Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will We Be Together? ❯ Chapter 11

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Will We Be Together? (11/?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1x2/2x1, 3x4 mentioned
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13 Sorry, not brave enough to get into a lemon, yet. ^_^ Oh
the possibilities. I'll try to finish this baby asap. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters...though, if they'd let me,
I want to keep Duo and Heero...

[2 and a half days left]

"Duo please, stop pretending. Onegai?" Heero pleads.

'Heero, the Perfect Soldier, is pleading?' Duo thinks to himself.

"I will beg if I must to have you by my side. I want you to go to the celebration." Heero begs.

'Heero's definitely begging at this point.' Duo notes.

"Duo?" Heero asks, getting up to stand in front of Duo.

Heero takes a deep breath and cups Duo's face gently to lay a chaste kiss
on his lips.

"Does that mean that you want to be my date there?" Duo asks, uncertain.

"Hai, aishiteru Duo, zutto." Heero states.

Duo smiles. "Honto?"

Heero nodds.

Duo grins happily. "I would love to go Hee-chan. Aishiteru koibito."

"Now go wash that gunk out of your hair and rebraid it." Heero orders,
happy to have Duo.

"Yes sir, Mr. Heero, sir!" Duo says, saluting.

Duo runs off to wash the dye out. He comes back out in a few minutes
with a brush in hand.

"Would you like to?" Duo asks, presenting Heero with the brush.

"You don't know how long I've dreamt of doing this." Heero says, taking
the brush.

"Now you can have all the chances you can get Hee-chan!" Duo announces.

Heero carefully brush Duo's hair and braid it. Wrapping his arms around
Duo, Heero kisses Duo's cheek when he's done.

"Hee-chan ne? I'll have to think up a nickname for you." Heero whispers.

" about Duo-chan, or Shinigami-chan, or Shi-chan!" Duo suggests.

"Hn. Baka." Heero says.

"Come on! Tell me!" Duo whines.

"Baka." Heero retorts.

"Stop teasing!" Duo says, pouting cutely.

"That's your nickname. 'Baka'." Heero says, kissing those irresistible

"Mmmm...sounds good to me..." Duo says, kissing back.

[Several hours of snuggling and cuddling and kissing]

"You should go inform the others." Heero says from his position on the
couch, holding Duo to his chest.

"Don't wanna. Too comfortable to move." Duo states.

"Well, think of it this way, the sooner we get to Earth, the sooner fun
things can happen." Heero leers.

"Fun things? Why not here?" Duo asks, eyes glittering in mischief.

"There are a few things available on Earth that I'd rather show you
myself." Heero announces.

Duo rushes to the next room onto the computer to type up an e-mail to
Quatre. Heero follows him at his own pace.


This is a little different than the first time round. Stupid yahoo
failed to send the fic through! ARGH!!! And I didn't save my fic too.
I kinda liked it the first time round. Oh well.