingertips teasingly over the sensitive skin at the inside of Milliardo's thighs. Every sound, every move the younger vampire made sent a hot flash straight to his groin and threatened to break his control.
Milliardo moaned as he reached up, slender fingers tangled in tawny hair. “I want you inside me…now,” he pleaded desperately, his voice hoarse and heavy with desire.
“Patience.” Treize reminded him softly. “We have all night, remember.”
“You're not going to make me wait that long, do you?”
“Who knows?” the older vampire replied nonchalantly. He moved to claim Milliardo's lips in another kiss, then places a trail of butterfly kisses along his jaw all the way to his ear. His tongue darted out, tracing its outline, before he gently nipped at the soft earlobe. “You are beautiful like this, my dear,” he whispered, “Aroused and desperate. Beg a little more and I might heed you.”
Milliardo laughed. “Are you trying to drive me insane? You are truly evil.”
“I said beg, not insult me.” Treize gave his mate's ear another teasing nip. Then with a final affectionate nuzzle he pulled away. A low, frustrated growl rumpled in the younger vampire's chest.
Chuckling softly Treize rose to his feet to discard his own clothes. He slipped off his shirt and dropped his pants, carelessly leaving them where they had dropped on the floor. As Milliardo let his eyes roam over his mate's perfectly built body he noticed that the older vampire was just as aroused as he was.
“Are you ready?” Treize cooed as he climbed back onto the bed and settled between his mate's strong thighs.
Milliardo's growl turned into a purr as he grabbed the master vampire and pulled him down on top of him. “I'll show you how ready I am.”
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Author's Note: This concludes the first part of the `Vampire Chronicles' arc. The next story, `The Fledgling' will focus on the year that he spent with Treize away from Deerwood, and how and why he became a vampire.