Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires call ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own the guys.
Chapter 13
Heero looked up as Treize was admitted into his study. He sat quietly as the older vampire stared at him. He could feel that he was angry but couldn't think of what he had done to anger his old friend and frankly he wasn't in the mood to deal with him.
“What do you want Treize?”
“How could you?” Heero blinked, huh?
“How could I what?”
“I currently have a houseguest. A depressed and understandably angry mortal by the name of Duo Maxwell. How could you do that to him?”
“How could I? He lied to me!”
“You kidnapped him! You claimed him as your mate and then threw him out the first time something didn't go your way! Do you have any idea what would have happened if he had not come to me? Any other would have killed him!”
“Not that that works, I shoved a sword through its heart. Didn't keep it down for long.” Heero shrugged and went back to his book. He hissed, fangs bared as his desk was flung aside by an incredibly mad Treize. The older vampire grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall.
“It? IT! Duo is a he, a very hurt human teenager! Not an IT! He may be Shingami's vessel but that does not change who he is.” Treize snarled. They both ignored the sound of the door slamming open as Wufei and Trowa ran in only to freeze in uncertainty, both knowing that even together they were no match for the oldest of their kind. Treize suddenly sensed them and turned his head, the look in his eyes telling them clearly to leave and they did so, not willing to challenge him although Wufei kept a firm grip on the younger vampire so that he would not try to rush to his Sire's aid.
“Consider yourself lucky Shingami seems to like you despite what you've done or he would have killed you for harming his vessel!” Treize took a deep breath.
“Do you realise the great gift you have been given? No vessel has ever been claimed before, Shingami has never allowed it. And yet you have claimed Duo with absolutely no protest from him, in fact according to Duo he was pleased with it. Do you have any idea what will happen when you turn Duo? Shingami will be tied to him for as long as he lives, perhaps beyond that. The longer Shingami resides in a vessel the more his powers merge with that person. By allowing you to turn Duo Shingami may be consigning himself to eventual death through being totally absorbed into Duo. Duo loves you Heero, though at the moment I have no idea why. You are a cold-hearted bastard Yuy, I had thought you had changed over the last century but I seem to have been mistaken. When you come to your senses the boy will be living with me. Good bye!” With that Treize was gone leaving Heero to slump to the floor.
“Would you like to play a game of chess?” Duo shook his head, not taking his eyes from the window. Zechs sighed, the other mortal had been like this ever since he had arrived two week ago. Nothing he or Treize tried could get him out of his brooding silence and they had tried everything they could think of. Zechs wanted to go and teach Heero a lesson for hurting the teen but Treize had already `talked' to him and it had seemingly done nothing. Relena would be arriving the next night and neither of them was sure about how Duo would react to seeing her.
“She's your sister again Zechs, if you ignore the blood sucking part.” Duo commented. Zechs gaped slightly in surprise even as Duo turned to him and then he understood as he saw the others eyes, the amethyst colour had spread slightly but not fully. So Treize had been right about Duo learning to tap Shingami's powers without letting him out.
“What happened wasn't her fault, I don't blame her at all.” Zechs smiled slightly in relief because of that and the fact that Duo had finally spoken at all. Zechs lay his hand on Duo's shoulder and squeezed gently.
“Yuy is an idiot.” Zechs said softly, ignoring the way Duo stiffened. He gave another gentle squeeze and then left the room.
Heero sat, staring at the bed he had shared with Duo. He hadn't needed Treize to tell him how Duo was feeling, he could feel it all himself through their bond, a bond he'd been doing his best to ignore for the last three weeks. He hated admitting it, even if it was just to himself, but he missed the teen. Missed his smiles, his humour, even the way he hogged the covers. But did he really know Duo? Did Duo even exist? Heero shook his head, trying to clear it. He looked up, startled as Quatre stormed in.
“Bring him back Papa!” the small blond demanded to his father's surprise.
“Bring Duo back!”
“I can't…He's not who you think little one. I won't put you in danger.” Quatre stared at him in shock before laughing.
“Papa, I've always known. Couldn't you feel him?” Heero's jaw dropped slightly as he stared at Quatre.
“You…you knew?” The younger vampire nodded.
“He's Duo but the other is always there, trying to protect him and us. Is that why you made him leave? You have to go after him Papa. You need him and he needs you.” Heero looked away.
“I can't.” Heero suddenly found himself on his back staring at the ceiling with a throbbing jaw. He blinked and then looked at his son who was glaring at him, fists clenched.
“You are going after him Papa and you will apologise on your knees if you have to.” Quatre bit out angrily before turning and slamming the door behind him. Heero just lay where he'd fallen for a while, too shocked to do anything else. A low chuckle finally snapped him back to reality and he glared up at Wufei before rolling to his feet.
“It appears Quatre had developed quite the left hook.” The Chinese vampire commented as he walked further into the room.
“I'll look after the kids, you go and bring your mate home.” Heero looked at him for a while before slowly nodding and turning to his wardrobe.
Heero followed the mortal through the halls of Treize's home but stoped as he saw a figure leaving a room up ahead. He watched as the figure turned and started walking towards them, head buried in a book, a familiar braid swinging behind him. He must have made a sound because shocked violet eyes suddenly snapped up to meet his.
“Duo.” He breathed, drinking in the sight of his mate. The mortal broke from his shock and began backing away before breaking into a run.
“Duo! Wait!” He yelled before taking off after him. He nearly ran into him as Duo suddenly stopped. He waited as Duo remained still and then turned to him, eyes pure amethyst.
“If you ever hurt him again.” Shingami didn't need to finish his threat and Heero nodded in understanding. He grasped Duo's wrist gently as Shingami retreated, leaving Duo blinking in confusion until he spotted Heero and tried to pull away. Thinking quickly he brought all his powers to bear as their eyes met. He relaxed slightly as Duo's eyelids dropped and his eyes took on a slightly glazed look. He gently pulled him into a nearby room and sat him on the couch before sitting himself and pulling him to rest against his chest.
“It's okay Duo. You're going to stay completely relaxed and calm and you will listen to me. Understand?” He whispered in his mortal's ear. He smiled at Duo's sleepy murmur of assent and removed his influence. He felt Duo begin to tense before his body obeyed the order he'd given and relaxed against him bonelessly.
“What?” Duo asked dazedly.
“I'm sorry Duo.” Heero said quietly.
“I hurt you and I know you have no reason to forgive me but I am sorry. I…I was scared.”
“Of losing you.” Heero hugged Duo to him tightly.
“Please come home with me. I…I love you Duo. I am so sorry.” Heero waited but Duo lay limply in his arms, silent. He was shocked when Duo suddenly pushed out of his arms and stood, looking down at him.
Duo stared down at Heero. He could feel Heero's shock that he'd managed to break free. He was slowly but surely learning to use some of Shingami's powers for himself and no vampire was a match for the god of death. He refused to break eye contact, staring at Heero until he looked down in shame. He had to know if Heero was serious or not, if he meant what he'd said, it was his heart on the line. He knelt in front of the vampire and reached out to grasp his chin, pushing his head up to regain eye contact. He searched the blue eyes and then a slow smile began to spread across his face.
“I love you too Heero. Ever do something like that again though and I let Shingami deal with you, got it?” Heero nodded.
“Then lets go home.” Duo stood and extended his hand to his mate who took it and stood.
“Don't think this means you're totally forgiven yet. You're sleeping on the couch for at least a month.