Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Vignettes ❯ Author's Notes ( EndNotes )

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Author's Notes: You're probably wondering why I'm posting these first. The reason is that I want to let you all know what I'm up to and, hopefully, not get too upset over it.

I hope no one minds that I've made Trowa Barton (whom I'll refer to as Triton Bloom after the first part of Family Reunion) and and his awesome, kick-ass big sis Cathy as being half English/half Irish, or that they often speak Irish Gaelic to each other, and that Tri uses it while cussing. I felt that "European" was far too general of a description, but England and Ireland are a part of Europe, and thanks to James Joyce's Ulysses, Bloom is considered an Irish surname as well as British. I've listed the Irish Gaelic used in this story below (see Languages).

Besides, my theory of where most of the boys landed (or, in Hiiro's case, nearly landed) is that they were sent to where their ancestors came from, and since Trowa landed in Dover bloody England, well ...

And speaking of Trowa/Triton, you're gonna notice that his relationship with Quatre in my stories is a little ... murky, for the lack of a better term.  Like the other pilots, he sees Quatre like a little brother, but there are/will be some more complex things going on, too.

I figured Wu Fei would speak in Mandarin dialect Chinese, so I had him using the Mandarin equivalents to several Japanese terms. I also use the Mandarin version of Wu Fei's family name, Zhang, and the Japanese version of our main protagonist's name, Hiiro Yui, rather than the English versions. If there are any objections, I apologize profusely, but I'm not changing them.


Irish translations

bastaird - this one should be obvious, just remove the "i".

cac - crap

deirfiúr - sister

deir - sis

damnaigh sé - damn it

dheartháir beag (pronounced VEER cheer beeg) - little brother

pog má thóin (pronounced pock mah HOYN) - kiss my arse

Íosa (EE-sah) - Jesus

ceann beag (KEEN beeg) - little one

Sláinte mhaith (Slahn-cha vay-EETH)- to your good health (Classic Irish toast). Having watched the Two Fat Ladies, I know the first part is correct. I'm just guessing on the other part, though.

Chinese/Japanese translations: These are shown as Chinese (some with literal translation) - Japanese version - English

Shàng dì (literally "Above the Emperor") - Kami - God/Gods

cáo - fakku - the "f" word

nu - onna - woman

hùnzhàng - gyuufun - bullshit

wángbâdàn - yaro/teme - bastard

nán rén pó - otenbasan - tomboy

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